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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

POW Camp List


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A list of prison camps was complied by Mrs Pope-Hennessy during the war, it was originally published by Nisbet & Co. Ltd., London. It was published with the title "Map of the main prison camps in Germany and Austria" and contained a map and gazetter of the main camps. It was reprinted by the Department of Printed Books, Imperial War Museum and should still be available.

It gives brief descriptions of the camps, for example the entry for Soltau is as follows: A little town (pop. 5,200) on the Stendal-Bremen line. It is the centre for working commandos and is said to accomodate 30,000 men but sometimes carries 50,000 on its register. 10 th Army Corps.

Hope this of interest.


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There is an extremely interesting series of annual reports from the "Office central belge pour les Prisonniers de Guerre. Antérieurement Comité central de l'OEuvre d'Assistance aus prisonniers Belges en Allemagne." Each year there is a small book with pictures and details about the camps in which Belgian POWs were kept (they often also were together with other nationalities).


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