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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Prisoner Camps in Asia Minor & Upper Mesopotamia


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The WFA holds a number of maps that are unsuitable for georeferencing.  Especially small-scale maps covering multiple countries.  Recently someone enquired about a particular map held by the IWM and in case it is of interest to others, a reduced version is shown here.  Sing out if you want a particular location enlarged.  The map also has a useful legend and the journey of the garrison of Kut after the surrender.

I couldn't see if the map had been posted before.

Map of Asia Minor & Upper Mesopotamia Shewing Prisoners Camps. Imperial War Museum / Western Front Association M_018278


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Cheers Mate,

An Interesting map.

I have looked at many blokes placed in camps along the long road from Turkey to Mespot, and most I always believed were lost from the eastern part ie Aleppo to Bagadad

But most were lost between Istanbul and Aleppo

While a number are shown lost at Nisibin (modern Nusaybin) near Merdin, most are shown either around Adana or the major losses at Afion (Kara Hissar)

It never dawned on me until reading about there War of Inderpendce and fighting with Greece, as to where these places were.

It bothered me in the Russel Crow movie, the quick move to the area, but a look at a map shows why

Which is a long way from the main Railway problem areas of Taurus and Mardin

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On the PoW camp aspect, perhaps this map might also be useful, listing as it does some 37 different sites. It is from http://www.gutenberg-e.org/steuer/archive/AppendixA/turkey/index.html  -  Pursuit of an 'Unparalleled Opportunity' (The American YMCA and Prisoner of War Diplomacy among the Central Power Nations during World War I, 1914-1923) by Kenneth Steuer 

Turkish Prison Camps
1. Adana
2. Afion Karahissar
3. Aleppo
4. Ankara
5. Aziziah
6. Baghdad
7. Bagtche
8. Belemedik
9. Bey Shehir
10. Bor
11. Bozanti
12. Brousa
13. Changri
14. Constantinople
15. Damascus                         
16. Derbisieh
17. Diarbekr
18. Dorak
19. Entelli
20. Eskishebir
21. Galliopoli
22. Hauran
23. Islahiya
24. Kastamuni
25. Kedos
26. Konia
27. Kotma
28. Kut-al-Amara
29. Mosul
30. Nisibin
31. Osmania
32. Ouchak
33. Ourfa
34. Ras el Ain
35. Shamrun
36. Smyrna
37. Yozgad


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