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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

New Museum in Cheltenham

Malcolm Linham

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Thanks for the update.

The WW1 Museum has been closed for ages possibly since the Covid lockdowns.

However having never been able to visit the old one I am not sure if it has the same content.


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good morning,

Thank you for link.
Concerning the subject of the crosses present on the tombs at the time, is there a very precise standard in terms of dimensions as well as writing?
thank you in advance

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  • Admin

I’ve not been to the cemetery for some years Michel, but the crosses used to be just on display on a wall if I remember. I think they were all different sizes and designs. 

I will try to get and visit, when my son was at University and lived in Cheltenham it was easy to visit. Now it’s more of a journey. 

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thank's Michelle.

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A picture of the 22 crosses before they were taken away for restoration along with research of those soldiers came be found on the Returned From the Front website Here

During the restoration process the crosses were “adopted” by pupils from the local Pittville School to do their own research. The restored crosses and the research were then displayed at an event at the school in September 2019.

The following images come from a booklet produced for the event. Images courtesy of Neela Mann






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thank's for the document

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