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I need Help matching known and unknown Images!

Kimberley John Lindsay

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Dear All, 

IARO Lieut J. P. O'Shea was awarded a Mentioned in Despatches for his efforts during an MC action in Iraq/Kurdistan. His MiD was one of only two to the Burma Ford Vans attached IASC/ASC (later RASC). 

A Merchant, first in Calcutta, then Rangoon, O'Shea was a keen footballer. My first "possible" Image might show him -  or another in the Team?

Post-Great War, the energetic O'Shea married Jessie, of the wealthy Deuchar family.  My second "probable" Image shows the petite Jessie and a casual-looking man said to have been John Patrick O'Shea, 

Finally the third "confirmed" Image shows J. P. O'Shea in later years. But is he one and the same as the possible/probable?

Kindest regards,


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Photos enhanced (up to a point) in Topaz Photo AI with default settings.

It might help.


Soldier and wife-topaz-faceai-enhance-4x.jpg

Soldier footbal-topaz-denoise-faceai-enhance-4x.jpg



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Three images, all same colour with eye separation the same for comparison.


Three faces.jpg

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I see one and the same man despite the AI version giving him a pixie's ear.

Chin, bottom lip, nose, left ear all very similar.


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I have often wondered if facial recognition could be the answer, it seems the answer is .... maybe.

I tried this:-https://www.faceshape.com/face-compare

That said 17% similar. Mind you, I tried Family Search's Compare-a-Face that tries to match to famous people and that gave Cecil B. DeMille!




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It looks to me like Jessie is with her brother, the other two pictures "could" be the same as each other.


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Dear All, and especially Interested,

Many thanks for the typically gung-ho Great War Forum response. Super!

On reflection, I am inclined to agree with "Interested", inasmuch as the slightly scruffy man with full hair (the Footballer O'Shea - if it is/was indeed him - was balding). was probably in fact just a friend (or brother) of Jessie O'Shea, nee Deuchar.

The "confirmed" Image with hat, taken in later years, also indicated balding!

What I really need is an Officer Group of 1042 Burma Ford Van Company, circa 1918/19...! For general interest, I attach Lieut Pyatt's MC group - the owner of which may know more, or may or may not possess relevant scans.

Kindest regards,


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56 minutes ago, Interested said:

It looks to me like Jessie is with her brother, the other two pictures "could" be the same as each other.


I agree.  The man with a woman is different to the other two, who I think are the same.

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2 hours ago, TEW said:

see one and the same man despite the AI version giving him a pixie's ear.

Actually, the ear is pointed in the original image and is totally unlike the footballer's ear.

I agree with FS. The footballer and hatman may be the same man separated by the years.

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May well be him. 35. So if is, a dob of 1886-7.

Also found a BNA ref for Richmond (Surrey) AFC refering to an ex-player J O'Shea that had gon to India. The abover ref does not indicate this was a permanent return to UK


It refers to him as Patrick John O’SHEA (aka John Patrick O’SHEA). So you may have to look for a PJ not just a JP

Interesting to note the sources at the bottom. This refers to the unit war diaries being available for download at the Victoria State Library

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Dear Mark,

Thanks for that. 

I was unable to access the ancestry link. I would be most grateful if you could print it out/attach, please?

The date of death of John Patrick O'Shea was 16 Jan 1953.

The 11 Oct 1922 Marriage Certificate attached (perhaps one and the same/ancestry!), shows that he was 35, and a 'Company Director'.

Noel Clark's helpful and scholarly fibis research about the Burma Ford Van Companies, is a first-class reference.

Indeed, it shows that more MiDs were awarded than was previously thought, namely 7 British Officers (including Lt J. P. O'Shea) and one Burmese Havildar.

Kindest regards,



Marriage Certificate O Shea.pdf

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for delay been busy at various rowing events. Have PM'd

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Dear Mark,

Never mind about the delay: I hope you enjoyed the rowing1

Being patient is standard procedure when doing military research.  Your contribution is a valuable jigsaw puzzle piece in the O'Shea saga. Thanks!

The 35 year old Patrick John O'Shea landed at London ex-Calcutta on 8 May 1922, and by 11 Oct 1922, he had married into a certain wealth, having left Burma, India, and the War experiences (his CO died of dysentry and O'Shea temporarily took command) behind him.

Kindest regards,


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