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Westfälisches Feldartillerie Regiment Nr. 22

Guest hometurf

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I have a question for the German army experts. I´m searching for information about the Westfälisches Feldartillerie Regiment Nr. 22 (7. Feldartillerie Brigade, VII. Armee Korps Dritte Armee Inspektion). The movements of the unit, the actions and battles involved and if possible written memoirs, unit diaries (if not destroyed) or other documents.

Thanks in advance,

Jorge Groen

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Hello Jorge, I can supply some details in your search. The artillery regiment in question was part of the 13th Division at the outbreak of the war. This division was part of the 2nd Army with the 14th Division. The regiment was probably involved in the final operations of the siege of Liege. Afterward the division passed through Wavre, Nivelles, Seneffe and crossed the Sambre below Thuin (battle of Charleroi) and ended up in front of Maubege until the city fell.

The division moved forward and fought east of St. Quentin on 29/8/14 and was at Montmirail on 9/6/14 where it fought in the battle of the Marne. Afterward the division went into position north of Rheims forming part of the 7th Army.

Beginning of October the division transferred to Artois and remained there until March 1916, it fought in the sector Angres-Souchez in October and November, and Fromelles-Aubers in November and December. March and June 1915 the division underwent two heavy attacks at Neuve Chapelle and at Festubert. Relieved at the end of March 1916 the division went to rest in the Cambrai area. About 5 June the division was entrained for Verdun area by way of Montmedy-Stenay, it went into line in the sector of hill 304 which it occupied until September 1916.

According to the book Histories of the 251 German Divisions of the German Army that fought in the war the 22nd Artillery Regiment left the division sometime in 1916 as it is not mentioned in the 1917 portion. It is possible it was reassigned to another division or became an independent artillery regiment. Hopefully someone else will know the answer.

There were three books written on the regiment:

Zur Denkmalsweihe für die Gefallenen des 2 Westfälischen Feldartillerie Regiments Nr. 22….Münster, 1923;

Zunker, Hermann; Hüger, Friedrich Martin; Vietor. Das Königlich Preussische 2 Westfälische Feldartillerie Regiment Nr. 22 und seine Tochterformationen im Weltkriege 1914-1918, Münster, 1924

Merckel, A.: Ehemaliges 2 Westfälisches Feldartillerie Regiment Nr. 22; Tradition des deutschen Heeres, Heft 407, Kyffhäuser, Berlin, 1938.

I have no information as to other documents and records. I hope this helps a bit. Can I ask why you are looking for this unit?


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