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German names from Wolf's book


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Max Gloger, born August 20, 1880, entered the navy in October 1900, Oberzahlmeister (paymaster equivalent of an Oberleutnant zur See), August 31, 1912. He‘s on Goeben from about December 1914 to October 1915, then returns to Germany. He dies on February 14, 1920.

By early 1918, he has the EK2 and that’s it for German decorations.

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Walter Glahn, born January 21, 1893, entered the German navy December 1914, Leutnant zur See der Reserve February 20, 1917. Civilian serving with the Dardanelles Command, December 1914, then minesweeper division Bosporus to March 1915, Turkish torpedo boat flotilla to May 1918, Sevastopol torpedo boat flotilla until war‘s end.

German decoration by early 1918 is just the EK2. Out of naval service January 21, 1920.

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Fritz Giloi, born December 5, 1891, entered the navy October 1911. He‘s on Goeben to March 1915, though not as a commissioned officer or even a warrant officer. After leaving Goeben, he goes to engineering school then submarine school. He’s the chief engineer on UC 53 from December 1916  to April 1918; the U-boat was in the Mediterranean from May 1917.  He would have been the chief engineer of the new U 168 when it commissioned.

Judging by the promotion dates of others that entered at the same time, Giloi was likely promoted to Marine-Ingenieuraspirant (warrant officer rank) on September 25, 1915 and Marine-Ingenieuroberaspirant on July 1, 1917. He certainly became a Marine-Ingenieur on July 18, 1918.

Giloi is out of naval service on November 24, 1919 but is recalled to service from December 19, 1919 to March 5, 1920, when he’s released again.

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9 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Dr. Alfons Göbel (note spelling), born August 1, 1885

Dr. Göbel was born in Hambach, Lower Franconia in Bavaria and hence his award of the Bavarian Military Merit Order 4th Class with Swords. He studied philosophy 1905-06 and medicine 1906-10 at Würzburg, passing the state medical examination on 17 December 1910. Whilst serving with the Mittelmeerdivision, he was employed as the assistant to the fleet surgeon. Following the war he practiced medicine in Hambach.



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Great nice few men


Gorth Wilhelm    Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) SMS Breslau (Midilli) and SMS "General"     1914-16    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Gössel Konrad    ObLtzS Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Souchon) at Seddulbahr Dardanelles - Coastal Artillery    1914-16    awarded EK I 7-16 and Ottoman Liakat Medal 10-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book  (not identified)? 

Goullon Kurt    ObLt    Ordnance Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Souchon) to Armaments Bureau     1915-18    shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Grabau Karl August    Kapt-Lt (Maj) Marine    1st officer SMS Breslau (Midilli) to Co-Commander Ottoman Cruiser "Mecidiye" returned SMS Breslau (Midilli) - Gemisinin 1. Subayi (1st officer the ship Midilli (Breslau)     1914-16    (possibly born at Bremen ) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Konrad Gössel, born October 25, 1880, entered service October 1903, promoted to Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie August 10, 1915. Gössel arrives Turkey in the August to September 1914 time frame, and is an artillery officer in theater throughout the war. Bt early 1918, he does have the EKI. No other German decorations are listed.

Out of naval service January 21, 1920; Charakter as Oberleutnant der Reserve April 13, 1921.

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Wilhelm Goerth (note spelling), is listed just below Hans Gesche in the Ehrenrangliste and their service time lines are similar.

Goerth was born February 13, 1893, and only entered the navy in April 1913, likely as a one-year volunteer on a path to eventually becoming a Zahlmeister. He was never a commissioned officer during the war and not even a warrant officer when in theater. He’s listed as on Breslau to November 1915 and then Detachment “General” to January 1916, then back in Germany.

Goerth is promoted to Marine-Zahlmeister-Aspirant on January 27, 1917 (warrant officer rank and (commissioned) officer candidate). Out of naval service on February 29, 1920. Charakter as Marine-Zahlmeister on June 12, 1920.

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Kurt Goullon, born July 4, 1879, entered the navy October 1896, Feuerwerks-Oberleutnant April 20, 1914, in theater for most if not all of the war (no dates of assignment listed in the Ehrenrangliste). By early 1918, he has the EK2 and the Dienstauszeichnung 2nd Class.

Goullon is promoted to Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant on February 28, 1920 and is out of service on March 8, 1920.

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Karl August Grabau, born February 25, 1881, Crew 1899, promoted to Kapitänleutnant March 27, 1909 and then to Korvettenkapitän on April 26, 1917. 1st officer on SMS Breslau to April 1916 except for three months (November 1914 to January 1915) as CO of the Mecidiye. After that, he's back in Germany sick and then used in a training capacity. Out of naval service January 29, 1920.

Grabau German decorations as of early 1918 are the EKI and Bremen’s Hanseatic Cross. In addtion, at some point prewar he was awarded the Rettungsmedaille (Lifesaving Medal) and the Ottoman Order of the Medjidie.

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10 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Grabau Karl August    Kapt-Lt (Maj) Marine     (possibly born at Bremen ) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

He was born in Hannover, the son of Emil Grabau, a civil engineer. 

8 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

at some point prewar he was awarded the Rettungsmedaille (Lifesaving Medal) and the Ottoman Order of the Medjidie.

He was awarded the TM4 (Medjidie 4th class) on 9 January 1904 and the Rettungsmedaille on 4 August 1905.

He was a major in the water protection police in Berlin following the war and died on 2 May 1934.



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19 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Goullon is promoted to Feuerwerks-Kapitänleutnant on February 28, 1920 and is out of service on March 8, 1920.

I noticed in the Ehrenrangliste that Herr Goullon was shown as a Marine-Oberingenieur in the Reichmarine! This led me to a little bit of digging and this showed that both the corps of Feuerwerks and Torpedo officers were effectively disbanded at wars end. However, some of these guys were rebranded as naval officials in their former roles and thus the former Feurwerks-Kapitänleutnant Goullon was retitled as a Marine-Oberingenieur (now an officials' title as the engineering officers had adopted standard naval ranks with the suffix (Ing.) in 1920). He was once again activated as a commissioned officer on 1.7.34 as a Kapitänleutnant (W) being promoted to Korvettenkapitän (W) the following year on 1.7.35. He rose to the rank of Kapitän zur See (W) on 1.1.40, retiring on 31 July 1941.



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Interesting looking at the Wasserschutzpolizei

Todays maybe harder?

Gretz von (Graetz)    (Maj)     Observer (Beobachter) Airforce 9-15 shown T/OC Aircraft School (Tayyare Mektebi) at Air station at Yesilköy (San Stefano) to Airforce Stabchefs CofS 9-17 to Airforce Stabchefs CofS to Serno 2-18 - Ist. Yesilköy'de uçak teknik isletmeleri ve pilot ve gözcülerin egitim sorumlusu (Ist. Aircraft technical operations in Yesilköy and training officer of pilots and watchmen) Aircraft School (Tayyare Mektebi) at Air station at Yesilköy    1915-18    replaced Serno 9-17 than replaced by Serno 2-18  (not identified) shown in Klaus Wolf's Book spelling in Ole Nikoljsen

this man not in wolf

Graetz    Ober Feuerwerker Marine    Ordnance (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul (shown geschossabnahmeoffisiere (bullet inspection officers) Eskischehir    1916-    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

Grimm Anton     Lt    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - Türk askerlerine karda yürüme egitimi verir (Teaches Turkish soldiers to walk) (instructor) shown to Asia Corps Palestine and Transportation Command at Kunetra     1915-16    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

possibly this man

Grimm Anton (Toni)     ObLt deR (Capt)    Instructor German Ski Command Turkey (3rd Army (Caucasus) Ski troops - Türk askerlerine karda yürume egitimi verir    1915-16    from Bavaria Jäger-Bataillon 1 to Turkey 2-16 awarded EK I and Ottoman War Medal wrote book "Berge als Schicksal" 

Grimm Eberhard     Lt    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - to 3rd Field How Bty (att 3rd Army)    1915-16    (born 1894 at Berlin died?) WIA 16-6-16 L/arm at Eskirshir RTG shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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There definitely is some confusion relating to officers named Gronemann. The navy one was Alfred Gronemann but I don’t see anything to tie him to the arms industry.

Alfred Gronemann, born August 8, 1870, entered the navy May 1890, Marine-Stabsingenieur April 9, 1912, promoted to Marine-Oberstabsingenieur April 26, 1917. Gronemann was Breslau’s chief engineer to March 1915 when he returns to Germany for a variety of jobs, including being the chief engineer of the battleship Markgraf for five months in 1917. Out of naval service in September 17, 1917.

German decorations during the war to August 1916 is just the EK2. Prewar, he got the usual stuff for an engineering officer of his tenure: the Order of the Red Eagle and the Order of the Crown plus the Dienstauszeichnungskreuz.

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Sorry Michael,

I took them down as I put to many up, my mistake

Gronemann     LtCol / Obstltn    Genel kurmay Silah ve Mühimmat Dairesinde (General Staff in the Department of (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate)    unknown    (not identified)?

Gronemann Alfred    WO (Ing) Marine    Ingenieur SMS Breslau (Midilli) - Mühendis Subay (Engineer Officer) RTG returned as Director of the Rifle and Ammunition Factory Istanbul     1914-15   1915-18    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Thanks I must have mixed the name up some where?

Is the Obst Lt shown anywhere?

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There were two Hauptmanns named Gronemann listed in the 1914 Army Rangliste, one with the 15th Infantry Regiment, the other assigned to the “Inspektion der technischen Institute der Artillerie.” The latter I would think is the officer assigned to the arms industry that you’re looking for. Sorry, I don’t have more details other than that he did survive the war.

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9 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

he latter I would think is the officer assigned to the arms industry that you’re looking for.

Steve, Michael,

indeed. Major (27.1.15) Paul Gronemann, born 8 September 1872 in Nancy where his father was on occupation duties). Prussian field artillery officer, originally commissioned into FAR 23 who had served pretty much from the turn of the century on assignments with the production and administration of weapons procurement. The Kriegs-Rangliste of the ordnance department effective 1 February 1916 shows him attached to the weapons inspectorate in Damascus. On 23 June 1920, he received the Charakter of an Oberstleutnant with seniority of 9 April 1920 and the permission to wear the uniform of Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 23. Died 1937.





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15 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Grimm Anton     Lt    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - Türk askerlerine karda yürüme egitimi verir (Teaches Turkish soldiers to walk) (instructor) shown to Asia Corps Palestine and Transportation Command at Kunetra     1915-16    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

possibly this man

Grimm Anton (Toni)     ObLt deR (Capt)    Instructor German Ski Command Turkey (3rd Army (Caucasus) Ski troops - Türk askerlerine karda yürume egitimi verir    1915-16    from Bavaria Jäger-Bataillon 1 to Turkey 2-16 awarded EK I and Ottoman War Medal wrote book "Berge als Schicksal" 

I think we can safely assume these two are the same guy.

Leutnant der Reserve (8.1.12) Anton Grimm, born Freising on 8 May 1885. a reserve officer in 1. Jäger-Bataillon König, at mobilisation a platoon commander in the 4th company. Assigned to the battalion staff on 21 August 1914 as the provisions officer, he was appointed as the battalion adjutant on 16 May 1915. On 19 October 1915 he was detached to the Ottoman army to serve in the Deutsch Schneeskikommando, Promoted to Oberleutnant on 14.1.16 and returned to the Bavarian army on 2 June 1916. Intermittently commander of the 4th Company and temporary battalion commander of 1. Jäger-Bataillon. Charakter as Hauptmann a.D. on 29 September 1920.



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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Graetz    Ober Feuerwerker Marine 


we discussed that document regarding the Ottoman arms inspectorate earlier in the thread and I mentioned that the Germans assigned there were a mixture of both army and navy personnel. In the case of Herr Graetz, he was from the Prussian army. Oberfeuerwerker (8.11.14) Arthur Grätz, born 21 December 1886 at Schlichtingsheim. Entered Feldartillerie-Regiment Nr. 41 on 12 October 1906 and by the outbreak of war was a Feuerwerker (1.6.12) at the shell factory in Spandau. Charakter as a Leutnant a.D. on 14 January 1921.



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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Gretz von (Graetz)    (Maj)   

Presumably Hauptmann (18.12.15) Fritz Emil Otto Albert Karen Graetz , born 20 February 1886 in Berlin. A senior Leutnant in Grenadier-Regiment Nr. 4 in 1914 and later member of FFA 42. The Army Ehrenrangliste shows him as an Hauptmann a.D. Interestingly his 1922 entry in the Berlin marriage register shows him has a Major a.D. Perhaps, he used his former Ottoman title!







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Many thanks again, 


Gülpen von     Capt / Hptm (Maj)    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - 3rd Ordu (kafkasya) geri hizmetler Müfettisi (3rd Army (Caucasus) back (rear) services inspector) - shown Inspector LofC 3rd Army    1915-17    (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Günther Albin    LtzS Marine    Ordnance Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) - Mines clearance command - Mines and Torpedo Specialist     1916-17    later WWII S Boats? Marinewaffenkommando wrote book "Die Entwicklung der Seemine von 1777-1945" shown in Klaus Wolf's Book  (not identified)?

Günther Karl    Capt to Maj (LtCol) Eng    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - StabsIngenieur (Engineer officer) - Istihkam Tabur Komutani (Engineer Battalion Commander)    1916-17    (not identified)? from Hauptmänner Pionier-Bataillon No 19 served in German South West Africa before the war  shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

Haas Arthur von    Kapt-Lt Marine    Intelligence officer MMD (Military Mediterranean Division) and LofC Command    1914-18    awarded EK II 8-15 (not identified)? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

There was this bloke I could find no Bio details on and he is not in Wolf, at lest not under that name?

Guse (Guze) Felix    Maj (LtCol) to Col    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - Stabchefs CofS 3rd Army Caucasus 1914-15 Sivas'ta 10. Kolordu Kurmay Baskani Erzurum'da 3. Ordu Kurmay Baskani (In Sivas, the 10th Army Chief of Staff In Erzurum, the 3rd Army Chief of Staff Caucasus) 7-17    1914-18    (not identified)? RTG illness 1-16 typhus rtn Turkey 7-17 retired 1920 wrote book "Die Kaukasusfront im Weltkrieg bis zum Frieden von Brest" shown in book by von Sanders awarded Liyakat Medal in silver 

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Albin Günther is another case of someone not being a commissioned officer when in theater. He was born on December 8, 1889, and entered the navy in October 1910. He enters the theater at the very end of 1915 or very start of 1916 and is assigned to the Marine Sonderkommando in Bulgaria through April 1916, and then assigned to General through April 1917. He then returns to Germany.

Albin Günther is commissioned as a Torpeder-Leutnant des Minenwesens on April 28, 1918. He’s out of service on March 8, 1920 but takes a civilian job with the navy.


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Arthur von Haas, born April 18, 1877, entered service April 1894, Kapitänleutnant der Reserve Matrosenartillerie August 6, 1909. He’s listed as basically an intelligence officer in theater to April 1918, then acting naval attaché until the end of the war.

Out of naval service November 25, 1918; Charakter as Korvettenkapitän der Reserve June 5, 1920.  German decoration in early 1918 are the EK2, Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 1st class, and the Bavarian Militärverdienstorden. He’s also a Knight of Honour of the Order of Saint John (Johanniterorden). Prewar, he was also awarded the Ottoman Order of the Medjidie 3rd Class.

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10 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

There was this bloke I could find no Bio details on and he is not in Wolf, at lest not under that name?

Guse (Guze) Felix    Maj (LtCol) to Col  

Strange that Wolf can list list the most obscure of naval officer candidates but totally omit a senior officer of the Liman mission and yet he lists his book in the bibliography .

Felix Konrad Heinrich Guse was born in Trier on 24 May 1874 and entered the Prussian army as an aspirant officer in the Pomeranian Füsilier-Regiment Nr. 34 on 26 September 1892 being commissioned on 18 .12.93. At the time of his joining the Liman mission in 1913 he had risen to the rank of Major (1.10.13) and was the general staff officer of the military government of Cöln. He served as a battalion commander in Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 102 and Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 3 following the war and retired with the Charakter of an Oberstleutnant a.D. (17 December 1920) with the permission to wear the uniform of FR 34. I have yet to determine a date of death for Herr Guse.



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17 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Gülpen von     Capt / Hptm (Maj)    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei

Rittmeister Paul van Gülpen, born 23 March 1878 in Aachen. Active Prussian cavalry officer originally commissioned into Garde-Dragoner-Regiment Nr. 23 on 27.1.97. Left the service in 1909-10 as an Oberleutnant in Jäger-Regiment zu Pferde Nr. 3. Returned to service in WW1 serving in Reserve-Ulanen-Regiment Nr. 5 and Reserve-Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 30. Promoted to Rittmeister a.D. on 25.2.15. Charakter as Major a.D. with seniority of 15.11.19 granted on 19 January 1920. 

Died 2 May 1945 in Berlin.



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18 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Günther Karl    Capt to Maj (LtCol) Eng    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei -


I believe we discussed this chap in the Kreß engineer thread. It is Friedrich WIlhelm Adolf Günther:


Not much further to add; Born 11 September 1876 in Germersheim, Entered Pionier-Bataillon Nr. 1 in Königsberg on 1 April 1896 and was commissioned on 20.7.1897. Served in German South West Africa 1905-1906 and was awarded the Crown Order 4th Class with Swords.

Retired 5 November 1919 as a Major. Post-war Doctor of philosophy and Oberst in the Luftwaffe historical branch in WW2. Author of the series "Deutsche Soldaten als Erzieher."



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