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German Naval officers in the Ottoman Service


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Volkhard Freiherr von  Bothmer, born August 27, 1882, Crew 1900, Kapitänleutnant April 10, 1911. Is this guy: https://uboat.net/wwi/men/commanders/33.html

From the end of 1917 he was in charge of the coastal stations and U-boat bases in Asia Minor.

22 Nov 1919 Out of naval service

21 Jan 1920 Korvettenkapitän (Charakter)

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Dr. Maximillian Braunert, born January 2, 1880, entered service April 1, 1900, Marine-Oberassistenzarzt der Reserve April 9, 1912, Marine-Stabsarzt der Reserve September 16, 1916. Yes, repatriated from Australia.

Goeben for essentially all of 1916, then at the Turkish military hospital at Harbie for the rest of the war.

German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2. Date out of service not given in the Ehrenrangliste.


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Yes I saw that on Bothmer, but when checking against the Ehrengliste, it showed those units post 1917, you show as coastal stations and U-boat bases in Asia Minor

No worries I'll leave it as is.

Its like the Fliegers, Ingenieurs and others, some I found in the Ehrengliste, while others I have not, so I throw a wide net and see what comes up.


Buchmann    Ober Feuerwerker Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul (shown geschossabnahmeoffisiere (bullet inspection officers) Zeitin-Burnu    1916-    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

Burggraf Paul    Lt deR MA Marine    Pilot Matrosenartillerie Airforce I. Seeflieger-Abteilung to Seeflugstation SFS Xanthi 5-17 to Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Turkei) SFS Türkei 4-18     1917-18    Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1915 awarded Ottoman Iftihar Medal in silver

Capelle Eduard von     Admiral Marine    State secretary Naval Dept - advocated for shipbuilding contracts with the Ottoman Empire    unknown    (1855 at Celle died 23-1-31 or 23-2-31) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1872 called as Alfred von Tirpitz's replacement as German navy minister in March 1916 secured contracts for twelve torpedo boats and twelve U-boats for the Ottoman Navy awarded Pour le Mérite and Knight's Cross of the Royal House Order of Hohenzollern and Ottoman War Medal Honory award by Ottoman Govt 

Corsalli     OberIngenieur (Ing) Marine    OberIngenieur Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul - Vorstand Rohmaterial (Board of Raw Materials) unterstützen W Vc and Sect VIIIc fabrikbauten ausnutzung von wasserkaften zu dissen zwecke (Factory buildings exploit water resources for these purposes)    1916-    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

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Paul Burggraf, born April 8, 1884, entered service August 1915, Leutnant der Reserve der Matrosenartillerie October 29, 1918. Sonderkommando Turkei from August or September 1917 to the end of the war.  Yes, a pilot.

Out of service January 21, 1920.

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Oberfeuerwerker Buchmann wouldn't be in the Ehrenrangliste. (Ober)Feuerwerker is a warrant officer rank and the Ehrenrangliste is all about commissioned officers and commissioned officer candidates. that said, I don’t see a match in the 1914 Rangliste.

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No worries, I was worried about what I had on him, when the Good Book had a lot more I couldn't read?


Elsässer Karl    Kapt-Lt Marine    1st artillery officer Russian battleship Emperor Aleksandr III in German service as Linienschiff  "Wolja" 10-18 to 11-18 at Sevastopol RTG     1918-    (1883-1958).Kaiserliche Marine 

Emsmann Hugo    Kon-Admiral Marine    Commanded to the Imperial Admiralty Staff of the Navy     1914-18    (1857 in Stettin died 12-12-33) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1874 Colonial Service China & Samoa from Great Radio station retired Charakterisierter Kon-Admiral 1907 Commander of the Large Radio Station Eilvese & Commanded to the Imperial Admiralty Staff of the Navy 1914-18 awarded Prussian Order of the Red Eagle 2nd Class and EK II & EK I and (pre war) Ottoman Silver Medal of Merit of the Red Crescent and War Medal 

Etzdorf Rüdiger von    LtzS Marine    joins special forces Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) 7-17 to Range officer in the Euphrates river det (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) shown streckenoffz (route office) Etappen dienst (Stage service) 1918    1917-18     (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine 

Fett possibly (Georg)?     LtzS (Kapt-Lt) Marine    Instructor Ottoman Battleship "Torgut Reit" (Turgut Reis) from German ships    1915-16    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine 

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Karl Elsässer, born May 13, 1883, Crew 1901, Kapitänleutnant November 11, 1911, was a battleship artillery officer throughout the war. He served on Nassau to February 1915, then Helgoland to August 1918, before coming to the theater as Wolja’s chief gunnery officer.

Out of service November 21, 1919 with the charakter of a Korvettenkapitän. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1 and Baden’s Order of the Zähringer Lion.

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Rüdiger von Etzdorf, born September 22, 1894, entered service in August 1914 originally as a war volunteer, Leutnant zur See October 12, 1916. From July or August with the Sonderkommando’s Euphrates River Detachment as an Ettappen officer to October 1918.

Out of service November 24, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Fett is a problem. Yes, there was a Georg Fett, born January 14, 1886, Crew 1904, Kapitänleutnant July 16, 1915 but he wasn’t in theater. He's a torpedo boat commander in Germany through to September 1917, when he's assigned to a staff job with the inspector of torpedo forces. There are no other officers named Fett in the Ehrenrangliste.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Hugo Emsmann, can't really add much. Born April 26, 1857, Crew 1874, Charakter as a Kontreadmiral September 7, 1907. One of those retired officer that serviced during the war without being reinstated into the active-duty officer list. Served as the head of the radio station Eilvese through out the war.

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Cheers Michael,

Yes Fett was a strange one, I could not find a connection either, I checked other known men who served on the Battleship "Torgut Reit" (Turgut Reis) but of the 14 German officers I have from LtzS to Kor-Kapt, none are close to that spelling.

Only two are shown as instructors, but others may of had to do that job, as it was common on Ottoman ships for all German ranks to also teach their Turkish ship mates

Rosentreter Fedor    Kapt-Lt (Maj) Marine    Torpedo officer SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1914 - Instructor/CoCommander Ottoman Battleship "Torgut Reit" (Turgut Reis) supported defence of Dardanelles 4-15 to CoCommander "Barbaros Hayrettin" (Barbaros Hayreddin)

Kubeile (Kubrille) Paul    Feuerwerks-Maat deR Marine    SMS Breslau (Midilli) - PO Instructor Ottoman Battleship "Torgut Reit" (Turgut Reis) from German ships Corravado to SMS Goeben (Yavuz) - Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) Naval MG Sects Marine-Landungsabteilung (Naval Shore Det) at Gallipoli 


Fiedler G.F    Kapt Marine    Commander German depot Ship "General" RTG 1914    1914-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine 

Fikentscher Erich    LtzS Marine    SMS Emden Station N to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14     1914-15    (born Nürnberg ) Kaiserliche Marine PoW captured by HMAS Sydney 9-11-14 Kriegsgefangen in Gefangenschaft (PoW in prison)

Fischer     Hilfsakaptlt Marine     Hilfsakaptlt (assistant captain) Quartermaster General QMG verfügung gestellt (made available)    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Franz Carl    Kon-Admiral Marine    pre war check me ******        (born 1855 died 1919) Kaiserliche Marine awarded Pre war Ottoman Order Of Talent and Osmaniye Order 2nd Class and Medjidie Order 2nd Class 

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2 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Fiedler G.F    Kapt Marine    Commander German depot Ship "General" RTG 1914    1914-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine

No, not German navy but rather German merchant marine so a civilian. General was a big merchant steamer that made for Turkey when the war began and became a German naval depot ship. The 1914/195 edition of Lloyd's Register of Shipping lists a “F. Fiedler” as General’s captain. As he’s not a reserve officer and the navy in any case doesn’t have a need for him in theater, he goes back home.

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On 02/07/2024 at 18:27, stevenbecker said:

Fischer     Hilfsakaptlt Marine     Hilfsakaptlt (assistant captain) Quartermaster General QMG verfügung gestellt (made available)    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Not listed in the Ehrenrangliste, but I don’t have have high confidence that the list of Hilfsoffiziere in the Ehrenrangliste is 100% complete.

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On 02/07/2024 at 23:27, stevenbecker said:

Franz Carl    Kon-Admiral Marine


nothing to suggest that Admiral Franz was recalled for service in any capacity in WW1. He retired on 15 September 1908.



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1 hour ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Not listed in the Ehrenrangliste, but I don’t have have high confidence that the list of Hilfsoffiziere in the Ehrenrangliste is 100% complete.

I agree. And for what it is worth, I have only encountered two appointments of Hilfsoffiziere listed in the Marine-Verordnungsblatt.



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Posted (edited)

Cheers Mates,

Yes I had the same problem confirming who Fikentscher Erich is and the story of SS Buresk

a prize she was retained and used as a prison ship and collier. Under command of Lt-Cdr R. Klöpper, she coaled Emden near the Nicobar Islands on 26 October. While approaching the Cocos (Keeling) Islands to coal Emden again, she was chased by HMAS Sydney after Emden was sunk. She was in the process of being scuttled by her crew when boarded by a Sydney boarding party, finding that the inlet valves had been opened and irreparably damaged. She was later sunk by gunfire from Sydney"

List of the known Prize crew

Ellermann Heinrich    ObMasch Maat Marine    SMS Emden II Werft 1 Abt  to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Fikentscher Erich    LtzS Marine    SMS Emden Station N to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Giersch Richard    ObHeizer deR Marine    SMS Emden II Werft to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Goltz Hermann    Boots-Maat deR Marine    SMS Emden II Matr Kapt  to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Granzow Julius    ObMatrose Marine    SMS Emden II Matr Kapt to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Gronau Wilhelm    ObMatrose Marine    SMS Emden II Matr 1 Abt to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Kelle Fritz    ObSignal Gast Marine    SMS Emden II Matr 3 Abt 8 Komp to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Klöpper Oskar    Kapt-Lt aD Marine    außer Dienst SMS Emden Station N to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Lakay Wilhelm    Heizer Marine    Kreigfreiwilliger SMS Emden to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Lapp Heinrich    ObMasch Maat Marine    SMS Emden II Werft 1 Abt to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Leucht Martin    ObMasch Maat deR Marine    SMS Emden II Werft 1 Abt to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Mayer (Meyer) Karl    Matrose deR Marine    Kriegsfreiwilliger SMS Emden II Matr 1 Abt to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Rölle Fritz    FT Gast Marine    Funken-Telegraphen SMS Emden II Werft 1 Abt to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Schall Robin Vidal    LtzS Marine    SMS Emden Station N to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Warnecke Henry    ObHeizer deR Marine    SMS Emden to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 
Wittkopf Freidrich    Torpedo Maat Marine    SMS Emden I Torp Div 4 Komp to prize ship SS Buresk a Collier 27-9-14 

I did find Fikentscher in the Ehrenrangliste, but I am unsure of the Old German writting if correct spelling I have, see page 354 under ObLtzS (if I have the right man that is?)

Which does list LtzS Schall but not Kapt-Lt Klopper (at lest under that spelling?)

I found him, and them, when trying to track down those German crewmen who escaped the lost of the Emden and arrived in Turkey

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Posted (edited)


*Frige     ObLtzS Marine    MMD (Military Mediterranean Division - Ottoman Torpedo Boat "Akhisar" 9-14    1914-    (not identified) 

Gäriner    Assistenzarzt  Dr Marine    Assistenzarzt Depot ship "General" 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Gehricke    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine    Ingenieur Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul - Vorstand Rohmaterial (Board of Raw Materials) - Sect VIIIa Rohstoffversorgung Kohle und Koks (raw material supply coal and coke)    1916-    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

Glanhn    LtzS deR Marine    Quartermaster General QMG verfügung gestellt (made available) s.auch flottille (see also Flottilla)     1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

* only officer I show on this ship during the war and I can't confirm his name? 

"At the outbreak of World War I, she was already obsolete and of low combat value.[5] On August 29, 1914, the ship with a German officer, Oberleutnant zur See Frige on board left the Dardanelles and went under Imbros on a reconnaissance mission"


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Walter Glahn, born January 21, 1893, entered service December 5, 1914, Leutnant zur See der Reserve February 20, 1917. Civilian service with the Dardanelles Command December 1914, then Bosporus minesweeping division to March 1915, then Turkish torpedo boats to May 1918, and finally with the torpedo boat flotilla in Sevastopol to the end of the war.

Out of service January 21, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

If I'd have to guess, maybe a junior merchant marine officer on one of the German merchant ships that sought safety in Turkey when the war began that made himself useful locally, and eventually became a reserve officer.

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There’s no obvious match in the Ehrenrangliste for Frige, Gäriner, or Gehricke.

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21 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Gäriner    Assistenzarzt  Dr Marine  

Marine-Oberassistenzarzt Dr. Wolfgang Gärtner, born 26 June 1890 in Jena. Active naval medical officer who qualified in medicine in 1914. Marine-Assistenzarzt on 31.8.14 and Marine-Oberassistenzarzt on 17.12.16. In theatre and assigned to the "General" as an assistant surgeon from July 1917. Left service on 14 July 1919 with the Charakter of a Marine-Stabsarzt.



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22 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

*Frige     ObLtzS Marine  

I would assume that should be Leutnant zur See Ernst Krieger, born 6 July 1893. Initially serving on the Breslau as a Fähnrich and commissioned on 3 August 1914. Serving on the Ottoman torpedo boat Dradsch in April 1915 and then adjutant to the commander of the straits command. July 1916 to U boat school and further U boat service. Promoted to Oberleutnant on 26 April 1916 and retired on 22 November 1919.



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Yes Frige could be Krieger, I am inclined to look at Others, all of whom we have discussed with Wolf, other then Schrader Otto von 

But we run into the problem of his ship Ottoman Torpedo Boat "Akhisar", I have no others recorded in that ship, when accounts state that at lest 4 Germans were on her, so they maybe service men not officers. Common on most boats were German attach to Engineering, Gunnery, and top deck crew, either FT or others, who help train the Ottoman crews 


*Gramberg Hinrich    Lt (Ing) Marine    Erster Ingenieur (Sea) Mining Ingenieur (Engineer officer) to block the Tigris Stab Iraq Command att Suleiman Askari Bey Ottoman forces at Basra 1915 and served in Expedition Klein in Persia Mesopotamia 1914-15 to Offiziers-Stellvertreter / Osmanischer Leutnant 1-3-15 Minen-Offizier unter Leutnant Müller an der Kurna-Front    1914-15    (not identified)? Ex Maschinisten-Maat 1. Kompanie II. Werft-Division Wilhelmshafen V, Steuermann der Reserve (Ship's officer of Hapag-Lloyd steamer “Ekbatana“ Confiscated by the Turks at the beginning of the war and was sunk at the mouth of the Shatt al-Arab at Basra together with two other ships to block the river mouth) Gefangenschaft seit Mai 1915 (PoW 31-5-15 at Ruta near Qurna
* possibly another civilian ranked naval officer

Hagen Franz    ObLtzS Marine    U Boat School Crew 4/10 to Commander UC 73 Pola/Mittelmeer I Flotilla 7-18 to 12-18 (repalced Gerke) U Boat     1918-    (born 1891 died ?)  Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1910 with No ships sunk awarded EK II & EK I (not identified)? 

*Hentz    Int Sekr Marine    Int Sekretär  to depot Ship  "General" 1918     1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808
unknown if he could be recorded?

No mentioned in the Ehrenrangliste

Goltz Konrad    Kapt-Lt zD (Maj) Marine    Pilot Airforce German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) to OC Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) SFS St Stefano (from Leibmann) 1-17 (or 7-17) to Acting Kon-Kapt Inspector Ottoman Marineluftfahresens) Naval Avation 6-18 - Deniz kuvvetleri uçak filolari komutani Basmüfettisi (Navy aircraft fleet commander Chief Inspector) to 10-18 RTG     1917-18     (born 1881 in San Remo/Italien died 10-1-57 or 10-1-47) Kaiserliche Marine retired Charakter Kon-Kapt 1911 trained as pilot from Seefliegertruppe 1914 to Commander Freiwilligen MarineFliegerkorps 11-15 to Sonderkommando (SoKo) Edler 1.Torpedo Staffel at Flenburg 1-9-16 to Commander der Seeflieger in Turkey 7-17 reported killed in flying accident not confirmed awarded Pre war Order of the Crown and Oldenburg’s House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis and Saxony’s Albert Order & EK II shown Gruppenleiter and Abt.Chef bei der Inspektion der Marineflieger beim Luftkreis-Kdo 1920-35 to LtCol supply officer based at the port of Kiel Luftwaffe founder of the Seenotdienst (Air sea rescue) 1935 retired 1937 recalled Col Gruppe Seenotdienst 1938 later WWII Gen-Maj Inspekteur des Seenotdienstes im RLM/L to Gen-Lt retired 1943 (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen)

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22 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

No mentioned in the Ehrenrangliste

Goltz Konrad    Kapt-Lt zD (Maj) Marine    Pilot Airforce German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) to OC Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando) SFS St Stefano (from Leibmann) 1-17 (or 7-17) to Acting Kon-Kapt Inspector Ottoman Marineluftfahresens) Naval Avation 6-18 - Deniz kuvvetleri uçak filolari komutani Basmüfettisi (Navy aircraft fleet commander Chief Inspector) to 10-18 RTG     1917-18     (born 1881 in San Remo/Italien died 10-1-57 or 10-1-47) Kaiserliche Marine retired Charakter Kon-Kapt 1911 trained as pilot from Seefliegertruppe 1914 to Commander Freiwilligen MarineFliegerkorps 11-15 to Sonderkommando (SoKo) Edler 1.Torpedo Staffel at Flenburg 1-9-16 to Commander der Seeflieger in Turkey 7-17 reported killed in flying accident not confirmed awarded Pre war Order of the Crown and Oldenburg’s House and Merit Order of Peter Frederick Louis and Saxony’s Albert Order & EK II shown Gruppenleiter and Abt.Chef bei der Inspektion der Marineflieger beim Luftkreis-Kdo 1920-35 to LtCol supply officer based at the port of Kiel Luftwaffe founder of the Seenotdienst (Air sea rescue) 1935 retired 1937 recalled Col Gruppe Seenotdienst 1938 later WWII Gen-Maj Inspekteur des Seenotdienstes im RLM/L to Gen-Lt retired 1943 (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen)

Goltz is on page 593 of the Ehrenrangliste. Born October 8, 1881. Crew 1899. Reaches the rank of Kapitänleutnant but leaves service. He is on those officers that sees service again during the war without being reinstated to the active-duty officer list. Charakter as Korvettenkapitän February 15, 1918.

Commander of the Freiwilligen Marine Flieger Korps (becomes the Marine Landflieger Abteilung) August 1914 to July 1916, then head of the Seeflieger Sonderkommando in Flensburg (torpedo aircraft) to July 1917. when be becomes the commander der Seeflieger in Turkey and inspector of the Turkish naval aviation and detachment head in teh Turkish Navy Ministry to the end of the war.

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Friedrich Hentz is shown in the Beamte section of Ehrenrangliste, which provides limited details of these officials.

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