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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Silver War Badge


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I have my fathers First World War Medals, the Standard three as well as the Bronze Oak Leaf for Mentioned in Despatches.

He served in the Connaught Rangers in France and Mesopotamia from 1915 - 1917

I also had his Silver War Badge and also the printed record of the number which was also on the reverse of the badge itself..

In spite of many searches I seem to have mislaid the acual badge which is a source of grief to me and I wonder if anyone can tell me if it is possible to obtain a replacement and the cost involved. I would really like to pass on my fathers medals as a complete set to my grandson.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Michael McDonnell

Adelaide Australia

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Hi Michael,

If you keep an eye on e-bay they crop up from time to time and usually go at a relatively inexpensive price.

Of course Sod's Law dictates that a few days after you purchase a replacement, the original will turn up while you are looking for something else !

Hope this helps,

Guy Taylor

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If you keep an eye on e-bay they crop up from time to time and usually go at a relatively inexpensive price.

Any "Replacement" will of course have the wrong issue number on the reverse though. :(

Your best bet is to "Ransack" the house looking for the original. ;)

Good Luck.


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