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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Cavalry or Artillery

Guest Cienwen

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I am trying to get a start with my Grandfather in The Great War. All I know about his time in the service of his country is:

He rode the horses which pulled the gun carriages and he would have joind up in or around Wigan, Lancashire. I can't get started because I don't know how he would have been classified.

Can anyone help me with this and how I would go about finding his service records.

His father, who put his age down a peg or two also served in the Great War and was a streatcher bearer. How would I look for him? I do of course have their dates of birth and full names but living in Australia it's almost impossible to search records for these men.

Any help would be much appreciated.


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I am sure that if he rode the horses that pulled the guns then he would have been in the artillery not the cavalry, probably classed as a driver.


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If you know his name and say his place of birth or age, you could look up his service records. At the top left of this page, click on "The Long, Long Trail", then click on "Grandad's war". You'll get some tips there.

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If they had a relatively uncommon name it is quite easy to find their "Medal Index card" even if you don't know their service number, at the Public Records OFfice in London. (I am assuming that they served in a British rather than an Australian unit ). The MIC would show their name, rank, number , what unit they served in and also any medal entitlement.

Even if you can't visit the PRO personally there are quite a few "researchers " who will do it for you and post you the information for just a few pounds. Personally I use a chap called Steve Law ( e-mail malaw@gwmedals.freeserve.co.uk) as I live in the USA.


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