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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Remembering Iain Fraser.

o j kirby

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Today, we remember S/25179 Pte John Fraser, 6th Seaforth Highlanders. He died on 21st July 1918. His name appears on the Strontian Roll of Honour as John Fraser, and as Ian on the War memorial. Iain is the Gaelic for John. Iain is buried at St. Imoges Churchyard in France. I understand he was born in Acharacle, and for a while lived in Strontian before moving to Inversanda. His Father was a Gamekeeper. Growing up near Strontian, his name always intrigued me as his is the only one named in both languages. Iain initially joined the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders in September 1917, was transferred to the Seaforths, and arrived in France in April 1918. An obituary was printed in The Oban Times.

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:poppy:Iain Fraser :poppy:

I know Strontian - spent two very happy holidays around there, based in Acharacle, in the 1990s.

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