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Casualty figures per division sought


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I am looking for a list/table of casualty figures for each division (it is the regular divisions in 1914 and 1915 that I am most interested in), if possible monthly, but even annual figures would be of use as long as they are per division. The Official History Vols 1 & 2 have some for the week of Mons and Le Cateau, and then again for October-December 1914 which is a start - perhaps there are more in the OH that I have not yet spotted?

This is proving a much harder task than I had anticipated, and any help and thoughts would be welcome.

Thanks, William

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I had a look at Statistics of the Military Effort...  but it doesn't break the figures down to Divisional level.

However a quick look at newspapers suggest there is some hope - just need to find the right publication. This is from Leven Advertiser & Wemyss Gazette 2 January 1919 (courtesy FMP)


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Mr Bonar-Law is quoted in an extract I saw as having given a written answer in Parliament (regarding Naval casualties) so a search of |Hansard might also prove useful?

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Thanks! Yes I too headed straight for Statistic of the ME - you'd think that in the many hundreds of pages there would be some sort of casualty breakdown per division. I will see what Hansard comes up with - might be an interesting search in any case.


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                                   23 August              24 August              26 August

Cavalry Division                  6                            252                          5
First Division                       9                              42                           -
Second Division                 35                             59                           -
Third Division                  1,185                          557                     1,796
Fourth Division                    -                               -                        3,158
Fifth Division                      386                         1,656                    2,631
19 Brigade                           17                             40                        477

The above numbers are from Brigadier Colin R. Ballard's (e)book "Smith-Dorrien", Pickle Partners Publishing, 2015.
Originally published in 1931 under the same title.
Total casualties only, not broken down by killed, wounded, missing.



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You might get something in the WDs of the Divisional Adjutant and Quarter-Master Generals of the above Divisions.


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I transcribed this from the war diary of Fourth Division's Adj. & Q.M.G. files several years ago. I've not found another like it for any other early (Mons, Le Cateau) division. Not the last word by any means, but I have downloaded all the quarter-master files for the first seven divisions without finding something similar.

4th Division Casualties as of 5 Sept., 1914.pdf

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