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Flt Sub Lt KR Munro

Guest stevebec

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Guest stevebec

Keith Ross Munro enlisted with CSqn/5 ALHR and served on Gallipoli.

On the 3rd Febuary 1916 he was granted a commision in the RN.

He was made Flt Sub Lt RNAS and was killed with 8 Sqn RNAS on the 9th August 1917.

How did I died?

His name is listed on the monumet to those with NKG.

Thanks for any insight


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Flt Sub-Lieut K.R.Munro died when his Sopwith Triplane (serial N6290) was lost in action on Western Front - exact location unknown - 09.08.17 with 10 Sqn.

His name is recorded on the Arras Flying Services Memorial.

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Further to my response above after 30 seconds more spade work!!

Sopwith Triplane N6290 was shot down over Polygon Wood by Ltn Guttler of Jasta 24 at 12:10 hours. German reports give location as near Eessen.

FSL Munro had previously force landed in same aircraft on 04.08.17 near Proven.

He was serving with 10 Sqn at the time (not 8 Sqn) and was based at Droglandt near Winnezeele west of Poperinghe.

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Guest stevebec

Thanks mate for all the info.

Do I understand the CWGC roll had the wrong unit?

10 Sqn is this still a RNAS and not RFC/RAF

Great work I 'll have to find this book you have as I have a number of AIF Light Horse men I am trying to find if they died and how, after being granted commisions in the British Forces.


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It appears that the squadron given on the CWGC site is incorrect.

Firstly, he appears in 'Airmen Died...' as 10 Sqn. More conclusive though is the detailed history of Sopwith Triplane N6290 and which gives a clue to the possible source of the error.

N6290 was delivered new to 8 Sqn on 01.05.17 (and was named 'Dixie') where it succeeded in shooting down two Albatros D.IIIs (or at least its pilots did - not Munro however). It went to 1 Sqn 06.17 and quickly back to 8 Sqn 12.06.17 where it scored another 'kill'.

It moved to 10 Sqn on 24.07.17 only two weeks before being lost. I suspect the paperwork did not filter around the entire system & the old record was included on Munro's information when given to CWGC.

Yes, 10 Sqn was a RNAS unit.

Book....what book? It's all in my head!

Seriously, I have spent forty years studying aviation and I am surrounded by over a thousand reference books on the subject including those giving the history of every RFC/RNAS/RAF machine from 1911 to date. WW1 has only become a hobby of mine in the last eight years or so - nice to see them come together!

Send any other queries of this nature that you might have. Always happy to help.

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Guest stevebec

Just to test your references if I may.

Do you know if he scored any victories while he was a pilot by chance.

Or was he, as we may say, a virgin.

Thanks for the info


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I can't help too much on that one except to say that he does not appear in any list of 'aces' - but that doesn't make him a virgin!

He was certainly not inexperienced in prangs!

Apart from the forced landing mentioned above, his record was..

12.03.16 Force landed Maurice Farman S.7 (serial 3002) at Eastbourne

26.04.16 Damaged undercarriage of Curtiss JN.3 (serial 3417) at Eastbourne

19.05.16 Whilst in 3417, he was taxied into by Curtiss JN.3 (serial 3426) at Eastbourne

30.07.16 Crash landed B.E.2c (serial 1192) at Hendon

and all before he got to the WF!

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  • 2 months later...

G'day Steve,

Sorry to drag up an old thread but as a newbie to The Great War Forum, I have been reading past threads and had to reply to you.

I have Munro's attestation papers and he was a Trooper (sern 182) with the 5th LH enlisting in the AIF on October 4, 1914. His pre war profession being a grazier.

He was wounded at Gallipoli when the 5th LH attacked the Balkan Gun Pits on June 28th, 1915. His records state that he was wounded slightly and not admitted to hospital.

He was however admitted to hospital in October that year after being diagnosed with measles, and was evacuated to Malta on October 27, 1915. From Malta he embarked for England on November 3, 1915. He was admitted to the 3rd General Hospital.

He was discharged from the AIF on Febraury 3, 1916 and became a Probationary Flight Sub Lieutenant with the RNAS the next day. He served with Naval 10. I do not have a full service record for Munro while he was with the RNAS, that will have to wait until I can get to the PRO.

As has been previously noted he was killed in Sopwith Tripe N6290 Dixie over Polygon Wood. His victor looks like it was Ltn Wolfgang Guttler of Jasta 24, He was an 8 victory ace who KIA on Feb 20, 1918 when he collided with Viezfeldwebel Paul Hiob during an dog fight. He was Staffelfuhrer of Jasta 13 on his death.

To answer your question regarding the CWGC, yes the have got it wrong in stating that died while serving with Naval 8, it should read Naval 10. I always put Naval in front of RNAS squadron numbers to stop the confusion with RFC squadrons. FYI the RAF formed on April 1, 1918.



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