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Tank Identification Numbers


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@Gareth Davies @johntaylor

A topic for the tank experts:

How were British tanks numbered for purposes of identification?

Were the white numbers on the hulls purely sequential serials?




Edited by JMB1943
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The letter and number combo such as this are crew numbers but most people refer to tanks by these numbers, even if it’s strictly not accurate. 



Edited by Gareth Davies
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Thank you, sir!



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Hi, just to add that most tanks had two numbers. The crew or battalion number referred to above was normally at the front right as shown, but was sometimes on the rear armour plate to assist the following troops. These numbers started with the letter for each battalion (e.g. D for D Battalion, later 4th Tank Battalion).

Tanks also had a smaller manufacturer's number painted on the lower left-hand side, which remained throughout the tank's life and wasn't transferred (unlike the crew number). It was also painted inside the cab above the commander's and driver's seats.

Second Lieut James Cheyne Macintosh of D Bn described this in his book Men and Tanks, available online: https://archive.org/details/mentanks00maciiala/mode/2up: "It may here be explained that a Tank possesses two numbers, a manufacturer's number and a battalion number. The former is branded upon its hindquarters at birth, and remains until dissolution ; the latter varies from time to time according to which crew are inhabiting the beast at the moment, and is intended to facilitate identification at a distance."

All the best, John 


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Thank you for that info.

Could I assume that the manufacturer’s number WAS a serial number?



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  • 2 weeks later...


Apologies for my very late response to your posting re the serial nos website—much appreciated.



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No problem - I hope the information comes in useful!

All the best, John

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  • 2 months later...


I found this document in one of our war diaries and it maybe of interest 

page 103 from the 7 FAB part 2 datedBritish tank 8Bn.pdf June 1918

Hope this works as I am not good at this

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