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1/8th West Yorks Regt.


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Can anyone help me pinpoint the location of the above Battalion on 3rd Sept 1916. I know they were involved in an assault on the Schwaben Redoubt at Thiepval, but wonder if anyone can give precise details of the movements; ie. trench names, trench map references etc, and details of the atack.

Thank you Chris

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War Diary has the following:-


1st - The Battalion was in billets in HEDAUVILLE.

2nd - Moved at 4 P.M. to AVELUY WOOD.


3rd - Move into parallels in front of British line getting into position about 4-30 A.M. At 5.10 we attacked the enemy but were unable to hold and consolidate. Casualties 9 Officers 294 O.R. Were relieved and moved to FORCEVILLE.

4th - Company & Battalion training at FORCEVILLE.

The following is taken from page 80 of 'British Battalions on the Somme' by Ray Westlake:-

1/8th Battalion (Leeds Rifles) (T.F.) 146th Brigade, 49th (West Riding) Division.

To Aveluy Wood (2/9), front line (3/9) - attacked 5.10 - 'unable to hold and consolidate.' Relieved and to Forceville. Casualties - 303.

The following is taken from page 197 of '148 Days on the Somme - 2nd July to 26th November 1916' by Barry Cuttell:-

The 146th Brigade on the left flank made its attack between the Pope's Nose and the river. The right hand battalion, the 6/West Yorks was caught by enfilade fire from the Pope's Nose which prevented which prevented entry into the front line. Close to the river, its sister battalion, the 5th was in trouble from the start, being pinned down by fire from the Strasburg Line. They Yorkshiremen could not get forward and they made their way back as best they could. (Unfortunately no mention is made of the 8th.)


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Thank you Alan

the info is really helpful, as it allows me to help build a picture of the movements. on the 3rd Sept.

The soldier i am researching William Wardle was killed on the 3rd, and is remembered on the Thiepval Memorial overlooking the scene of this attack.


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You may find the following of interest, taken from the regimental history...

Page 1...


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...and the accompanying map...



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Thanks ever so much for the info. It really has helped determine what happened to William Wardle on that day. In fact from a visit a couple of years ago to Thiepval i have a brillliant photo which shows the chalk marking s of these very trenches and the two front lines. Thanks ever so much.

Sadly Williams brother Herbert died a few months later, on 28/1/17 after his pick struck a bomb in a trench. Four other brothers survived the war.

Thank you


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