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German Naval officers in the Ottoman Service


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Cheers Michael,

I thought you maybe away to the 4 July Weekend

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8 hours ago, Michael Lowrey said:

Friedrich Hentz

I have yet to find Friedrich Hentz's initial appointment as a charakterisierter Marine-Intendantur-Inspektor for that is the rank he held on appointment to the substantive rank as such on 25 July 1918 as shown in the Ehrenrangliste. He had been serving with the Marine-Intendantur in Kiel until assigned to the staff of the Mittelmeerdivision on 30 December 1916.



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Thank you


Hieronymus    LtzS Pastor / Pfarrer Marine    Father Catholic Chaplain Pfarrer gave service to first Germans killed at the Dardanelles     1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine

Himmighofen    Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) & Beamt Stellvert att Baltzer's Transportabteilung 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Höffer    Kapt-Lt deR Marine    Commander Landung abteilung Gallipoli 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

On the off chance do you have any details on this man

Herzig    ObMatrose Marine     Cook UB 14 Constantinople Flotilla U Boat     1915-    mention for his actions with ObLtzS Heimburg in the sinking of HMSubmarine E 7 4-9-15 (not identified)

Wiki said

The U-boat′s commander, Oberleutnant zur See Heino von Heimburg, and UB-14's cook, a man by the name of Herzig, set out in a rowboat to observe the Ottoman attempts to destroy E7. After several mines that formed part of the net had been detonated to no avail,[Note 1] von Heimburg and his group rowed out and repeatedly dropped a plumb line until it contacted metal. Then, von Heimburg dropped an Ottoman sinker mine with a shortened fuse right on top of E7.[4] After the hand-dropped mine detonated too close for the British submarine's captain's comfort, he ordered his boat surfaced, abandoned, and scuttled. Between shellfire from the Ottoman shore batteries and E7′s scuttling charges, von Heimburg and company narrowly escaped harm.[5] While most sources credit E7′s sinking to the Ottoman efforts, author Robert Stern contends that von Heimburg and UB-14 deserve partial credit for the demise of E7.

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Not Höffer but rather:

Adolf Hoefer, May 29, 1871, entered service October 2, 1896, Kapitänleutnant de Reserve September 28, 1906. Sperrbrecher Pallanza commander and group leader to September 1914. Turkish sea transport group to November 1914, them head of the Mittelmeer Division’s coal bureau to August 1915, then mine commander at the Dardanelles to April 1916, then at Konstanza to December 1916, then the commander Landung Abteilung at the Dardanelles for the remainder of the war.

Out of service December 1, 1918. Charakter as Korvettenkapitän der Reserve February 10, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are (unsurprisingly) the EK1 and the Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 1st Class. 

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Good pick up Michael,

I guess no others can be found.


Hölzel Hans    ObAssistenzarzt  Dr Marine    Oberassistenzärzte Flottillenarzt 2. U Boat Flottille Mittelmeer Cattaro 7-17 to 5-18 to MO U 139 U-Kreuzer Flotilla 9-18 to 11-18 U Boat    1917-18    (not identified) 

Jungermann (Jüngermann)     Beamt Stellvert Marine    Beamt Stellvert depot Ship  "General" 1918     1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine Crew shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Kankelwitz Gerhard    Assistenzarzt Dr Marine    Assistenzarzt Flottillenarzt Unterseebootsflottille 8-13 to 1-14 to Stabsarzt Assigned to the FdU Mediterranean staff 3-18 to 4-18 U Boat    1918-    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine post war Augenarzt (Ophthalmologist) in Schweidnitz 1929 and Doctor 1942 

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Dr. Gerhard Kankelwitz, born March 6, 1884, entered service April 1906, Marine-Stabsarzt April 24, 1916, in theater in March and April 1918 with the U-Flotilla Mediterranean and temporarily also doctor on staff.

Out of service December 30, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Dr. Hans Hölzel, born December 6, 1889, entered service April 1920, Marine-Oberassistenarzt January 13, 1917. Submarine-flotilla Cattaro from July or August 1917 to May 1918, then on the U-cruiser U 139 to the end of the war.

Out of service December 17, 1918. Charakter as Marine-Stabsarzt June 29, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Bavaria’s Militärverdienstorden, so presumably from there.

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Cheers Michael,

Jungermann (Jüngermann)  must be another one of those Merchant navy men who were in Turkey

I also have these men from that ship, but does not shown possibly were with the Naval Shore Det when wounded?

Jungelaus Thies    Ober-Matrose deR Marine    Marine Det Depot ship "General" - I Matrosen Div 5 Komp    1915-    (born at Ramhusen )  Kaiserliche Marine Crew leicht verwundet (minor wound) WIA 26-12-15 ganzer Körper (whole body) at Seddelbahr Gallipoli 
Johannison Ernst    Ober-Matrose deR Marine    Marine Det Depot ship "General" - II Matrosen Div    1915-    (born at Kiel ) leicht verwundet (minor wound) WIA 7-11-15 at Gallipoli


Not sure if this man is Navy or just attached to the Naval HQ?

Kappeln Martin von     (Maj) Marine    Stabsoffizier to Navy HQ Kaiserliche Marine    unknown    (not identified)? 

Appear we have little luck with these men also

Kaselofski     Int Sekr Marine    Do´lmetscher (Interpreter) Beamt stellvert (Deputy civil servant) Stab MMD (Mittelmeer-Division) (Military Mediterranean Division) under Rebeur-Paschwitz 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

I could not find any service in Turkey for this man, any ideas on award?

Kauder Hans Hermann Graf von Schweinitz und Krain Freiherr von     Kapt-Lt Marine    Navigation officer SMS Regensberg 1916-17    1917-18    (1883 at Liebenburg died 4-3-59) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1901 Navigation officer on light cruisers SMS Rostock 1914-15 to SMS Danzig 1915 to SMS Emden II 1917-18 to undergoing U Boat training when the war ended 1918 awarded Ottoman War Medal to Kor-Kapt 1920 to Frig-Kapt 1926 to KaptzS 1920 retired Kon-Admiral 1931 later WWII Kriegsmarine Kon-Admiral zV Commander Sea Defence Ukraine & Crimea Russia 1941-43 Retired 1943 brother Hans Artur Kapt-Lt U 13 @ KIA 12-8-14 Sunk in the North Sea at an unknown time and location between August 6 and August 12 1914 possibly accident or mined

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Hans Hermann Graf von Schweinitz und Krain Freiherr von Kauder (alphabetically would be under “Schweinitz”). Because he stayed in the navy through 1926, we do have his full German awards and foreign war-time awards: prewar Red Eagle Order, EKI, a Dienstauszeichnungkreuz plus the Turkish Iron Half Moon (as the Germans called it). No indication in the Ehrenrangliste that he was in theater.

And on Hans Artur Graf von Schweinitz und Krain Freiherr von Kauder: Mines had been laid yet in the area where U 13 disappeared, so can be eliminated as a possible cause of the U-boat's disappearance.

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Yes I am afraid most of these men will never be identified 

A number of German officers show up with Ottoman awards, that seam to have never served along side their forces, honourary is the only reason or pre war for something?


*Kauffmann Karl    LtzS Marine    Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Breslau (Midilli)        Kaiserliche Marine awarded Ottoman War Medal (not identified)? not found in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine

*There is a Karl Kaufmann (Ing) in U Boats, who was in the Med, but no record on Breslau?

Kehrhahn Heinrich    Kor-Kapt Marine    Dept Head Naval Staff 1917-19    1917-18    (1881 in Riga Latvia died 14-5-62) Kaiserliche Marine Colonial Service China - Torpedo Officer Liner SMS Preussen and Liner SMS Friedrick de Gross 1915-17 awarded Prussian Order of the Crown 4th Class and EK II & EK I and Ottoman Osmaniye Order 4th Class later WWII Kriegsmarine Konteradmiral z.V Reichs-Commissioner with the Sea-Office Bremerhaven 1938-45

*Keil    Hilfsakaptlt Marine     Hilfsakaptlt (assistant captain) seem berater ber kohlenabtseilg (Seems to be a consultant about coal separation) shown at the HQ zur verfügung gestellt (made available)    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808
* not sure if he is mentioned in the Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine

Keller Hans von    ObLtzS to Kapt-Lt Marine    Navagation officer SMS Breslau (Midilli) 11-15 - Midilli'de çikartma birligi komutani (Breslau) union commander     1915-18    (born 1887 at Meißen Sachsen ) Kaiserliche Marine kriegsgefangen England in Gefschaft (in prison) PoW 20-1-18 when SMS Breslau sunk off Imbros reported rescued when sunk off Imbros 20-1-18 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book

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Heinrich Kehrhahn, born July 17, 1881, Crew 1900, Korvettenkapitän October 14, 1917, remains in the navy postwar, Kapitän zur See October 1, 1926, so have his wartime awards:  EK1 plus the Oldenburg’s Friedrich August Kreuz 1st Class and the Mecklenburg-Schwerin’s Militärverdienstkreuz. Also a Dienstauszeichnungskreuz and a prewar Order of the Crown. Nothing in the Ehrenrangliste suggests he was in theater.

No Ottoman wartime awards listed. The Ottoman Osmaniye Order 4th Class is though listed in the 1914 Rangliste, so clearly prewar.

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Keil. Not listed in the Ehrenrangliste, but that may not mean much. As previously stated neither Glenn nor I have much faith that the Ehrenrangliste is complete when it comes to Hilfsoffiziere.

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Hans von Keller, born June 12, 1887, Crew 1907, Oberleutnant zur See September 27, 1913, Kapitänleutnant October 14, 1917. Breslau as a WO from November or December 1915 to when the cruiser was sunk. (No mention of him being Breslau’s navigation officer.) British POW; out service March 8, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Karl Kaufmann — why not the engineering officer? Or put another way, what evidence do we have that there was a junior commissioned officer named Kauf(f)mann on Breslau?

Karl Kaufmann, born August 24, 1893, Marine-Ingenieur July 18, 1918. LI on UB 43, UC 20, and U 63, and the staff on the Mediterranean U-boat command. Stays in the navy postwar, so we have his decorations: EK1, U-boat War Badge (both unsurprising), Dienstauszeichnung 3rd Class, plus the Austrian Verdienstkreuz, and the Silver Ottoman Liakat Medal with Swords and the Ottoman War Medal (= Eiserner Halbmond).

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Cheers Michael,

That reinforces my idea that they maybe the same man, always good to have another set of eyes on your work.


I was unsure if you can find this man from the raider, or how he died in Egypt, until I reread something I asked Holgar, and found him in the Schutztruppe Deutsch-Ostafrika?

Kirstein Botho Erich    Vizefw./Maat Marine    Feldkp 7 SMS Möwe Deutsch-Ostafrika    1917    (born at Königsberg DoD 21-8-17) Krankheit (illness) Ruhr. 26 Jahre buried Cairo (deutscher Friedhof Alt-Kairo) Cemetery Egypt Kaiserliche Marine 

*Klamroth Felix    ObLtzS Marine    sent to replace Berndt as 3rd Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918 but to hosp pneum before being sent.    1918-    (born 1891 DoD 22-4-25) died of a recurrence of the condition (pneum) in Gernrode Kaiserliche Marine 
* could not read details in Ehrenrangliste

Koch     Kapt-Lt Marine    "Patmos" cargo ship    unknown    (not identified) to many to confirm? possible civilian Merchant Navy?

*Koenig Georg     Arzt Dr Marine    naval staff physician    1915-16    Kaiserliche Marine saw the Armenian Genicide (not identified)? 

*possibly König Georg    Flotten Assistenzarzt z.D. Dr Marine    Assistenzarzt deR zur verfügung des Arztes (at the doctor's disposal) 11-15 head doctor at the convalescent home in Moda to Stab MMD (Mittelmeer-Division) (Military Mediterranean Division) under Rebeur-Paschwitz 1918 shown Stabsarzt 17-3-18 was an eye specialist with the German military mission to Turkey in Navy hospital in Constantinople

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2 hours ago, stevenbecker said:

Koch     Kapt-Lt Marine    "Patmos" cargo ship    unknown    (not identified) to many to confirm? possible civilian Merchant Navy?

We’ve discussed this one before. The reference is to Kapitänleutnant der Reserve Theodor Koch:




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Felix Klamroth, born May 26, 1891, Crew 1911, Oberleutnant zur See April 26, 1917. Friedrich der Große to March 1916, then on a training course to August 1916, he then assumes command of the armed trawler (minesweeper and escort vessel) M 54, to January 1918, when then effectively unavailable for the rest of the war because of illness. 

Out of service November 22, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2, Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross, and Anhalt’s Friedrich Kreuz.

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Re Hans von Keller.  On board Breslau 1 Dec 1915, according to ship's KTB . Recorded as   II Artl Off and WO from 1.12.15 onwards in a list of officers serving on the ship between Aug 1914 and mid October 1916. No evidence found, to date, for him being Navigation Officer in the KTB or Mittelmeer  records available online from NARA and Bundesarchiv .

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Posted (edited)


Sorry I forgot the cross out the Koch entry last time.

Interesting on Keller, another Wolf mistake 


Krumbholz Albert    WO (SI) Marine    werftleiter (shipyard manager) shown Djerablus Dett to (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Kuntze Paul    Kapt-Lt Marine    Pilot Airforce I. Seeflieger-Abteilung to Seeflugstation OC SFS Varna (from reinsberg) 3-16 to OC SFS Constanza 10-16 to 12-16 to SFS Bug 2-17     1916-17    (1883 at Lauben died 15-4-42) Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK II & EK I  formed SFS Constanza 28-10-16 6x Friedrichshafen FF 33 (818, 819, 851, 860, 862, 886)

Lange F.    WO (Ing) Marine    Ingenieurs-Aspirant UB 3 Pola Flotilla     1915-    (KIA 25-5-15)  shown vermißt (MIA) Lost on first patrol taking suppy from Cattaro to Turkey enroute in the Aegean Sea. Final fate unknown 14 dead (all hands lost) (British reports say she was lost to a mine at Smyrna) Kaiserliche Marine Crew


can you find who the Ing Marine on UB 42 is shown on page 1244

Possibly Freebe Karl 

I have two Ing already for UB 42, but I am sure of his spelling?

Wiemer Paul Heinrich WIlhelm     WO (LI) Marine    Leitender Ingenieur (Chief Engineer Warrent officer) Ingenieuroberaspirant officer candadate UB 42 Halbflottillenarzt U Boat Halbflottille Constantinople Flotilla 1918 

Graef Edmund    WO (LI) Marine    Leitender OberIngenieur (Chief Engineer Warrent officer) UB 42 Halbflottillenarzt U Boat Halbflottille Constantinople Flotilla 12-15 to Pola Flotilla U 35 under Kapt-Lt la Perière 9-16

The photo on the U Boat site shows this man with a EK I, but that is not mentioned in the Bio, any ideas?

Nolde Herbert    LtzS deR Marine    U Boat School Crew 10/14 1st Wachoffizier (WO) UB 42 under kapt-Lt Schwarz 6-17 Halbflottillenarzt U Boat Halbflottille Constantinople Flotilla Commander UB 42 7-18 to 9-18 (replaced Rohrscheidt after deid) U boat    1918-    (born 1892 )  Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1914 with No ships sunk or damaged awarded EK II 1-7-17 (photo also shows EK I no details)? Served on SMS Kaiserin Augusta SMS Mecklenburg SMS Schleswig Holstein and Torpedo boat S 140 to submarine school in October 1916 to UB 24 under kapt-Lt Albrecht to Turkey shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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Albert Krumbholz, born June 5, 1880, entered service October 1, 1904, Marine-Ingenieur dert Seewehr I September 16, 1916. Engineer on escort vessels to May 1915, then Oldenburg to August 1915, Braunschweig to February 1916, and then Markgraf to June 1916 when he joins the Euphrates River detachment and serves as teh head of the shipyard at Djerblus to the end of the war.

Out of service December 31, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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15 hours ago, stevenbecker said:


can you find who the Ing Marine on UB 42 is shown on page 1244

Possibly Freebe Karl 

I have two Ing already for UB 42, but I am sure of his spelling?

Wiemer Paul Heinrich WIlhelm     WO (LI) Marine    Leitender Ingenieur (Chief Engineer Warrent officer) Ingenieuroberaspirant officer candadate UB 42 Halbflottillenarzt U Boat Halbflottille Constantinople Flotilla 1918 

Graef Edmund    WO (LI) Marine    Leitender OberIngenieur (Chief Engineer Warrent officer) UB 42 Halbflottillenarzt U Boat Halbflottille Constantinople Flotilla 12-15 to Pola Flotilla U 35 under Kapt-Lt la Perière 9-16

Karl Theede.

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Posted (edited)


Many missing again, I am picking the hard ones here?


Ley     LtzS Marine     6th Lt SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Liedke (possibly Liedtse) Georg    Zahlmeister Marine    shown Zahlmeister Hilfsarbeiter Kassenverwaltung (cash management) MMD (Military Mediterranean Division) 1918     1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808 possibly see page 1492 of Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine from SMS Arcona to depot Ship "General" 3-17 to U Boat Half Flot 4-18 to Sevastopol 4-18 (born 1891 Kaiserliche Marine 1910 

Loewer (Löwer)    FähnrichzS Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808 (check spelling not shown in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine)


Sorry can you check these names and details as I am unsure if  I am translating from old German?

Flebbe Johannes    Stabsarzt deR Dr Marine    depot ship Corcovado

Beyme (Benme) Henning    WO (LI) Marine    OberIngenieur (Chief Engineer Warrent officer) UC 13 Constantinople Flotilla (replaced Boden) 7-15 Went aground in a storm E of the Bosphorus 29-11-15 & UC 23 Constantinople Flotilla 12-15 U boat    1915-17    (born 1890 KIA 23-5-18) Kaiserliche Marine Crew U Boat school 2-15 to Flandern Flotilla UC 7 under ObLtzS Wäger 5-15 to Turkey 7-15 RTG to Pola/Mittelmeer I Flotilla UB 52 under ObLtzS Launburg 4-17 reported Torpedoed by HM Sub H4 in Otranto Strait  33 dead and 2 survivors (also shown KIA 22-5-18)

Boden Heinrich     WO (LI) Marine    Ingenieur (Engineer) UC 13 Constantinople Flotilla 3-15 U Boat     1915-    (born 1891 died )  Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1909 RTG 8-15 to U Boat school 10-17 to II Flotilla U 55 under Kapt-Lt Werner 6-18 

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Kurt Loewer, born January 27, 1899, entered service July 1916, Leutnant zur See September 18, 1918.  Problem: per the Ehrenrangliste, Loewer was never in theater.


Out of service March 31, 1919. No decorations by early 1918, which is not that surprising.

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Edmund Ley, born July 10, 1897, entered service October 1915, Leutnant zur See December 13, 1917, on Goeben from July or August 1916 to July 1918, when he gets assigned to the mine and patrol forces in the Baltic.

Out of service December 27, 1919.

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