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Wandsworth Detention Barracks - Can you tell me more?


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Hi all,

I am researching my Great Gandfather who fought in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) from 1915-1918.  He spent 20 days in Wandsworth Detention Barracks for being AWL for 10 days and lost (forfeitted) 40 days pay. 

I want to know more about the conditions and experiences he may have gone through whilst there. 

In particular, would love to get my hands on some Wandsworth records that might mention him and descibe his time there.  There isn't a lot of information out there about this aspect of the war. 

I have found smatterings of information on the net but mostly to do with the 'brutality' and 'conchies' in the prison.  Looking for something more personal and detailed.

He returned to the front and fought in the 3rd Div. Sig - Etaples, Abbeville, Croix Du Bac, Arras,  Armentieres, Missines and that general area of the front. 


Thank you for any tips or hints or information you may have. 


Edited by MAVP75
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Hi and welcome to the forum.  Love to know his name, as a fellow 3 Div Sig descendant.

Cheers, Bill

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Posted (edited)

Hi  Bill,

Great Grandfather's name was George Walter Cullimore (7553). I'm currently working my way through his service records.  He started off in Tel El Kebir and then transferred to training camps in England (I think Parkhouse) and then he went AWL before landing himself in Wandsworth. Marched in to Etaples then Abberville where he worked signals until he returned home in 1918.  I'm still putting his movements together and cross referencing with war diaries.  

He spent time in 3rd Division Signals. 3rd Div Train (869 Co) and Infantry. Originally attached to 3rd Div Sig. 




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5 hours ago, MAVP75 said:

I am researching my Great Gandfather who fought in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) from 1915-1918.  He spent 20 days in Wandsworth Detention Barracks for being AWL for 10 days and lost (forfeitted) 40 days pay. 

I want to know more about the conditions and experiences he may have gone through whilst there. 

lets hope he did not become acquainted with a Portuguese warden during his time there :D

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  :D In that case,  I am sure he would have enjoyed his stay . 

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3 hours ago, RaySearching said:

lets hope he did not become acquainted with a Portuguese warden during his time there :D

Can somebody let me in on the joke?



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34 minutes ago, JMB1943 said:

Can somebody let me in on the joke?

Have you not got a friend called Google :lol:

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1 hour ago, RaySearching said:

Have you not got a friend called Google :lol:

Apparently, I have NO friends!



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Well, @RaySearching proved himself a true friend and has just let me in via a PM.

I must admit that I’m not surprised, it probably happens more often than is reported.

However, I am shocked, shocked I tell you……… that someone had to film the event and then post it to the world!!!




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I’m still none the wiser.


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Simon  Sorry 

The remark I made earlier was a tongue in the cheek remark and "Off Topic" not Great War related

 acknowledged as such by the O P  Mavp75  can we move on  and let it lie ?

The original query by the O P is still outstanding 





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On 10/07/2024 at 10:00, MAVP75 said:

Hi all,

I am researching my Great Gandfather who fought in the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) from 1915-1918.  He spent 20 days in Wandsworth Detention Barracks for being AWL for 10 days and lost (forfeitted) 40 days pay. 

I want to know more about the conditions and experiences he may have gone through whilst there. 

In particular, would love to get my hands on some Wandsworth records that might mention him and descibe his time there.  There isn't a lot of information out there about this aspect of the war. 

I have found smatterings of information on the net but mostly to do with the 'brutality' and 'conchies' in the prison.  Looking for something more personal and detailed.

He returned to the front and fought in the 3rd Div. Sig - Etaples, Abbeville, Croix Du Bac, Arras,  Armentieres, Missines and that general area of the front. 


Thank you for any tips or hints or information you may have. 


There are a few past threads that cover this subject.  The first one mentions ANZAC, although only in some basic detail.  The Army’s headquarters for the Military Provost Staff Corps and their principal detention centre were at Aldershot in Hampshire.

1. https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/163628-ww1-military-prisons-glasshouses/

2. https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/114252-military-punishment-hopefully-simple-question/

3. https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/151723-inprisonment-with-hard-labour/

4. https://www.greatwarforum.org/topic/294362-military-prisons/

There are additional threads if you seek more.





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From what I can see in my ALH soldiers, Wandsworth was used for minor crimes early on and later for the hard cases when a detention Brks was open at Lewns

we started using the Wandsworth Area as a Hosp, (3 London GH) during Gallipoli, and later as a prison when the AIF arrived in the UK and set up shop

I can't recall any men sent there for minor crimes during 1916, only during 1917-18 for major crimes.

Most crimes in France were handled in France, only the major crimes were sent to a number of prisons in the UK during the war.

BRIGGS    Charles     123    Pte    02 LHR    A Sqn to Mudros 11-15 (G) to 1 LHTR 3-16 to Arty Dtls 5-16 to AATD Parkhouse UK 6-16 to 4 Trg Bn (15Bn) UK 10-16 FGCM 7-7-17 deserter sentence 2 years HL to Wandsworth Prison 7-17 remitted 5-18 to AIBD 5-18 to CCo/49Bn 7-18 F&B killed by shell fire in attack at Hill 123 near Jeancourt buried Jeancourt Communal Cemetery France (Boer War 3 QMI (109) & Doyle's Scouts) AKA alais John Edward Briggs

CHERRY    Alfred John    14    Sig    03 LHR    RHQ to B Sqn 5-15 evac to hosp (1 AGH) Egypt (colitis/dysentry) 9-15 (G) rtn Sig RHQ 12-15 att WFF at Bir Hooker to hosp (VD) 3-16 to 1 LHTR 4-16 to Gnr 2 Sect/4 DAC 3-16 to Bdr 4-16 to hosp (VD) 7-16 rtn 10-16 to hosp (enteric/dysentry) 12-16 F&B to AIF depots (1 com) Bulford UK 3-17 to (4 com) 1-18 FGCM 30-11-18 deserted 5-3-18 handed in 1-11-18 sentenced 9 months detention to Lewes Detn Bks 11-18 (RAN 15-3-13 deserted 7-4-13 (7345)  

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