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German Naval officers in the Ottoman Service


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Always good to have a second pair of eyes looking

I don't think we will get to the bottom with Müllgens as Max is a miss then.

I (think) I found Nolly

Molly (Nolly) possibly Walter    Lt deR (MI) Marine
shown as Lt dR MI Naenr. offz. in US National Archives online records page, which I should have taken as a clue

Of cause I can't read to old German about him, other then in Antwep in 1914 so if he went to Turkey in 1918 I can't see it?


*Petry     Feuerwerker Marine    Feuerwerks (Ordnance)  (Rüstungs- und Munitionsinspektion in Istanbul) Arms and Munitions Inspectorate in Istanbul     1916-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy (Feuerwerker is a warrant officer rank not all are listed in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine)
* possibly another of those, as Georg Petry a Ingenieuraspirant, does not fit the bill, so a Warrant rank not recorded.

*Pieper Erich    Technischer Sekretär Marine    shown Technische Sektion Technischer Sekretär junior technical official (Subalternbeamte) in the naval administration Mittelmeerdivision 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808
*shown in Ehrenrangliste page 1632

Pöckel Ernst    LtzS deR Marine    pilot Airforce I. Seeflieger-Abteilung to Seeflugstation SFS Constanza 7-17 to SFS Flanderen 1 3-18     1917-18    (born 1898 ) Kaiserliche Marine crew 1915

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An appendix to the 1914 Rangliste der Kaiserlichich deutschen Marine (and previous year prewar) does list Deckoffiziere (warrant officers). Included in that is:

Petry, entered service February 1, 1898, promoted to Feuerwerker April 1, 1910. Decoration in May 1914: Dienstauszeichnung 1st Class. Given his seniority, I would expected that he gets promoted to Oberfeuerwerker (senior warrant officer) at some point during the war.

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Walter Molly, born July 15, 1888, entered service April 1909, Leutnant der Reserve der Marineinfantrie May 13, 1915. He’s with the 2nd MIR to July 1915 (wounded on October 4, 1914 at Groblenblock, became a Belgian POW, freed when Antwerp was captured), then the II. E.S.B. 1 to March 1917.

Yes, he was in theater. The last part of his service entry is: “Mi. Div. b. E.” — which would be Mittelmeer Division to the end of the war (so from March or April 1917 on).

Out of service December 31, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2. Should expect that he also would have received a wound badge at some point as well.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Ernst Pöckel, born July 9, 1898, entered service July 1, 1915, Leutnant zur See der Reserve November 16, 1917. (Crew year doesn't apply to reserve officers.)

Yes, a pilot. he’s at Wiek, them Constanza from some point through January 1918 then get transferred to Flanders.

Out of service December 31, 1918. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Yes the Technischer Sekretär give no details only a mention?

Likewise another half dozen I show on record, like;

Prieß Hans    Technischer Sekretär Marine    junior technical official (Subalternbeamte) in the naval administration on the staff of the technical department of the Mittelmeerdivision shown Zur Vfg Technische Sektion Technischer Sekretär 1918    1917-18    (Born 1883 died?) from Lt deR Infanterie-Regiment No 85


*Pohl    ObLtzS Marine    Naval MG Sects Marine-Landungsabteilung at Ariburnu/Suvla (Naval Shore Det)    1915-    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine to many to confirm?

*Checked the names but no Turkey connection I can find, possibly Georg Pohl ObLt (MI) 

*Prens Heinrich    ObLtzS Marine    Reutz Çanakkalede kilavuz subay (guide officer in Çanakkale)    unknown    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine 
*possibly another spelling mistake?

Putzer Fritz    ObLtzS Marine    Adana'da kurulan Cemel Pasa kiyi koruma topçu birlikleri komutani (Established in Adana, Cemel Pasa coast guard artillery units commander) 8-17 to Firat Nehir Topçu Birlik.Komutani Türk Deniz Kuvvetleri Komutani Emir subayi (Firat (Euphrates) River Artillery Unity Commander of the Turkish Naval Forces Commander) Batterie Dschemal Pascha (battery jemal pasha) (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) Mesopotamia 7-18    1917-18    (born 1888 died ) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1908 to Mesopotamia awarded Saxony’s Albrechts-Orden plus a prewar Lifesaving medal and EK II 

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We've talked about Fritz Putzer before:


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Sorry I forgot to change his details.

Prens looks like he is, Reuss (Reuß) zu Köstritz Prinz Heinrich XXXVII, one of few so called guide officers with the Mine fields

Pohl, has no one close to that name, with the 107 names I have that served with the Naval Shore unit on the Dardanelles, another dead end


*Range    Garn Verw Insp Marine    Beamt Stellvert with Ottoman Fleet att Kohlemine zonguldak (Zonguldak coal mine) 1918 also shown ObLtzS Marine s.auch kohleminen (also see Coal Mines)     1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 80
*maybe another dead end as the name and rank, what is Garn Verw Insp?

Saul     ObLtzS Marine     Adjt Stab officer Offiziers-Stellvertreter VizeSteuermann Landung abteilung Gallipoli 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

The others are Feuerwerks, which I could not find them in the Ehrenrangliste, another dead end if you want to check there names let me know?

I was going to show this man from the Wolf question, but I notice I found him

Sägler    Ingenieur (Ing) Marine     Ingenieur (Engineer Officer) Wachoffizier (WO) SMS Goeben (Yavuz)    1915-    Kaiserliche Marine shown in book by Klaus Wolf (no one by that name found  listed in Ehrenrangliste der Kaiserlich Deutschen Marine)


Ziegler und Klipphausen Johannes von    Stabsingenieur (Ing) Marine    StabsIngenieur (Engineer officer) 12-15 to 2nd Wachoffizier (WO) (Ing) SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918 

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1 hour ago, stevenbecker said:

*Range    Garn Verw Insp Marine    Beamt Stellvert with Ottoman Fleet att Kohlemine zonguldak (Zonguldak coal mine) 1918 also shown ObLtzS Marine s.auch kohleminen (also see Coal Mines)     1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 80

*maybe another dead end as the name and rank, what is Garn Verw Insp?

Glenn should know a lot more about this that I do. Garn Werw. Insp = GarnisonverwaltungInspektor - literally garrison administration inspector. A (uniformed) civil service job. See pages 1609 - 1611 of the Ehrenrangliste. No Range listed there (or in the Ehrenrangliste in general.)  Note the limited number of people — eight —  appointed to that title during the war.  The “Beamt Stellvert” referenced is a clue.  Stellvert = Stellvertreter = acting. My guess would be that Herr Range (assuming his name was spelled correctly) was an acting GarnisonverwaltungInspektor that was never given the title substantively and thus isn’t in the Ehrenrangliste.

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Nice to know, German ranks can be very hard at times

I was doing some more cross checking and Pohl maybe this man, his navy connection maybe just his attachment to the Naval Shore unit?

Pohl  Karl Heinrich Leo    ObLt (Capt) to Hptm (Maj) Eng    Deutsche Militär-Mission in der Türkei - under Sanders 1914 -Ingenieur - Istihkam Birlikleri basmüfettisinin emir subayi Genel Kurmay Emir subayi (Chief of Staff of the Engineer Alliance subcommittee) - to Capt/Hptm 18-6-15 shown OzbV Adjt to Inspector General of Ottoman Engineers and Pioneers to Maj Chief of Ottoman General Staff

Saul, had me showing both Warrant and officer ranks? with Offiziers-Stellvertreter VizeSteuermann and ObltzS, since he's not in the Good book, then he must be a SNCO or I spelled it wrong?


*Schele     Assistenzarzt Dr Marine    Assistenzarzt 1st Ass Arzt SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808
* possibly Scheele Karl    Oberassistenarzt deR Dr Marine whom we discussed in Wolf?

Schennen Rodolf    LtzS Marine    4th Lt SMS Goeben (Yavuz) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808
Scherf    LtzS Marine    Adjt Admin Stab officer (Tigris Kampf gruppe) 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

*Saupe Fritz    Kapt-Lt Marine    U Boat School Crew 4/02 to Commander U 73 Pola/Mittelmeer II Flotilla 9-18 to 10-18 U Boat    1918-    (born 1884 died ?) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 1902 with No ships sunk to U Boat school 4-17 to Pola/Mittelmeer I Flotilla U 65 7-18 awarded EK II & EK I and Albert Order (Saxony)

*Shown Ehrenrangliste on U 65 in July 1918 before he took command of U 73 in Sept?, but U Boat Net shows no commander for this boat (U 65) between Fischel when he left in July 1918 and when Sieß took over in Aug 1918

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Saul is weird, but for a slightly different reason. The reference appears to be to a reserve officer candidate that gets his commission during the war.  A Vize-Steuermann der Reserve was a reserve line officer candidate of warrant officer rank, the reserve equivalent of a Fähnrich zur See. As they are officer candidates of warrant officer rank, they’re included in the Ehrenrangliste. I don’t see an obvious match in the Ehrenrangliste though.

Pohl: I’d agree that the reference is likely to the army officer.

Schele: Yes, the it’s clearly a reference to and a misspelling of Dr. Karl Scheele.

Edited by Michael Lowrey
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Rudolf Schennen  (note spelling of first name), born June 6, 1897, entered service October 2, 1915 (the Crew concept doesn’t work so well during the war when they had multiple intakes), Leutnant zur See December 13, 1917. On Goeben from March or April 1917 to September 1918, then return to Germany (end the war as a watch officer on a destroyer).

Out of service August 16, 1920. German decoration in early 1918 is the EK2.

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Albert Scherf, born May 25, 1897, entered service August 1914, Leutnant zur See October 12, 1916. In theater from July or August 1917 to the end of the war as a staff officer to the Turkish army.

He remain in the navy postwar, so we have his WWI decorations in full: EK1, Silver Liaket Medal with Swords, Eisener Halbmond, and the Austrian Order of Franz Joseph 4th Class (war award) — a very unusual award for a naval officer to receive.

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Yes I notice Schennen was on the destroyer V 74, possibly still on her when she was scuttled at Scapa Flow 21-6-19

So you also don't know what Saupe was doing on the U 65, between July and Aug 1918.  I thought he maybe a Temp commander, while the ship was between Captains and U 73 was returning from patrol?


Strange one who I am still not sure of, also possible name was spelled wrong in photo?

Schevket    LtzS Marine    SMS Breslau (Midilli)     1914-18    (not identified)? mentioned (KIA 20-1-18) sunk by mines at Saros Bay no record of him? shown in photo of officers (including Donitz) in 1914 

Since not LtzS are shown lost on the Breslau on the 20 Jan while one was taken PoW (Souchon) while two ObLtzS (Deetjen and Zwirner) were lost with ObltzS Keller and Tautz) taken PoW

none are shown on Breslau in 1914, so could not be in the photo?

On double checking only one man comes close to that, and he is Schelle Martin who was on Breslau with Donitz in 1914 and died in 1918 also in U Boats

Schlenzka Erich     Kapt-Lt Marine    Sdr-Kdo (Sonderkommando Turkei) Chief of Staff of the Dardanelles Command 3-17    1917-18    (born 1882 died?) (not identified)? shown Korvettenkapitän a. D. Kaiserliche Marine

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Erich Schlenzka, born April 24, 1882, Crew 1900, Kapitänleutnant May 7, 1910. Chief of staff to the Dardanelles commander from March or April 1917 to January 1918, then admiral staff officer and liaison officer at Brailia, Romania to May 1918, then a liaison officer to a field railroad command for the rest of the war.

Out of service with charakter of a Korvettenkapitän on June 28, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1 and Oldenburg’s Friedrich August Kreuz 2nd Class.

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*Schmidt     Zahlmeister Marine    Zahlmeister (Paymaster) att Ottoman Fleet 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

*possibly Heinrich / Felix / Hermann

Schunke Ernst     ObAssistenzarzt Dr Marine    Oberassistenzärzte Flottillenarzt 2. U Boat Flottille Mittelmeer Cattaro (replaced Holzel) 4-18 to 1-19 U Boat    1918-    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 

Schwab Willy    Assistenzarzt deR Dr Marine    Assistenzarzt Halbflottillenchef 2.U Boat Halbflottille 7-14 to 8-15 to Halbflottillenarzt U Boat Halbflottille Pola 1-15 to 5-17     1915-18    (not identified) Kaiserliche Marine Crew 

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No, not Heinrich, Felix, Hermann but rather…

Alex Schmidt, born May 26, 1894, entered service April 1914, Marine-Zahlmeisteraspirant October 1, 1917 (= warrant officer and commissioned officer candidate). Goeben and.or Mittelmeer Division from April or May 1916 to the end of the war.

Out of service December 31, 1919. Charakter as Marine-Zahlmeister June 12, 1920.

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Dr. Ernst Schunke, born November 1, 1888, entered service October 1, 1910, Marine-Oberassistenzarzt January 13, 1917. 2. U Boat Flottille Mittelmeer Cattaro from April, maybe May 1918 to the end of the war.

Died December 14, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Saxony’s Albrechts-Orden. Based upon the Albrechts-Orden, he was likely from Saxony.

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Dr. Willy Schwab, born March 31, 1888, entered service October 1913, Marine-Assistenzarzt der Reserve January 27, 1915. From an unspecified date to May 1917, at Pola as a medical officer to the 2nd U-boat half flotilla (which eventually becomes a flotilla). He May 1917, he returns to Germany. (Your interpretation of his assignments 2.U Boat Halbflottille 7-14 to ?-15 to Halbflottillenarzt U Boat Halbflottille Pola ?-15 to May 1917 may be more accurate.)

Out of service December 15, 1918. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Württemberg’s Friedrichs-Orden (he was likely from there.)

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Cheers mate,


*Senaclens-Grancy Freiherr von     (Maj) Marine    Alman Konsoloslugunda Deniz Atasesi (Sea Attache in the German Consulate) shown in Aleppo Halep'te Deniz Binbasi de Grancy    1917-18     (not identified)?
*Not sure if Army or Navy

Steinbrügge     Ingenieur (Ing) Marine    Flag Ingenieur Stab MMD (Mittelmeer-Division) (Military Mediterranean Division) under Rebeur-Paschwitz 1918    1917-18    (not identified)? Kaiserliche Marine shown US National Archives online records of the German Navy Item 808

Stoelzel Albert     KaptzS (Col) Marine    Commander SMS Goeben (Yavuz) replaced Ackermann 1-18 to 11-18 - Geminin sonraki komutani Agustos 1918' e kadar (The next commander of the year until August 1918) Yavuz zirhlisinin komutani (Commander of Yavuz (Goeben)     1918-    (born 1872 died 16-9-28) possibly commanded operation that sunk the Breslau known as the Battle of Imbros 20-1-18 ship sunk by mines at Saros Bay  Kaiserliche Marine Crew

* not sure on the entry before Goeben, as there are 100 entries in the Ehrenrangliste for Albert Stoelzel?

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Albert Stoezel, born January 10, 1872, Crew 1890, Kapitän zur See October 17, 1915. Senior staff officer to November 1917, then commanding officer of Goeben to the end of the war.

Out of service November 24, 1919. Charakter as Kontreadmiral December 28, 1919. Died September 16, 1928.

German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1, Red Eagle Order 4th Class, Crown Order 2nd Class with Swords, Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, Baden’s Order of teh Zähringer Lion Commander Cross 2nd Class with Sword, Bavaria’s Mititärverdienstorden 3rd Class with Crwon and Swords, and Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross.

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Alexander Freiherr von Senarclens-Grancy (note spelling) was a naval officer. Born August 25, 1880, Crew 1896, Korvettenkapitän May 13, 1913. Basically a diplomat the entire war. Naval attaché in Rome to May 1915, then Athens to December 1916, then in Romania as an advisor to April 1917. Briefly Derfflinger’s navigational officer before becoming the naval advisor to the Ottoman IV Army in Damascus to December 1917 then the German naval attaché in Constantinople for the rest of the war.

A Knight of Honor of the Order of St. John (Ehrenritter of the Johanniterorden), the German Protestant branch of the Knights Hospitaller.

Promoted to Fregattenkapitän January 21, 1920. Out of service September 10, 1920. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1, Red Eagle Order, Bavaria’s Mititärverdienstorden, Hamburg’s Hanseatic Cross, and Hesse’s Allgemeines Ehrenzeichen.

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Elimar Steinbrügge, born October 19, 1867, entered service October 1884, Marine-Oberstabsingenieur (naval engineering equivalent of a Korvettenkapitän) March 22, 1914. Marine-Chefingenieur (naval engineering equivalent of a Fregattenkapitän) May 23, 1918.

The Mittelmeer Division’s chief engineering officer from September or October 1917 to the end of the war.

Out of service November 24, 1919. German decorations in early 1918 are the EK2 and Oldenburg’s Friedrich August Kreuz 2nd Class plus prewar the Order of the Red Eagle 4th Class and the Order of the Crown 4th Class (both par for the course for senior engineering officers) and the Dienstauszeichnungskreuz. Would not be a surprise if he got the EK1 later in 1918.

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Cheers Mate,


Striesow     HilfsLtzS Marine    shown ladungsoffz Djerablus Dett to (Tigris-Euphrates Flotila Det) with three Small motor boats and 20 crew  27-3-16 shown 1918    1916-18    shown as River gunboat "A" "B" and "C" They mostly served only as tugs for the gun lighters (Geschützleichler) "Falke" 10.5-centimeter quick-loading guns at Dscherablus or Jerablus (not identified)?
* maybe a spelling error as I can't find him? The only name close to his was Stritez Friedrich Bernhard Ludwig Graf von Deym Freiherr von, who was also in that Detachment

Summler    LtzS Marine    Pilot Airforce German Naval Seaplane Group (GNSG) (Wasserfliegerabteilung) SFS Chanak?    1917-18    Kaiserliche Marine shown in Sablatnig SF 5 directed mine clearing ships for operation around Dardanelles 18-1-18 (spelling in Ole Nikoljsen)
* sorry I know we have little luck with Fliegers, but you never know?

Tägert Wilhelm    KaptzS (Col) Marine    chief of staff of the navy Military Mediterranean Division MMD - Türk Deniz kuvvetleri Kurmay Baskani (Turkish Naval Forces Chief of Staff) Chief of staff of the Turkish fleet 10-15    1915-18    (Born 1871 died 1950) Kaiserliche Marine awarded EK I 19-4-16 shown in Klaus Wolf's Book 
* can't remember if we did this man before?

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Wilhelm Tägert, born July 24, 1871, Crew 1889, Kapitän zur See January 27, 1913, commanding officer of the battleship Mecklenburg to October 1915, then the chief of staff of the Mittelmeer Division to September 1917, then commanding officer of the battlecruiser Seydlitz to the end of the war.

Promoted to Kontreadmiral January 21, 1920. Out of service March 29, 1921 with charaker as Vizeadmiral.  German decorations in early 1918 are the EK1, Order of the Red Eagle 4th Class (prewar), the Order of the Crown 2nd Class with Swords, the Dienstauszeichnungskreuz, Bavaria‘s Militärverdienstorden 4th Class without swords (prewar), and Mecklenburg-Schwerin’s Militärverdienstkreuz 2nd Class.

Also had a prewar Order of the Medjidie 4th Class and a prewar Osminieh Order 4th Class.

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Striesow: no listed in the Ehrenrangliste, but I’m pretty certain that the list of Hilfsoffiziere is incomplete in the Ehrenrangliste.

Summler: No idea, don’t se an obvious match in the Ehrenrangliste.

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