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Award Citations


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Apologies if this is a daft question (I'm relatively new to researching) but are Military Medal award citations available anywhere?

Thanks for your help, it really is very much appreciated !

Gary B

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There are no formal citations for the MM. Some awards might get a mention in regimental or unit histories, or war diaries, but there are no citations.

The other likely source of information about MM awards can be local newspapers, but I would not hold your breath.


Edited by keithmroberts
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Hi Gary,

For the British Army, Form W-3121 was completed with the Military Medal award citation. The bad news is that they were destroyed by the fire at Arnside Street in 1940.

For those citations that relate to the AIF and CEF, I believe they were taken across the oceans, and later transferred to the archives at Canberra and Ottawa respectively.

Sometimes the citations are reproduced in local newspapers, so a newspaper trawl may be worth doing, if you are researching a particular soldier.

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Keith, you're a star. Thanks so much for putting me right. 

Seems a shame that the actions of somebody who's done something sufficiently brave to win  a Military Medal aren't recorded.

Thanks again Keith, all the best.

Gary B

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Just now, GARY BROAD said:

Seems a shame that the actions of somebody who's done something sufficiently brave to win  a Military Medal aren't recorded.

You'd have to take up this issue with Hermann Goering, but he is otherwise disposed.

If you look at what was destroyed by the fire, it was a treasure trove of historical documents pertaining to the British Army, and not just the service records of the officers and other ranks.

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2 minutes ago, Keith_history_buff said:

Hi Gary,

For the British Army, Form W-3121 was completed with the Military Medal award citation. The bad news is that they were destroyed by the fire at Arnside Street in 1940.

For those citations that relate to the AIF and CEF, I believe they were taken across the oceans, and later transferred to the archives at Canberra and Ottawa respectively.

Sometimes the citations are reproduced in local newspapers, so a newspaper trawl may be worth doing, if you are researching a particular soldier.

That is SUCH a great tip! Thanks so much Keith, I'll do that now!

(I'm trying to research the story of a man whose grave I tend for the CWGC. I'd love to tell his story if I get enough detail!

All the best

Gary B

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Hi Gary,
If you share his details on this thread, I'm sure the forum's Military Medal research aficionado will intervene, and try to find out more.


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2 minutes ago, Keith_history_buff said:

You'd have to take up this issue with Hermann Goering, but he is otherwise disposed.

If you look at what was destroyed by the fire, it was a treasure trove of historical documents pertaining to the British Army, and not just the service records of the officers and other ranks.

From what I understand, he was "otherwise disposed" for most of WW2 (or in other words, smacked off his crust...)

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5 minutes ago, Keith_history_buff said:

Hi Gary,
If you share his details on this thread, I'm sure the forum's Military Medal research aficionado will intervene, and try to find out more.


Keith (and all) - I'm looking to find out more about: Private, 2276 George Thomas Bell of the Worcestershire Regiment (DoD 16/05/1921).

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Gary B

Cem ID 07733 Bell G.T. MM 160822.jpg

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Help me @Ivor Anderson you're my only hope.

Even if there is nothing in local newspapers, hopefully the Registered Paper reference will pinpoint the award to a specific time period. (This is impressive, but way beyond me.)

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9 hours ago, GARY BROAD said:

Private, 2276 George Thomas Bell of the Worcestershire Regiment (DoD 16/05/1921).

His MM was gazetted 18 Oct 1917 as 200488 with 7th Bn. : https://www.thegazette.co.uk/London/issue/30340/supplement/10715

                                                                         Bell LG.png

His MM index card image at TNA: https://discovery.nationalarchives.gov.uk/details/r/D6131948

Bell MM.png

   An award for 3rd Ypres in August 1917.  Check the 1/7th war diary from August 1917 onwards.

Edited by Ivor Anderson
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His medal index card (Ancestry) shows he arrived in France on 31 March 1915. His original service number was used for the headstone.

He was baptised in Oct 1888, so he would have been 25 when war broke out.  He has 4 pension cards on Ancestry.

Bell MIC.png

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Ivor, thank you so much for this  - your help and expertise is really very much appreciated, honestly.

I didn't even know that he was in the 1/7th which is great news because my Grandad (Albert Jones DCM) was a CSM with the 1/7th so they served together!   I'll have to tell George this next time I'm scrubbing his headstone... (yes, time to confess, I do have a natter with them all when I'm cleaning them.  I'm always careful though to make sure nobody sees me ha !!)

Thanks again Ivor, I really am in your debt.

All the very best

Gary B

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9 hours ago, Keith_history_buff said:

Help me @Ivor Anderson you're my only hope.

Even if there is nothing in local newspapers, hopefully the Registered Paper reference will pinpoint the award to a specific time period. (This is impressive, but way beyond me.)

Keith, thanks so very much for contacting Ivor - he's clearly an extremely knowledgeable chap - and he's certainly helped me out tremendously (as have you!)

Thanks again Keith, very much appreciated!

All the best

Gary B 

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30 minutes ago, GARY BROAD said:

Ivor, thank you so much for this 

Gary, Glad to be able to help. It looks like they were both pre-war territorial soldiers. There may well be other 1/7th MMs in the same gazette if it was for an August 1917 action.

1/7th Service summary: https://wartimememoriesproject.com/greatwar/allied/battalion.php?pid=5010

Harold Broomfield 2266 has a surviving service record (on Ancestry). He enlisted at Kidderminster 3 July 1914 with the 7th Bn. : https://www.ancestry.co.uk/discoveryui-content/view/108927:1219?tid=&pid=&queryId=00a8430b-74a1-42a2-a960-d511370f9c28&_phsrc=qzF18124&_phstart=successSource

Edited by Ivor Anderson
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Ivor - thanks again...

I've just downloaded the 1/7th War Diaries (1914-1917) so I'm afraid the 'Long Haired General' can moan all she likes about the state of the lawn... today's now taken care of:  laptop, magnifying glass and reading lamp - sorted!! (and possibly a crafty G&T probably around 1916 I reckon!)

Can't thank you enough Ivor. You're a star!

All the best

Gary B

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Ivor - sorry to bother you yet again, but could you please tell me what "Battalion Linesmen" were ? This apparently, is what GT Bell was...


Gary B

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12 minutes ago, GARY BROAD said:

"Battalion Linesmen"

I think they were involved in taking messages between the Bn. HQ and the front line?  Or, possibly repairing damaged phone lines under fire?

Maintaining communications under fire was a common reason for the award of an MM, especially if done during a major action.

Edited by Ivor Anderson
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Makes perfect sense, thanks so much Ivor - it's really good to see how many stretcher-bearers got commendations too.

Gary B 

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