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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

2/KOYLI 30 Dec.,1914


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Does anyone know any details on the activities/movements of this battalion on Dec.30, 1914? A 3-1733 Pte.A.Woolford of the unit was killed that day.

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On Christmas Day they were at St Jans Cappel, and at the end of the year at Neuve Eglise. From Ray Westlake's "British Battalions in Franceand Belgium 1914".

There seem to be two others killed on the same day, all three commemorated on the Menin Gate.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi terry,

The regimental history has this to say :Page 749,

"During the next period in the same trenches the casualties from the enemy's fire numbered six killed and eleven wounded, all due to snipers; during the same period eighty-odd men were lost to the ranks from swollen feet and legs as a result of standing forty-eight hours on end knee-deep in water and mud; Christmas Day,a clear frosty day; was spent in billets at St. Jans cappel; A six-a-side football competition marked the day and was won by "A" company, and a draft of ninety-two rank and file under capt. E.C. de R. Martin joined up. Capt. C.S. Buckle and 2/Lt G.J. Child joined shortly after on the 29th when the battalion was about to occupy trenches on the river Douve. New year's day found it once more in billets at Neuve egilse."

The river Douve is on the Messines Ridge front and is immeditaly south of the town of Messines.


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Thanks fellows. I wasn't sure what had happened to Pte. Woolford, but I can assume he was the victim of a sniper. I see that the CWGC gives his address as Croydon (my mother's home town).

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