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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Regimental numbers Suffix-Prefix L, Z, S?

Guest Mike G

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Can any kind soul out there help me in this confusing matter.

I am currently researching Yorkshire Victoria Cross recipients of any conflict, and with a couple of them I have found letter prefix before the regimental number?

Has it any bearing on the regiment or service they were in?

Or is it previouse regimental significance?

The Dad in Law had a similar problem with the same soldier but had two different reg numbers, another puzzler.

If anyone has any information regarding Yorky VC recipients please contact me. If you need any information regarding Yorky VC recipients please ask, and I will help as much as I can.

Any information would be grateful and there might be some extra R&R for the bearer of good news!

Many thanks


Mike Gomersall & Dad,


West Yorkshire

Yorky Vc'smikeg@blueyonder.co.uk

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This cropped up a while back and I happened to print out some replies.

S/ was used to denote a wartime enlistment

L in the Royal Artillery was used to denote "locally raised"

WR/ signified railway units in the Royal Engineers

TR were men in the training reserve

In the KRRC A/ was used for early recruits, R/ for later recruits up to the 15th Bn and C/ for men in the 16th Bn and above.

In the Royal Fusiliers J was used for the jewish battalions

Middlesex Regt had F for the 17th & 23rd football bns.PS were Public school bns and PW public works bns.

SD was used by south downs bns of the Royal Sussex Regt

G/ was used by infantry regts recruiting in London and the S/E

GYM/ denoted Army Gymnastic Staff.

Not a very long list but hope it may be of some use.

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These are from a list on the 'Old Contempibles' website:

L. Lancers and some Royal Artillery regimental numbers prefix

L. Home Counties Regiments number prefix (regulars)

L. Regimental number prefix to some 3rd Bn South Wales Borderers

L. Line regiments number prefix? - e.g. Royal Sussex and Royal Fusiliers

S. Supply - Army Service Corps number prefix

S. Highland regiments (wartime enlistments) number prefix

S. Home Counties regiments (3rd Bn men) number prefix

S. Some Rifle Brigade, Dorset Regt, Royal Munster Fusiliers, Army Ordnance Corps, Royal Artillery & Royal Army Medical Corps numbers prefix

Z. Rifle Brigade number prefix

Jock Bruce

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