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1911 Coronation Medal


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Hello I have a 1911 Coronation Medal to an Officer but cannott find any proof he was awarded it

I have his Officers papers but nothing is mentioned about the medal

in 1911 he was a c/Sgt serving in India 

is there a roll for this medal

Captain. Thomas Lloyd Shropshire L.I.,


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There was no mention in his Bio from the 1920 and 1924 officers War Service books that I gave you the info from.

I would have thought he would have had that info listed.


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Yes Peter thank you for that I thought some one might have a list of the 1911 Medal for the Shropshire L.i.

So Peter can I presume he just added another medal to his group, 

kind regards PHILIP

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I am not surprised that he did not mention the entitlement to the 1911 medal in his war services. It was not issued for active service so no 'war services' to report!

However, can you confirm the group includes a 1911 Coronation medal and not a 1911 Durbar medal? Same ribbon, same obverse, different reverse and slightly bigger?

You wrote that "in 1911 he was a c/Sgt serving in India" so I think the 1911 Durbar is more likely. 

If so, you are in luck, there is a published roll.

Kind regards,


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As extra Information:
LG 11/12/14
The undermentioned Warrant and Non Commissioned Officers to be Second Lieutenants. Dated 15th December, 1914: —
The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), Serjeant-Major Thomas Lloyd

(I have feeling he was actually Regimental Serjeant-Major of 2nd battalion KSLI at the time of his commissioning)

Landed France 21/6/15 as 2/Lt, K.S.L.I.

LG 6/12/15
The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry).
Second Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Thomas Lloyd, The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), to be Adjutant (temporary). Dated 12th November, 1915.

Was he MID’d?


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Thank you Matthew for reply and the information you sent

The medal I have is a 1911 Coronation not the Durba Medal

kind regards


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According to the medal roll, five Delhi Durbar 1911 Medals were issued to men of the 2nd Bn., The King’s Shropshire Light Infantry - but the names of recipients do not include anyone named Thomas Lloyd.

TNA WO-100-400 p.104


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On 26/05/2024 at 14:01, 2li said:

Hello I have a 1911 Coronation Medal to an Officer but cannott find any proof he was awarded it

I have his Officers papers but nothing is mentioned about the medal

in 1911 he was a c/Sgt serving in India 

is there a roll for this medal

Captain. Thomas Lloyd Shropshire L.I.,


There's no shortage of Thomas Lloyds in the KSLI are there. 

Are we talking about this fellow:

"4795 CSgt T. Lloyd" as recorded on 2 KSLI QSA/KSA medal rolls and "4795 WO1 Thomas Lloyd" appears again on 2 KSLI BWM/VM Supp Roll .......... and noted as commissioned 16 Dec 1914?  He's the RSM but strangely, the 2 KSLI BWM/VM Supp Roll, and associated MIC, specifically state BWM only - no VM. 

Just the kind of bloke that deserved a 1911 Coronation Medal however

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TullochArd Thanks for reply yes I agree I have all his docs from the NA but nothing that points to him having been awarded the 1911 Coronation Medal

However there is a Victory medal with his group correctly impressed

kind regards Philip

On 28/05/2024 at 11:52, Matthew B. said:

As extra Information:
LG 11/12/14
The undermentioned Warrant and Non Commissioned Officers to be Second Lieutenants. Dated 15th December, 1914: —
The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), Serjeant-Major Thomas Lloyd

(I have feeling he was actually Regimental Serjeant-Major of 2nd battalion KSLI at the time of his commissioning)

Landed France 21/6/15 as 2/Lt, K.S.L.I.

LG 6/12/15
The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry).
Second Lieutenant (temporary Lieutenant) Thomas Lloyd, The King's (Shropshire Light Infantry), to be Adjutant (temporary). Dated 12th November, 1915.

Was he MID’d?


Sorry Matthew 

yes he was awarded an MID 

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