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German names from Wolf's book


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Zrizen, not quite. Try instead:

Otto Zirzow, born September 18, 1878, Crew 1896, Korvettenkapitän April 12, 1913. Goeben’s navigation officer August 1917, when he returns to Germany to become Posen’s executive officer (to the end of the war. He takes SMS Baden into internment and was still her commanding officer during her attempted scuttle at Scapa Flow in 1919.

Promoted to Fregattenkapitän on January 21, 1920. Out of service on September 10, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK1.

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Richard Zillmann, born August 31, 1894, entered service October 1914, was another case of someone that wasn’t yet a commissioned or even a warrant officer while in theater. Zillman was on Goeben from March or April 1916 to September 1917. He then goes to the Engineering and Warrant Officers School, emerging as a Marine-Ingenieurasprant on August 1, 1918.

Out of service June 27, 1919. Charakter as Leutnant (I) February 2, 1920.

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Heinrich Zimmermann was another of those out of service officers that returned to service without being reinstated into the active-duty (or reserve etc.) officer list. Born March 5, 1852 and entered service in February 1873. He leaves service at some point along the way as a Marine-Oberingenieur. He’s promoted to Marine-Stabsingenieur on April 16, 1915 and services as Torgut Reis’ chief engineer from August 1914 to May 1916.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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8 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Zrizen    Kor-Kapt Marine 

As we draw near to the end, it does not get any better!

Korvettenkapitän (12.4.13) Otto Zirzow, born 18 September 1878. Crew of 1896. Navaigating officer on SMS Goeben and in theatre until August 1917. Then 1st officer on SMS Posen until wars end. Promoted to Fregattenkapitän on 21 1.20 and retired on 10 September 1920. Bizarrely the correct entry is just one above in the table!



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8 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Zipper    Capt / Hptm  

I think most likely Hauptmann (1.10.12) Waldemar Zipper, born 10 March 1873 at Friesack of Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 21. Promoted to Major on 20.9.18. Remained in the Reichsheer post war being promoted to Oberstleutnant on 1 May 1925. Retired around 25/26. Confirmed holder of the Ottoman war medal.

I don't think it was Oberleutnant Eugen Zipper of PB 3 who was attached to the General Staff in 1914 and became a General Staff officer. Killed in action on 28 July 1918 as the General Staff Officer of 1. Reserve-Divison.



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Yes Michael and Glenn, Wolf has that man and other details I found;

Zirzow Otto Paul Reinhold    Kor-Kapt (Maj) Marine    Navigation officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) Seyir subayi (Navigator) 1914    1914-16    (born 1878 at Danzig ) Kaiserliche Marine kriegsgefangen England oder feinen kolonien Battleship SMS "Baden" PoW 18-9-18 only capital ship not successfully sunk in the scuttling at Scapa Flow but was later scuttled by the British in 1921 awarded EK I 11-15 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Thanks guys for all your work, its been enlighting to say the most, as we have gone threw these men, dispite the so called Wolfisums

Todays the last man standing

Zschech (Zscech) Bernhard    Stabsarzt (Maj) Dr Marine    Stabsarzt MO SMS Goeben (Yavuz) and Hekim Binbasi or Physician Major  at the Deniz Asker Hastanesinde or 'Sailors Hospital' and the Taskisla hastanesi or 'Hospice' in Constantinople shown ChefArzt Stabsarzt Deutsches Marinelazarett Konstantinopel & zugleich leiter d. poliklinik 1918    1914-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II & EK I and Ottoman Mecidiye or Medjidie Order 3rd Class and Silver Liakat Medal with swords and Silver Imtiyaz Medal with swords and War Medal son Peter KIA 24-10-43 suicide at sea Kapitänleutnant U 505 later captured by USA in WWII shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Dr. Bernhard Zschech, born April 29, 1879, entered service October 1, 1901, Marine-Stabsarzt October 16, 1909, Marine-Oberstabsarzt April 26, 1917. On the auxiliary hospital ship Viola through May 1915, then in theater at the naval hospital in Constantinople but also at times on Goeben.

Out of service November 28, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and the Red Cross Medal 3rd Class.

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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Thanks guys for all your work, its been enlighting to say the most, as we have gone threw these men, dispite the so called Wolfisums

Todays the last man standing


I won‘t know what to do with myself (joking) :D



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you might want to start with those chaps who were not in the Wolf which are problematic, perhaps in a new thread?



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Posted (edited)


Yes I was thinking of that, as things have quieten down, but didn't want to burdon you both, after all that work

I was going through the Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine, but have the problem of old German and understanding the entries, not to mention the order of entries, where they don't follow A to Z for each rank?

Using key words, like "Goeben" and others (Breslau, Gallipoli, Turkei, I found a number of men, some we have gone threw, or I already had, but again I could take few details from the enteries as I didn't understand them?


Schrader Wilhelm    FähnrichzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 5-18    1918-    (born 1898 died ) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1916 from SMS Freya  shown Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine

I have many names from the documents, Wigeon, gave us from US sources, who I have not found else where?

But your right and I will do that soon

Cheers and thank you


I did find an officer that could not be found in there?

found in the Kapt-Lt deR on page 737

Brasch Ernst    ObLtzS to Kapt-Lt deR Marine    (Military Mediterranean Division MMD) - Mine Laying Flotilla laid mines Gulf of Aqaba and Suez 1915 RTG returned Wachoffizier (WO) 4th class SMS Goeben (Yavuz) att Expeditionary Force Sinai 1916 - Üstegmen Brasch Süveys kanalinda kilavuz subayi (Subvector of Süveys channel) shown Navigation officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1914-15 1916    (born 1879 died ) Kaiserliche Marine carried mines on camels to the Gulf of Aqaba and Suez and laid them 1915 awarded EK II 4-15 & EK I 8-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

While I can not read most of what written there, the key words are, which led me there.

Of cause I have been going threw each page, just checking key words, its a long process when you don't know what your doing


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Ernst Brasch, born September 11, 1879, entered service October 1, 1900, Oberleutnant zur See der Reserve December 12, 1908, Kapitänleutnant der Reserve September 18, 1915.

Mittelmeer Division to October 1914, then with the Ottoman VIII Army (as, allegedly, an Ottoman major) to September 1915. Brasch then briefly commands the Turkish torpedo boats before heading to Goeben to January 1916. He’s then part of the expedition against the Suez Canal through September 1916, before serving as Goeben’s navigator for the rest of the war.

Out of service January 5, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1 and Mecklenburg-Schwerin’s Militärverdienstkreuz 2nd Class plus a prewar Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 2nd Class.

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3 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

I was going through the Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine, but have the problem of old German and understanding the entries, not to mention the order of entries, where they don't follow A to Z for each rank?

Using key words, like "Goeben" and others (Breslau, Gallipoli, Turkei, I found a number of men, some we have gone threw, or I already had, but again I could take few details from the enteries as I didn't understand them?


Schrader Wilhelm    FähnrichzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 5-18    1918-    (born 1898 died ) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1916 from SMS Freya  shown Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine

The order of the entries is almost never alphabetical. Instead, it’s by date of rank. If you look at the entry for Ernst Brasch, in the second column you'll see two dates and a letter. The first date of "10.00" is when he entered service, so October 1900. (The yearly Rangliste provides the exact date of October 1, 1900). The next date of "18.9.15" (September 18, 1915) is when he was promoted to his final (highest) rank during the war, in this case Kapitänleutnant der Reserve. The letter "E" indicates he had the sixth highest precedence of the officers promoted to Kapitänleutnant on that date.

There is an index to all the officers listed, so it’s pretty easy to find you’re looking for.

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Thanks mates,

If you like I will open another thread on Naval officers, so we can check to see if they are there, as my poor attempts to check the lists failed to find them

Also after that maybe the Army officers can be checked as they appear the hardest in what ever lists they are in?

Tomorrow I hope you can join to see if these men are there 

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  • 2 months later...


Mate I messaged you as requested but recieved no reply?

I know I never messaged before, only replied to others, so I am unsure if I did it right, or you recived it?

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hallo , ich habe keine Nachricht erhalten. Wann sollte es gewesen sein? Zu welchem Thema?


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Its to do with German Medical personal in Ottoman Service or served in the Empire


Sorry I've never used this before.

But could you help me with any details on the medical personal that service with German or Ottoman units during the war?

I have the names of around 180 men and women who served in the Empire, but I need to confirm and group them

Do you have any lists of any names of Arzt (doctors) who served there at present I am looking at who commanded these units

Unknown    arzt Dr    OC Feldlazarett 220 - (220th Field Hosp) see Orbat 1918
Unknown    arzt Dr    OC Feldlazarett 221 - (221th Field Hosp) see Orbat 1918
Unknown    arzt Dr    Kriegslazarettdirektor - Kriegslazarettabteilung Nr 300 to Deutsche Etappen-Inspektion Syrien

As example;

as I said I have at lest three Arzt for the Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300

Stein     Stabsarzt Dr    Stabsarzt (Staff Surgeon) Feldslazarett-Abteilung 300 shown orbat 1917 - 300th Med Co 
Stöwe Friedrich    Assistenzarzt     UnteroffizierArzt Deutsche Etappen-Inspektion der Heeresgruppe F - Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300    1917-18     (1889 at Husen Dortmund ) vermißt MIA possibly PoW 30-9-18 at Damaskus
Zuschneid Walter    Assistenzarzt     UnteroffizierArzt Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300 and Deutsche Etappen-Inspektion der Heeresgruppe F    1917-18     (1890 at Göttingen Hildesheim ) in Gefschaft (in prison) possibly PoW 30-9-18



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1 hour ago, stevenbecker said:

Zuschneid Walter    Assistenzarzt     UnteroffizierArzt Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300 and Deutsche Etappen-Inspektion der Heeresgruppe F    1917-18     (1890 at Göttingen Hildesheim ) in Gefschaft (in prison) possibly PoW 30-9-18

The Red Cross records state that he was serving with Kriegslazarett 4 when he was taken prisoner at Damaskus. https://grandeguerre.icrc.org/en/File/Details/2344634/1/2/
There are multiple index cards for him but the attached documents no longer exist.



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Thanks always interesting when confirmation.

I've not heard of the Kriegslazarett 4  in Damascus, or else where in Turkey, one to check  up on

I do have other medical staff there, but shown as

Fiedler Bruno    Soldat    Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300 - Sanitäts-Zweig-Depot Damaskus    1917-18    (1881 at Ober Stradam Groß Wartenberg ) vermißt MIA possibly PoW 30-9-18 at Damaskus
Knollmeyer Max     Soldat    Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300 - Sanitäts-Zweig-Depot Damaskus    1917-18    (1898 at Berlin ) vermißt MIA possibly PoW 30-9-18 at Damaskus
Lönnecker Friedrich    Soldat    Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300 - Sanitäts-Zweig-Depot Damaskus    1917-18    (1894 at Ottenstein Holzminden ) vermißt MIA possibly PoW 30-9-18 at Damaskus
Verheyen Wilhelm    Militärkrankenwärter    Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300 and Kriegslazarett IV Damaskus    1917-18    (1891 at Kempen DoD 2-6-19) in Gefschaft (in prison) possibly PoW 30-9-18 at Damaskus reported died Krankheit (illness) buried El Alamein Cemetery Egypt

And this man we discussed earlier

Keller     Stabsarzt Dr    Stabsarzt Medical (Surgeon) chief surgeon of the Etappenlazarett (Lines of communication) hospital in Damascus     1915-17    (to many to be sure by that name) possibly Stabsarzt Paul Keller but unconfirmed? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

I do show this man but not much on him

Eckert-Möbius Adolf    Arzt Dr    Kriegslazarett Damaskus  als Oberarzt fungierte  1917-18    (born 1889 at Breslau died 1976) awarded EK II &EK I and  Hanseatic Cross and Ottoman War medal


Buggar, I should have check more closely

Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300 and Kriegslazarett IV Damaskus 

Just a differant way of showing it 

And this is the only mention I can find of this unit, other then what you gave me

Then again a number of soldiers are shown who deid in that hosp

Kriegslazarett IV (bzw. Kriegsgefangenen-Lazarett, resp. Clearing Hospital Beirut) Damaskus

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Vor 5 Stunden sagte Stevenbecker:


Es handelt sich um deutsches medizinisches Personal im osmanischen Dienst oder im Kaiserreich.


Es tut mir leid, ich habe das noch nie zuvor verwendet.

Können Sie mir aber Einzelheiten zu dem medizinischen Personal geben, das während des Krieges in deutschen oder osmanischen Einheiten diente?

Ich habe die Namen von etwa 180 Männern und Frauen, die im Imperium geführt haben, aber ich muss sie bestätigen und gruppieren

Haben Sie irgendwelche Listen mit Namen von Ärzten, die dort im Einsatz waren? Ich suche gerade nach den Kommandeuren dieser Einheiten.

Unbekannter Arzt Dr OC Feldlazarett 220 - (220th Field Hosp) siehe Orbat 1918
Unbekannter Arzt Dr OC Feldlazarett 221 - (221th Field Hosp) siehe Orbat 1918
Unbekannter Arzt Dr Kriegslazarettdirektor - Kriegslazarettabteilung Nr 300 an die Deutsche Etappen-Inspektion Syrien

Als Beispiel;

Wie gesagt, ich habe mindestens drei Ärzte für die Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300

Stein Stabsarzt 
Dr - 18.9. in Damaskus
Zuschneid Walter Assistenzarzt UnteroffizierArzt Kriegslazarett-Abteilung 300 und Deutsche Etappen-Inspektion der Heeresgruppe F 1917-18 (1890 in Göttingen Hildesheim) in Gefschaft (im Gefängnis), möglicherweise Kriegsgefangener 30.9.18



Hallo, ich habe mich lange Zeit nicht mehr direkt mit dem Thema Türkei und Militärmission bzw. Pascha I und II beschäftigt! Ich habe schon alles archiviert! Befasse mich hauptsächlich mit den Sächsischen Sanitätsformationen des I. WK. 

Bei Bundesarchiv / Militärarchiv Freiburg unter MSG 2/6638 ist Dr. Bruno Klein, Marinearzt zu finden. image.png.336e8cfe07ab8cdc80291fa9513b6e9c.png

Gruß Stabsarzt

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Interesting documents, I am going threw them now to see who I have, this first name in the Dokumentierte Ärzte im Asienkorps had me, but 

Bader    Stabsarzt Dr    zeitweise Chefarzt in Gaza und Beit Hanun. (temporary chief physician in Gaza and Beit Hanun) Erscheint auch in 212 Anepta (Feldlazarett 212)    1917-18    (not identified) shown in Dokumentierte Ärzte im Asienkorps

* I did have this man, but unsure if the same man?

Bader Ludwig     Einjährig-Freiwilliger (Lt) Dr    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - (Apotheker) pharmaceutical factory of the Gulhane Military Academy Istanbul - Gülhane Harp okulu ilaç fabrikasinda Binbasi. Dr.Huttner'in yaninda (Gülhane Harp school drug factory Binbasi. By Dr. Huttner)    1914-15    (not identified)? another who could not be found in the records under that name and details? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Still going throw your very interest details.

I did wonder what unit this is

Meyer    Oberarzt Dr    unknown unit (possibly Feldlazarett 219)    1917-18    (no details found) (not identified) shown to hosp (KB of Sidi Bishr) malaria no other details? shown in Dokumentierte Ärzte im Asienkorps

Do you know what KB is?

I have thought maybe its either

Kriegslazarett Broumana, but that unit is not shown at Sidi Bishr

I show at lest three men recorded at a Lazarett at Sidi Bishr

Patient im Kriegsgefangenenlazarett in Damaskus. Von dort am 17.1.1919 nach Sidi Bishr. buried El Alamein Cemetery Egypt, and

DoD 27-4-18) at Sidi Bishr Krankheit (illness)

Then I saw 

Neubert Richard    Assistenzarzt deR Dr   vermißt MIA 20-9-18 reported PoW 20-9-18 Gefangenschaft (wohl Sidi Bishr

He was serving with Feldlazarett 219 

So is KB, likely FL 219?

But then again FL 219 was at Djenin

So I am stuck who and what KB is?

Any ideas?


So far I now know that Sidi Bishr in a Camp in Egypt, the death of burial, there makes more sence, now only what is KB in the camp there?

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Feldlazarett 219 in JENIN vom 10.3.18 bis 11.9.18



Jenin Feldlazarett 219_10.3. 1918-11.9.18.jpg

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