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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum


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I am not entirely familiar with how the militaries of the Central Powers is structured, so forgive me if this question comes off as ignorant.

Did reserve infantry units assist active infantry units of their allies? 

For example, could a German soldier from a reserve infantry regiment be assigned to an active infantry regiment from Austro-Hungary? Would it be possible for one of them to transfer to the other’s unit to serve in their army until further notice?


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I am not sure I understand your question, but I think your asking if a German soldier could serve in an Austrian or Ottoman unit?

Do you mean attached or in that unit?

I would say from what I see in the Ottoman Army, Germans could and did find them selves attached to other countries formations, 

Small numbers of Germans did find them selves in the Ottoman Army, either as full time soldiers or on attachment

I am unsure if they did the same in the Austrian Army, other then attachment

Officers and some soldiers, from all Countries did travel to other countries Armies as observers, and for training at times

Laison officers could and were in all Armies, where contact with different countries units happened, to better understand what each were doing

I hope its of some help as I am unsure what your after here

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