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8th Bedfords disbandment


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Can ay of our Bedfords experts tell me where the men of the 8th Battalion went when it was disbanded in 1918?

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Hi Chris

From the 8th Btns War Diary ...

4 Feb 1918

Wire received to send 13 offs 300 O R to 4th Bedfordshire Regiment.

5 Feb 1918

Orders were received to send 13 officers & 300 O.R. to 4th Bedfordshire Regiment parading at 12.30 on 6th

7 Feb 1918

The draft having to join the 4th Bedford Regiment paraded at 12.30 P.M. and proceeded by route march to 6th Div HQ FREMICOURT where busses were waiting to take them to their new Bn. at ALBUERA CAMP BEAULENCOURT

8 Feb 1918

The draft leaving to join 2nd Bedford Regiment paraded at 8.15 Am and proceeded by march route to 6th Div H Q FREMICOURT where busses were waiting to conduct them to their new battalion. Debussing point of this party was X roads L " central sheet 70 E. the Commanding Officer made a speech similar to one given to other draft. The following officers left with the draft of 86 OR Capt Pares "M.C" 2/Lt Whitbourn, 2/Lt Maddison. the draft leaving to join 6th Bn. Bedfordshire Regiment paraded at 8.45Am & proceeded by march route to BAPAUME station to entrain for EBBELINGHEN

9 Feb 1918

Courcelles-le-Comte The draft of 8 officers & 170 O.R proceeding to join 7th Bn. Bedford Regt paraded at 8.30 AM & proceeded to BAPAUME for entrainment to 18th Div Railhead

16 Feb 1918

All details of the 8th Bedfordshire Regiment posted to 5th Entrenching Bn. with the exception of WOs & C.Q.M Sgts. All Orderly Room closed and the final disbandment of the 8th Bedfordshire Regiment carried out. The details which were posted to 5th Entrenching battalion form No 2 Coy with 9th Suffolk Regiment and 8th L North Lancs Regiment

I have the diary if you need anything, so give me a shout if youre looking for an officer, as they are listed by name in the diary...

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Steve, that is great! Thank you. The chap I'm looking at is not an officer. He is 3/7536 Cpl Albert Spanton.

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S'OK Chris. Will have a look through, just in case. Not working at the mo, so prefer to do summat useful / constructive with my time!! Beats getting bored eh?!! Be back later ....

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No other mention of him from 1915 to 1918 Im afraid, but bear in mind the 8th diary is pretty good for info, so would be happy to post any other info you want to bolster up the story youre puttig together. Many operational orders, etc etc are in there, including the orders to disband amongst other interesting snippets.

Also may be worth knowing I have the following Bedfords diaries if you want me to chase any of them through:







Give me a shout if i can help out any more chris :D

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