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The Collector and Researcher's Guide to the Great


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I have been toying with the idea of attempting to purchase this two volume set (by Howard Williamson) for a while now but couldn't make a decision whether to or not.

Has anyone out there got it, and what do you think? Is it worth finding?

Someone sent me a photo-copied chapter from it (Vol.2, chapter 8 - identity discs) which they thought would interest me. To be honest, I found this chapter to be the biggest, most misinformed pile of **** that I've ever read on the subject. If the rest of the book is like that chapter, then I don't think I'll bother.

Has anyone got any opinions on this book that may help me?



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If you collect WWI Medals the first volume is, in my opinion, well worth obtaining. It contains a lot of informed research which I have never come across elsewhere.



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I have no specific interest in medals but did purchase the militaria volume. In a previous topic on the book I wrote "a good book for reference but a bit ambitious and lacking in serious detail on many subjects". Since writing that I have found myself referring to it regularly though. And yes, there are a few errors. It compliments other books nicely but you will still need the usual library as well. The photographs also leave a great deal to be desired.

PS - the cheque for Zillebeke went today, blame my wife... ;)

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Just my opinion....

Volume I is an absolute must have if you're a collector of WWI British campaign and gallantry medals, a real tour de force covering the medals themselves, how to collect them, fakes and reproductions, where and how to research them, and what research material is actually available. A first rate job that no collector of WWI medals should be without.

Volume II -still a real labour of love, with a superb chapter from Taff Gillingham on WWI British uniforms and kit from a collector's perspective (and some useful lists of stampings found on bayonets, etc)....but far too ambitious. The broadbrush approach resulted in some huge topics (helmets, pickelhaubes, etc) which are books in their own right being given very scanty coverage with (sad to say) some of the photos being a bit on the poor side. If you collect to a very specific area, then chances are you don't need volume II as there's nothing in it that you won't already have in your own specialist library.

The quality and binding is superb, and Howard Williamson should be congratulated on seeing this true labour of love through all the way to publication. Volume I is a classic if medals are your thing, volume II would be good for a general or novice militaria collector, but not a specialist.



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Thanks for the answers.

Seeing as I'm not all that interested in medals, and it doesn't seem that Vol.2 will be detailed or accurate enough for me, I think I'll now call off my search!



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Just before you put your plastic away - I do not collect medals or anything except information.

I bought Vol. 1 a year ago and would say that I refer to it at least once a week, e.g. on renumbering, examples of forms, certificates, official letters, centres for pay, abbreviations etc. I have found it very useful.

Haven't seen Vol. 2.

The only problem I have ever found with it is that it is quite difficult for me to lift. But even so it is useful enough for me to persevere.


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I have considered buying a copy of Volume 1, but (a) where can I find one, and (B) what would the postage be to Canada? Probably frightening!

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I saw the author over the 1st July period who said there are a few copies of Vol I left, none of Vol 2 and no sets left; furthermore, it will not be reprinted and copies are already going for £100+ on eBay. So, I would get it while/if you still can!

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One of the dealers I see regularly at the Watford and Marconi fairs has had a few copies on his table at the last few events - not sure if he still has them though...

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