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Hi I’m looking for photos of the whole group of the 2nd London regemient royal engineers 

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1 hour ago, sterry said:

2nd London regemient royal engineers

As there is no such unit, can I assume you are looking for an individual and hoping he will turn up and be identified by name?

If so might be an idea to tell us who you are looking for so the correct unit can be identified. Even then very unlikely that such pictures were taken, particularly if the soldier concerned joined them after thay had moved to a theatre of war or if he was in a home service unit that was constantly handling a change of personnel as drafts left for overseas and new recruits\conscripts joined.


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Do you have photographs of soldiers that SURVIVED the war as well as died in the war 

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9 minutes ago, sterry said:

Do you have photographs of soldiers that SURVIVED the war as well as died in the war 

There are lots of pictures of individuals who survived the war. Not sure what your point is?


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My point is to somehow POSSIBLY find my great grandfather William James sterry individual photo enlisted September 1914 number 1044 Royal engineers born in streatham England March 16th 1895. 

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And William James sterry was in actually 3rd London field company Royal engineers 

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The Army did not routinely take photos of individual soldiers or corps or units during the Great War

The majority of  the photos taken of soldiers, during this period were taken by freelance photographers in studios or in camps where they were permitted access

The subjects of the photos taken could then be purchased by individual soldiers who could if they wish send them home to there loved ones

any photos taken during this period and still exist will either be in the possession of descendants of the soldiers in question or have been dispersed far and wide many in the hands of collectors, websites, museums, etcetera

There is no guarantee that a photo was taken or exists of your g grandfather or his unit

all you can do his keep searching all available avenues hoping for that eureka moment

 I wish you all the best in your quest


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