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"The Sardinian Brigade" and the Italian front.

Guest francesco

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Guest francesco

As an Italian, I'm very surprised that the Italian front is mentioned very rarely in this forum, though it was a very important theatre of war.

Perhaps there aren't many historical works and war memoirs available in English about that front.

I wonder if anybody has read "The Sardinian Brigade" by Emilio Lussu. I think it's a beautiful, interesting war memoir and I know it exists in English.

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I have read it. My copy is an American import. I am not sure if it was also published in England.

Anyone know of any other WW1 Italian soldiers experiences published in the English language?

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I have this book also, excellent account. I have been to Sardinian Brigade Chapel on Asiago Plateau which I have visited twice along with many of the forts in the region, quite a place, beautiful , interesting.

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Anyone know of any other WW1 Italian soldiers experiences published in the English language?

There are none, as far as I know :(

The problem is the lack of translation, though there are many remarkable first-hand accounts of Italian WW1 front. For example I just finished "Quattro anni senza dio" ("Four years without God") by A. Lodolini, the memoirs of an officier between the front and the headquarters: a very good description of the life of the wartime.

The peculiarities of the Alpine warfare make this kind of memories very interesting for the British viewpoint also. I hope new translation will occur form both Italian and Habsburg WW1 memorialists. This could improve the comparative studies on the Great War warfare.

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  • 3 weeks later...
The problem is the lack of translation, though there are many remarkable first-hand accounts of Italian WW1 front. For example I just finished "Quattro anni senza dio" ("Four years without God") by A. Lodolini, the memoirs of an officier between the front and the headquarters: a very good description of the life of the wartime.


It is interesting that they do exist, but have yet to be translated.

They must have been published post 1945, since in the preface used in the American edition of this book Emilio Lussu had written, in April 1937:

"In Italy no such books about the war exist as those that have been published in England, France and Germany. And even this one would never have been written had I not been compelled to spend a period of enforced inactivity."

Emilio Lussu became a deputy in the Italian Parliament after the war. However, he was expelled from Parliament on anti-Fascist charges in 1926 and ended up on the prison island of Lipari. In 1929 he escaped to France and was at Clavadel-Davos when he wrote the preface cited above.

More about the book: "Sardinian Brigade: A Memoir of World War 1" by Emilio Lussu. Translated from the Italian by Marion Rawson. My edition was published by Evergreen Black Cat Books of New York in 1970.

Here is the back cover.


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  • 11 years later...

'Toes Up' by Monelli is a good memoir of the Alpini. Published by Duckworth in the late 20's/30's. Also  Mussolini's 'My War Diary' was published in the U.S. 'Snow and Steel' is a series of stories based on fact. 


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