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German Naval officers in the Ottoman Service


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Henning Beyme, born October 13, 1890, entered service October 1909 on the path to become a commissioned engineering officer. That he did, becoming a Marine-Ingenieur on July 13, 1916 and was promoted to Marine-Oberingenieur May 23, 1918. Straßburg to February 1915, submarine school to May 1915, then on UC 7 and UC 13 to  December 1915 (UC 13 grounded on November 29, 1915, though that had no negative impact on Oblt.z.S. Johannes Kirchner or Beyme’s career.

It's possible that there's a typo in the Ehrenrangliste and that the (Flanders-based) UC 7 should be UB 7 instead.

He’s then on UC 23 to April 1917 and then on UB 52.  Note that he’d be bringing UC 23 and UB 52 to the Mediterranean from Germany, and there would be work up time in Germany.

Beyme was killed when UB 52 was sunk on May 22, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1 and Anhalt’s Friedrich Kreuz.

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On 14/07/2024 at 18:11, stevenbecker said:

Liedke (possibly Liedtse) Georg    Zahlmeister Marine    shown Zahlmeister Hilfsarbeiter Kassenverwaltung (cash management) MMD (Military Mediterranean Division) 1918     1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808 possibly see page 1492 of Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine from SMS Arcona to depot Ship "General" 3-17 to U Boat Half Flot 4-18 to Sevastopol 4-18 (born 1891 Kaiserliche Marine 1910

Try Liedtke.

Georg Liedtke, born April 7, 1891, entered service April 1910. Marine-Zahlmeister June 10, 1916. On General but doing administrative accounting work for the Mittelmeer Division from March or April 1917 to April 1918, then submarine half-flotilla Constantinople briefly before heading to Sevastopol through August 1918, then with the Mittelmeer Division again more generally.

He stays in the navy postwar and is promoted to Marine-Oberzahlmeister on September 23, 1920. Decorations are known as the EK2 and the Eisener Halbmond.

Not to be confused with another Marine-Zahlmeister by the name of Karl Liedtke.

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Cheers Mate,

Yes I found a few typo's in the good book, I just spent a morning chasing down an entry that had UC 23 and prisoner in England. after some checking a rechecking I found the entry should be UC 32 and the officer (Brever) one of three saved. So crossing checking even the Ehrenrangliste with the Verlustliste can help.

As we say here, sometimes this is a mug's game, but it does have its draw

Sorry as for this but this bloke has a lot of old German which I can't read most of it, can you break it down for me?

Flebbe Johannes    Stabsarzt deR Dr Marine    depot ship Corcovado (the Ehrenrangliste shown page 1397) 


Lubrawka     Stabsingenieur (Ing) Marine    StabsIngenieur (Engineeer Officer) 1st Wachoffizier (WO) (Ing) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine Crew shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Lüttge Fritz    WO (LI) Marine    SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 3-15    1916-18    (born 1890 died ) Kaiserliche Marine Crew ? RTG to SMS Helgoland 9-15 to Turkey shown in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine page 1247

Meggendorfer    ObAssistenzarzt  deR Dr Marine    ObAssistenzarzt Deutsches bakteriologisches institut Konstantinopel 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine  shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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Fritz Lüttge, born December 26, 1890, entered service October 1911, Marine-Ingenieur (engineering officer equivalent of a Leutnant zur See) July 18, 1918. The concept of “Crew” only applies to regular navy line officer candidates (Seekadetts becoming Fähnrichs zur See) at this point in time.

This is a pretty simple one: Goeben to March 1915 as a petty officer. He then goes to the I.Sch. — engineering school, from which he would emerge in September 1915 as a Marine-Ingenieurasprant (warrant officer and commissioned officer candidate). He’s then on Helgoland for the  remainder of the war, eventually getting his commission. (Not in theater after March 1915.)


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Dr. Friedrich Meggendorfer, born July 28, 1883. entered service October 1, 1901, Marine-Oberassistenarzt der Seewehr. I January 27, 1914, transfer to become Marine-Oberassistenarzt der April 16, 1915. He’s coming from the fleet and other typical assignments in Germany (lastly Ostfriesland to January 1916), then to theater from January or February 1916 to September 1918 as a bacteriologist in Constantinople. He then returns to Germany.

Out of service on December 19, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Bavaria’s Militärverdienstorden.

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Dr. Johannes Flebbe — you rather buried the lede on this one.

He was born on September 12, 1880, entered service October 1901,  Marine-Oberssistenzarzt der Reserve October 14, 1911, Marine-Stabsarzt der Reserve on June 10, 1916.

Navy hospital ship Frankfurt to February 1915, navy hospital to September 1915, then surgeon at a field hospital at Gallipoli as a Turkish medical officer with the rank of major to December 1915, then naval auxiliary Corcovado at Constantinople and hospital Taurus, to April 1917. He then returns to Germany and is at the Wilhelmshaven Navy Yard’s hospital to July 1918, then with the harbor flotilla Jade and Weser to September 1918, when he makes a cameo appearance back in theater as the head of the German medical mission in Bulgaria in October 1918, before returning to Wilhelmshaven at the hospital for warrant officer’s school.

German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross. Out of service December 31, 1918.

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Cheers, Mate,

Yes I found the mistake with Lubrawka, he was one we discussed already

Lukrawka (Lukranka) Johannes    Oberingenieur (Ing) Marine    Oberingenieur (Engineer Officer) Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1-15 chief of the electric installation StabsIngenieur 16-4-15
Spelling again got me

Thanks for the nod on Meggendorfer , I notice a point in Wiki you may know of?

"During World War I he was stationed in Turkey as a medical assistant of the German imperial navy. There he learnt much about the Turkish culture and was able to translate ancient Arabic medical works into German and the bible to Turkish, an effort that was lost later, when he narrowly escaped a sinking submarine"

Any ideas on what U boat that was?


Metge (possibly Ernst)    Assistenzarzt  deR Dr Marine    Assistenzarzt etapp arzt Etappen dienst (Stage Service) (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Meyer (possibly (Hans)     Ober Feuerwerks Lt Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul (shown geschossabnahmeoffisiere (bullet inspection officers) Chichli    1916-    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

Meyer Robert    LtzS deR Marine    Z.Vfg (Tigris Kampf gruppe) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

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Dr. Ernst Metge, born February 6, 1888, entered service October 1908, Marine-Oberassistenzarzt der Reserve June 17, 1915. Mittelmeer Division from May or June 1915 to the end of the war, specifics not mentioned.

Out of service December 10, 1918. Charakter as Marine-Stabszarzt der Reserve April 181, 1921. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2, the Red Cross Medal 3rd Class, and Schwarzburg’s Ehrenkreuz 3rd Class.

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Robert Meyer, born February 24, 1892, entered service August 5, 1914, Leutnant zur See der Reserve July 13, 1916. Danube River and Mittelmeer Division from November or 1916 to the end of the war, no specifics given.

German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2. Out of service May 17, 1919.

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Oberfeuerwerker Meyer — no, not Feuerwerker Hans Meyer listed in the Ehrenrangliste. He wasn’t in theater. Remember though that Feuerwerker is a warrant officer rank, and the Ehrenrangliste is all about commissioned officers and commissioned officer candidates. The Feuerwerkers included in the Ehrenrangliste were all on a path to become commissioned officers as Feuerwerks-Leutnants, which can’t be said for all Feuerwerkers.

In the 1914 Rangliste, there’s an Oberfeuerwerker Meyer listed, entered service July 11, 1897, Oberfeuerwerker as of June 1, 1910 who is a good candidate for the person refereed to.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Cheers Michael,

Yes there are a number of German naval ranks that still give me trouble, as some times you find them there, while others not, best to take a chance and see if that's them?


Möbius Franz    Stabsarzt Dr Marine    Stabsarzt Flottillenarzt U Boat Flottille Pola (replaced Schwab) 6-17 to 1-18 and 1 U-Flottille Mittelmeer Pola 1-18 to 1-19     1917-18    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine 
Mock (possibly Franz)    Assistenzarzt  deR Dr Marine    shown Assistenzarzt Deutsches Marinelazarett Konstantinopel 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808
*Müller    Ober Feuerwerker Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance) (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul (shown geschossabnahmeoffisiere (bullet inspection officers) Chichli    1916-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy

*another with some possibles but also may not be listed on the Ehrenrangliste


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Franz Mock, born June 28, 1889, entered service April  1, 1910. Marine-Assistenarzt November 27, 1916. Note: not Dr. per the Ehrenrangliste, though that could have come at some later time. German Danube flotilla from November or December 1916 to September 1917, then navy hospital Constantinople for the rest of the war.

Out service February 12, 1919. Charakter as Marine-Oberassistenarzt April 18, 1921. No German decorations in early 1918.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
corrected typo in birthdate
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Dr. Franz Möbius, August 7, 1886, entered service April 2, 1907, Marine-Stabsarzt April 26, 1917. U-boat flotilla Pola (yes, it gets subdivided) from May or June 1917 to the end of the war. Note. Dr. title is in the Ehrenrangliste but not the 1918 Rangliste.

Out service May 15, 1919. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.


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He wrote his doctoral dissertation in 1919 in Kiel and got his title in 1921.


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9 hours ago, GreyC said:

He wrote his doctoral dissertation in 1919 in Kiel and got his title in 1921.


Möbius or Mock?

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Mock wrote his dissertation in 1919, too. Alas, at Berlin University: Beitrag zur Differentialdiagnose der Bauchtumoren unter Berücksichtigung zweier Fälle von Hydronephrose und eines Falles von Nierenblutcyste. Wheter or not he was awarded his "Doktor" title, I can´t say.



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Cheers guys

Muller could be

Müller (possibly Hermann)    Feuerwerker (SW) Marine    

I check page 1519 a few times and one way shows no Sdr-Kdo Turkei while another does show it?

Likewise Meyer

Meyer (possibly Hans) page 1515

But I need better eyes then mine, to be sure.


Müllges (possibly Max)    Lt deR (MA) Marine     1st Baty Commander batterie dschemal pascha (battery jemal pasha) (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) Mesopotamia 1918    1917-18    (born 1890 died )  Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1911 shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

no idea on these two men?

Noldicke (Nöldeke or Noldecke)     ObLtzS Marine    A. nordetappenleiter (northern stage leader) Etappen dienst (Stage Service) batterie dschemal pascha (battery jemal pasha) (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) 1918 shown The Euphrat-Flus-Abt (Euphrates Kampf gruppe) 8-17 to 1-18    1917-18    (not identified)? no one shown under that name in the Ehrenrangliste shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Nolly    ObLtzS Marine    shown LtdRMI Naenr. offz. der Military Mediterranean Division MMD Depot ship "General" 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808 no one shown under that name in the Ehrenrangliste

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Arnold Nöldecke, born July 12, 1875, entered service April 1896, Oberleutnant der Seewehr I der Marineinfantrie March 12, 1915, Hauptmann der Seewehr I der Marineinfantrie April 19, 1918. Mittelmeer Division from October or November 1916 to the end of the war.

Out of service November 30, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and the Landehrdienstauszeichnung 2nd Class.

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On 19/07/2024 at 19:17, stevenbecker said:

Cheers guys

Muller could be

Müller (possibly Hermann)    Feuerwerker (SW) Marine    

I check page 1519 a few times and one way shows no Sdr-Kdo Turkei while another does show it?

??? The Feuerwerks-Leutnant der Seewehr II Hermann Müller, per page 1519 of the Ehrenrangliste, was never in theater. He spent the war at the artillery depot Friedrichsort (=Kiel) and the artillery depot Geestemünde (=Bremerhaven).  To take it a step further, none of the five Feuerwerks officers or officer candidates shown in the Ehrenrangliste appear to have been in theater. But, of course, Feuerwerker is a warrant officer rank, so that doesn’t mean much. I haven’t looked at the warrant officer lists (such as they are) to see if something might stick out there.

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Cheers, Yes I forget, some times I find them other times, not

I take it the spelling was like me, why you could not find these two men?

*Müllges (possibly Max)    Lt deR (MA) Marine     1st Baty Commander batterie dschemal pascha (battery jemal pasha) (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) Mesopotamia 1918    1917-18    (born 1890 died )  Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1911 shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

*See page 945 Ehrenrangliste (but does not show the above details for him?)

Nolly    ObLtzS Marine    shown LtdRMI Naenr. offz. der Military Mediterranean Division MMD Depot ship "General" 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808 no one shown under that name in the Ehrenrangliste

It appears thats how the Germans spelled their names, but again I could be reading it wrong?


Oertel Friedrich     ObAssistenzarzt  deR Dr Marine    Oberassistenarzt Naval Chief doctor hygienist in the 5th Army branch laboratory Izmir (Smyrna) shown Oberarzt 23-12-17    1917-    (born 1886 ) Kaiserliche Marine 

*Opitz Wilhelm    ObLtzS Marine    Pilot Airforce shown No 1 Sqn possibly German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) shown Stab KofI Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Türkei) 10-18    1918-    (born 1895 died 1929)  Kaiserliche Marine shown in Klaus Wolf's Book
*we didn't discuss this man in Wolf, or at lest I could not find his name?)

Otto Moritz    OberStabszarzt deR Dr Prof Marine    OberStabsarzt Flottillenarzt 2. U Boat Flottille Mittelmeer Cattaro 9-18 to 11-18 U Boat     1918-    (born 1869 Hamburg died 13-12-18) Kaiserliche Marine returned PoW 13-12-18 at Kiel awarded Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross and Landwehrdienstauszeichnung 1st class with EK II

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Dr. Friedrich Oertel, born April 20, 1886, entered service October 1906, Marine-Oberassistenzarzt der Reserve October 17, 1915. With the Turkish 5th Army as assigned by the chief German medical officer attached to the army from May 1917 to the end of the war.

Out of service December 15, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Bavaria’s Militärverdienstorden. (He’s very likely from Bavaria.)

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Prof. Dr. Moritz Otto we did in the thread on name’s in Wolf's book.


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Wilhelm Opitz, born January 26, 1895, Crew 1913, Leutnant zur See September 18, 1915. Undergoes pilot training early in 1917, and eventually after a couple of other stops along the way ends up in theater at Chanak (date and unit not specified).

German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2. Out of service November 22, 1919. Charakter as Oberleutnant zur See December 27, 1919. Died September 3, 1929.


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Max Müllgens — yes there was one born December 9, 1890, entered service October 1911, Leutnant der Reserve der Mastrosenartillerie  August 10, 1915 but per the Ehrenrangliste there’s nothing to indicate that he was ever in theater. He’s listed as being with the 2nd Marine Division for the entire war (in Flanders).

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