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Battalion Mascots


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post-63-1114273190.jpgI recently came across a book called " the fighting Mascot" described as the true story of a boy soldier by Tommy Kehoe.It is described as a very personal account of Tommy Kehoes experiences of serving as a boy soldier with the 5th Kings Liverpool Regt during the first world war.He was the "regiments mascot "it says

I know the 6th ( Liverpool Rifles) Battalion of the Kings Liverpool Rgt had a "Jack Russel" type terrior as their mascot and I have photos of the coat made for the dog ,apparently from an army blanket complete with battalion titles,55th Division Div Signs and battle patches ( see attachment )

I wonder if any one else has information on battalion mascots

Peter brydon

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I wonder if any one else has information on battalion mascots

Peter brydon

The 7th Royal Sussex acquired a mongrel dog "of unknown breed but genial aspect" in Colchester, He accompanied the Bn to France, received two wound stripes, one received as a result of being hit by a shell splinet on the Hulluch Road; the three ribbons for Pip, Squeak and Wilfred; and a fairly full Conduct Sheet, including "Making love in the presence of the battalion".

He was demobbed in 1919 via The Blue Cross, and retired to a farm with one of the officers of the Bn.


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Some Australian mascots inluded Kangaroos, Koala, Dogs, a monkey, A Donkey, a rooster, a pigeon and an ibex. Photos of these can be found on the AWM website in collections search - mascots.


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Swabsea Battalion had a bulldog named Tawe (after the river on which the town (now city) stood).


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This is interesting topic and can`t wait to see more replies.

I have two examples from US Marines;

67th Coy, 1st Bn, 5th Marines also had a "devil dog Marine" (some sort of terrier) and another company of the 5th Regiment acquired an anteater as a mascot. When he refused to eat ants, further research revealed him to be a coatimundi - a friendly Sout American mammal resembling a streched racoon, whose preferred diet is fruit, eggs and lizards.

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The 6th Battalion The Northamptonshire Regiment Carried a "Teddy" Bear,decorated with Regimental Colours Emblazoned with a Cap Badge & a Wounded Stripe!!!,on his Left arm,presented to them by a Little Girl on embarkation in 1915,The Photograph was the property of Sergeant Paige,6th Northamptonshire Regt{Sgt 2nd Row,Second right facing you}The Message Board states" Northants And Our Mascot:15:6:17



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