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German Naval officers in the Ottoman Service


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A number of names , not in Wolf, appear in the known records / documents of both the Germans and Ottomans, who have not been found, its hoped that they maybe in the Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine or other sources you know of?

The first name we did from Wolf's book, but since found under a different spelling?

Abel Heim    LtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) to navigation officer Ottoman Cruiser "Hamidiye" shown Türk Torpedo Boat to SMS Goeben    1915-17    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine another who could not be found in the Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine under that name and details? shown in Klaus Wolf's Book
Abel Hein    LtzS Marine   Constantinople Flotilla I. Wachoffizier (WO) UB 14 rtn WO UB 14 5-17 to 10-17 to SMS Breslau (Midilli) 1917 to the U boat school 1918 to I. Wachoffizier UB 53 Pola/Mittelmeer I Flotilla under Kpt-Lt Sprenger    1915-16 1917-    (born 1894 died? ) Kaiserliche Marine  UB 53  Hit 2 mines in the Otranto Barrage and sank 3-8-18 10 men lost 26 saved to Malta PoW 

The problems with both German and Ottoman records are many, as they are transcribed into English, names change, as they spell and sound differently.

Likewise the ranks, as all Germans gained a rank increase when in Ottoman service, some are shown as Officers, when they are SNCO's, and so not all  listed in the Ehrenrangliste

Lets start

Ackermann Rudolf    Kor-Kapt Marine    Flottillenchef 2. U Boat Flottille Mittelmeer Cattaro U Boat 1-18 to 1-19     1917-18    (born 1877 at Meissen died?) Kaiserliche Marine  later WWII Kriegsmarine Frig-Kapt 1944 (not identified) 

Aliy    LtzS Marine    Naval MG Sects Marine-Landungsabteilung at Gallipoli (Naval Shore Det) shown OC Sect C (two sects) at Kiretch tepe 9-15 (replaced by Krulls)     1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine mentioned in report by Krülls 8-15

Ambrosius     LtzS Marine    1st Lt Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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Per the Ehrenrangliste and the 1918 Rangliste (for the decorations):

Hein Abel, born November 23, 1894, Crew 1913, Leutnant zur see September 18, 1915, watch officer on Turkish torpedo boats from July or August 1915 to September 1916, then on Hamidie to August 1917, then Breslau to December 1917, then submarine school to June 1918, then on UB 53 until it was sunk on August 3, 1918, when he became a British POW.

Promoted to Oberleutnant zur See January 7, 1920, out of service September 10, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Kurt Ambrosius, born May 17, 1896, entered naval service October 1, 1915 from the army where a volunteer and then Leutnant der Reserve (!), but reverts to naval officer candidate ranks, Leutnant zur See December 13, 1917. On Goeben from March or April 1917 to the end of the war.

Out of service November 13, 1919. Charakter as Oberleutnant zur See November 29, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2. 

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I can’t find Aliy in the Ehrenrangliste, so either a gross misspelling, army, or an NCO. Note that there are no warrant officers with that or a similar name in the 1914 Rangliste.

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Rudolf Ackermann, born June 20, 1877, Crew 1896, Korvettenkapitän March 22, 1913, was a senior staff officer in the Mediterranean theater from the beginning of the war to January 1918, when he assumes command of the II U-Boot Flotilla in the Mediterranean as well as being the senior German officer at the U-Boat base in Cattaro. He was a very highly regarded officer, being awarded the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern in November 1917.

From your previous question about Ackermann, which someone answered by the Ehrenrangliste entry on him:


See also: https://uboat.net/wwi/men/commanders/601.html which lists all his German decorations and promotion dates.

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8 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

as all Germans gained a rank increase when in Ottoman service,


not quite all.

The members of the Mittelmeerdivision were not prematurely increased in German rank nor received Ottoman rank. Most members of the military mission and of the naval Sonderkommando did.



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Cheers, I never knew that 

Its often hard to say what there ranks are as different documents shows them as either.

As to Aliy. I am unsure who Krulls is refering to with the Naval Shore Det


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K.Käpt Rudolf Adermann is listed in the 1914 Rangliste as serving with the Amiralstab der Marine in Berlin.


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Guys off to a good start with mixed resaults;

Todays lets try these

Arendt Franz    Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Stabsarzt (Medical officer) Hosp Ship "Reschid Pasa" (Military Mediterranean Division)     1915-16    died 7-1-16) Gefallenen grave in German war cemetery at Tarabya Istanbul  auf Lazarett Schiff "Reschid Pasa“ (not identified in Sanitätsoffiziere des Deutschen Heeres)? Kaiserliche Marine 

Arimond Fritz    Cadet/LtzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 8-15    1915-17    (born 1895 died ) Kaiserliche Marine RTG 5-17 to SMS "Arcona"a minelaying cruiser 

Baerwald Alexander    LtzS Marine    Unit unknown?    1917-18    Kaiserliche Marine  German-Jewish architect settled permanently in Palestine in 1925 (not identified)? 

*Baetcse Johannes    Lt deR (MA) Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Turkei) Matrosenartillerie Coastal Artillery    1915-    (born 1890 died ) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1910 shown in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine (check spelling of name? page 946)

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Johannes Baetcke, born September 11, 1890, entered service October 1, 1910, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie August 15, 1915, sent the whole war with the Sonderkommando Türkei

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Mecklenburg-Schwerin’s Militärverdienstkreuz 2nd Class.

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Fritz Arimond, born March 27, 1895, Crew 1914, Leutnant zur See July 13, 1916. Arimond is on Goben from August 1915 or September 1915 to March 1917 as a Fähnrich zur See and Leutnant zur See. He then returns to Germany for a training course through May 1917, before going the Ancona.

Out of service October 10, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Alexander (or Alex) Baerwald, born March 3, 1877, entered service October 1901, Leutnant der Seewehr I. der Matrosenartillerie January 10, 1915, Oberleutnant der Seewehr II. der Matrosenartillerie July 16, 1917.

I'm aware of an Israeli historian who makes the argument that he was in Palestine during the war and even on a U-boat, but I find the evidence unpersuasive — there’s nothing in the Ehrenrangliste to suggest that he was ever in theater during the war.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2, a prewar (and likely unrelated) Order of the Crown 4th Class, and the Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 2nd Class.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Dr. Franz Arendt  — not listed in the Ehrenrangliste. In fact, there are no officers named “Arendt” listed in the Ehrenrangliste at all. That said, there is a Stabsarzt Dr. Arendt listed in the 1914 Prussian army Rangliste. He was a Lahrwehr officer.

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3 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Dr. Franz Arendt  — not listed in the Ehrenrangliste. In fact, there are no officers named “Arendt” listed in the Ehrenrangliste at all. That said, there is a Stabsarzt Dr. Arendt listed in the 1914 Prussian army Rangliste. He was a Lahrwehr officer.

Hi Michael,

that was Stabsarzt der Landwehr Dr. Walter Arendt. There is no Arendt listed in the Sanitätsbericht register of fallen, missing and died of wounds or sickness of army medical officers during WW1.

A Dr Franz Arendt, qualified in 1895 is shown the Reichsmedizinalkalender of 1914 as practicing in Politz. However, I find no indication that he was ever a medical officer. 

I am hoping to look at some sources regarding medical officers in this theatre in a couple of months and will check for him again then.



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Just a quick follow-up on Dr. Arendt.

On consulting "Äskulap zwischen Reichadler und Halbmomd", I found the following passage:

"At first the steamer "Reschid Pascha" was utilized as a hospital ship for the transport of the wounded. The ship's leadership was Turkish. The medical personnel consisted of a head doctor, two German civilian doctors and ten orderlies, who were all provided by the German Red Cross."



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Posted (edited)


Thanks, yes I have found that before with Red Cross members who appear to have Military ranks, I can not find if these are a Honoury rank given by the Germans or the Ottomans

Like these, just a few I have on record

Felix Arthur    Stabarzt (Capt) Dr    Arzt KUK Doctor at the Red Cross Defterdar Hospital came to Istanbul in October 1916 and worked with the Germans until Jan 1917
Lindenberg Hans    Stabarzt Dr    Arzt German Red Cross under Colley Deutschen Roten-Kreuz-Mission Erzindjan or Erzincan at Lazarett der Deutschen Vereine vom Roten Kreuz 1915
Trützschler von Falkenstein Ludwig (Graf Fritz von)    Capt / Hptm deR (Maj)     Leiter der deutsch-ottomanischen Sanitätsmission des DRK in Konstantinopel or (honory title) Oberstabsarzt Head of German Medical Mission (Trützschler's 3rd Red Cross Mission) surgeon at Gallipoli to Mesopotania
Zlocisti Theodor    Stabarzt (Capt) Dr    Arzt German Medical officer for the Deutschen Roten-Kreuz-Mission Erzindjan or Erzincan at Lazarett der Deutschen Vereine vom Roten Kreuz 1915 and director of the Red Cross hospital in Istanbul


I have not identified any of the other Red Cross personal in this ship, so its a good find.

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*Are these the same man?

*Becker Gustav    Ingenieur deR (Ing) Marine     Ingenieuraspirant SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1915 to Ingenieur deR (Engineer officer) 18-2-16     1915-18    (born 1881 died?) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1908 to OberIngenieur deR 19-6-18 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

*Becker possibly see Gustav ?     Ingenieur deR (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur  (Engineer officer) shown 5th Wachoffizier (WO) (Ing) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine Crew shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Bernstorff    Assistenzarzt Dr Marine    Assistenzarzt depot ship "Olga" 1918     1917-18    (born 1884 died ) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1910 from SMS Konig Albert to Turkey 9-16 shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Bielfeld (Bielefeld) Max    Stabsingenieur z.D (Ing) Marine    Stabs-Ingenieur zur Disposition (Engineer Officer) Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) Turkei    1917-18    (1865 at Hong Kong China DoD 26-7-18) Krankheit (illness) gestorben Verluste durch Krankheiten grave in German war cemetery at Tarabya Istanbul 

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Dr. Viktor Bernstorff, born January 16, 1884, entered service April 1910, Marine-Oberassistenarzt December 24, 1915, Marine-Stabsarzt April 28, 1918. König Albert to September 1916, then into the theater as a medical doctor to the Turkish torpedo boats for the rest of the war.

Out of service March 17, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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4 hours ago, stevenbecker said:


*Are these the same man?

*Becker Gustav    Ingenieur deR (Ing) Marine     Ingenieuraspirant SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1915 to Ingenieur deR (Engineer officer) 18-2-16     1915-18    (born 1881 died?) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1908 to OberIngenieur deR 19-6-18 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

*Becker possibly see Gustav ?     Ingenieur deR (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur  (Engineer officer) shown 5th Wachoffizier (WO) (Ing) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine Crew shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808


Yes. Gustav Becker, born March 4, 1881, entered service January 1908, Marine-Ingenieur der Reserve February 18, 1916, Marine-Oberingenieur der Reserve June 19, 1918.  On Goeben from November or December 1915 to the end of the war.

Out of service December 9, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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19 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Bielfeld (Bielefeld) Max    Stabsingenieur z.D (Ing) Marine  


char. Marine-Stabsingenieur a.D. (16.4.15) Max Bielfeld, born 12 November 1865. A retired Marine-Oberingenieur who retired on 23 August 1906. Recalled to service in WW1. According to the Ehrenrangliste, he was only placed at the disposal of the Sonderkommando in July 1918. That being the case, he was not with them very long, dying on 26 July 1918.



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Thanks again always interesting

Some more strange ones *

Todays (pesky (naval) Airforce men again?) I have a number not listed on KBF site, but shown up in other records?

*Black    FähnrichzS Marine    Pilot Airforce German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) 9-15 to (Kommandeur der Straits Special Forces Marine Flight Units in Kavak (Zuluk) - Bogazlar Özel güçleri Deniz Uçus birlikleri komutani at Kavak 1-16 SFS Kawak    1915-17    Kaiserliche Marine (not identified)? (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) spelling name? possibly Schwarz (check spelling not shown in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine) and not listed in kaisers-blaue-flieger.de

*Bleren    FähnrichzS Marine    Observer (Beobachter) Airforce German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) 9-15 to (Kommandeur der Straits Special Forces Marine Flight Units in Kavak (Zuluk) - Bogazlar Özel güçleri Deniz Uçus birlikleri komutani at Kavak (Zuluk) 1-16 SFS Kawak    1915-17    Kaiserliche Marine reported in Gotha WD2 (240) with Grocke (P) crashed in the Black Sea due to engine failed near mouth of the river Sakaraya 26-6-16 also shown 28-6-16 (not identified)? (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen) (check spelling not shown in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine) and not listed in kaisers-blaue-flieger.de

*Are these the same man?

*Böhme    Ober Feuerwerker Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul     1916-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine Crew shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy (not listed in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine)
*Böhme Erwin    Feuerwerker Marine    Feuerwerker ordnance technician SMS Breslau (Midilli) - I. Matrosen-Div 3. Abtl. 7. Komp.    1917-18     (born at Frohburg Leipzig KIA 20-1-18) Tot when SMS Breslau sunk by mines at Saros Bay off Imbros Kaiserliche Marine Crew (not listed in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine)

*Yes long shot I know, but I seam to have hit a wall here and other spellings of names didn't work for me maybe you will have better luck?

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10 minutes ago, stevenbecker said:

*Are these the same man?

*Böhme    Ober Feuerwerker Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul     1916-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine Crew shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy (not listed in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine)
*Böhme Erwin    Feuerwerker Marine    Feuerwerker ordnance technician SMS Breslau (Midilli) - I. Matrosen-Div 3. Abtl. 7. Komp.    1917-18     (born at Frohburg Leipzig KIA 20-1-18) Tot when SMS Breslau sunk by mines at Saros Bay off Imbros Kaiserliche Marine Crew (not listed in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine)

*Yes long shot I know, but I seam to have hit a wall here and other spellings of names didn't work for me maybe you will have better luck?

Erwin Böhme won’t be in the Ehrengliste. The Ehrengliste is a book about commissioned officers and commissioned officer candidates. Feuerwerker was a warrant officer rank, like Maschinist and Steuermann.

The 1914 Rangliste includes an appendix that covers Deckoffiziere (warrant officers). There are two Feuerwerker with the last name of Böhme listed:

Oskar Böhme, entered service March 22, 1897, Feuerwerker as of July 1, 1909, and by 1914 getting near promotion to Oberfeuerwerker

Erwin Böhme, entered service April 1, 1898, Feuerwerker as of April 1, 1912, killed when Breslau was sunk

If I had to guess, I’d say that the NARA reference is to Oskar Böhme based upon the rank.

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Posted (edited)

Cheers, Michael,

Yes the Naval Fliegers was a long shot, but I hit a wall with them, and need better eyes


Börnstein    Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Stabszarzt bahnarzt in Konia zur besonderen verwendung Deutsches bakteriologisches institut Konstantinopel 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine  shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

*Braunert     Stabsarzt deR Dr Marine    Stabszarzt in Ajasma zur besonderen verwendung Deutsches bakteriologisches institut Konstantinopel 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Can't read all that is written about these men in the Ehrengliste?

Böse Ernst    Generaloberarzt (Col) Dr Marine    im Stab der Mittelmeerdivision (counted as Bordkommando) maybe aboard SMS Goeben) 8-18 to 11-18 Deniz saglik Birliklerinin en üst rütbeli subayi (Top ranking officer (senior officer) of Marine Health Corps)    1918-    (born 1868 died ?) Kaiserliche Marine  Colonial Service China I. Ersatz-Seebataillon from AdmiralArzt Werft Danzig Oberarzt Abteilung I to Turkey Ausreise nach der Türkei 1918 awarded EK II & EK I and Ottoman Medjidie Order 3rd class and War Medal to Generalarzt 1919 retired Charakter als Generalstabsarzt (Admiralarzt) 1923

Bothmer Freiherr Volkhard von     Kapt-Lt Marine    U Boat School Crew 4/00 to U3 Training Boat to Commander U 54 II Flotilla 5-16 to 5-17 to Commander UC 23 Constantinople Flotilla (replaced Kirchner) 7-17 to 12-17 U boat    1917-18    (born 1882 died 20-3-48) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1900 with 15 ships sunk with a total of 26,218 GRT awarded Order of the Red Eagle and EK II & EK I 


*On double checking I notice we may have done that man

*Braunert Maximillian    Obassistenzarzt  to Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Oberassistenzarzt SMS Goeben (Yavuz) (replaced Willrich) to Stabsarzt Navy Garrision     1915-16 1917-18    (born 1880 died?) Kaiserliche Marine Colonial Government physician Jaluit & Medical officer at Namatanai in German Papua and New Guinea 1912-14 repatriated via Australia shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Ernst Böse, born March 21, 1868, entered service April 1890, Marine-Generaloberarzt (= medical equivalent of a Fregattenkapitän) March 4, 1914, Mittelmeer Division from February or March 1918, senior (by rank) medical officer in Turkey to the end of the war.

Marine-Generalarzt (= Kapitän zur See) November 29, 1919. Out of service August 31, 1923 with the charakter of a  Marine-Generaloberstabsarzt (=Kontreadmiral).  His decorations include the EK1, Bremen’s Hanseatic Cross, and the Red Cross Medal 2nd Class.

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Dr. Felix Börnstein, born April 26, 1882, entered service October 1904, Marine-Stabsarzt April 25, 1912. From November or December 1915 military mission in Konia as a supervising doctor and the head of a railroad-based hospital.

Out of service November 21, 1919 with the charakter of a  Marine-Oberstabsarzt. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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