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2/5th Duke of Wellingtons


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Have been researching a group of local soldiers, all from the same area of North lincolnshire, who all joined the above Battalion. Have used the Bn war diary, local papers and the regimental museum etc, but just wondered if anyone knew of any other sources, or location of photos of the 2/5th Duke of Wellingtons, or details of any other men who served with them, inparticular D Company to whom all the men i've researched belonged to:

241634 - Sidney Shearsmith

241635 - Albert Parker

241636 - William Shepherdson

241638 - Walter Shearsmith

241639 - Harold Milson

241640 - Frank Stamford


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Dear Chris,

Have you tried the Territorial barracks in Huddersfield. They hold some information concerning the Dukes. They have photographs of the 1/5th and an album of their activities during the First World War.

01484 516030 is the number to ring.

Good luck,

Martin Maynard

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  • 3 months later...

Dear Chris,

My Great-Grandfather served in the 2/5th Duke of Wellingtons. His service record states that he served with D company, but I'm not entirely sure whether this was only when he was on home service before he went to France

He was an unpaid Lance Corporal KIA 27/03/1918.

I began researching this over Christmas - we have one photo of him in uniform whilst on leave, and a letter sent from his platoon commander to his wife, dated 3rd April 1918. His officer signed H. Brown, but I have not managed to trace anything on him at all

23348 Lance Corporal William Cawthorne

Not quite sure if this is of any help - I've got as far as obtaining a copy of his service records and doing some background reading about the war as it was in his sectors, so have many gaps to fill and details to confirm.



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There is a detailed history of the 'Volunteers and Territorial Battalions 1859-1999' of the Dukes. I acquired my copy from the Regimental archive in Halifax.

It has a thorough write-up of WW1 and may give you the context of the men you are researching.

The 2/5 were a Territoral Force drawn from Huddersfield and were part of the 186th Brigade/ 62nd (2nd West Riding) Division.

Hope this helps.


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Chris - just wondered if you had looked this block of men up in Duke of Wellingtons BW&VM medal roll?

I have a hunch that this block may have been posted in from another TF unit e.g. your 1/5 Lincolns. The fact that they have almost continuous sequence of post March 1917 (i.e. TF renumbering) numbers and came from the same part of the country i.e. out of area for the 2/5th D of W looks uncannily like similar blocks of transferees that I have seen in other regiments.


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Thanks for that Steve and Charles.

Unfortunatley Charles i have not been able to get to the PRO to look at the medal roll. Distance, the upcoming arrival of the first addition to the BAiley family and Scunthorpes surprising continued run in the FA Cup, mean my list of things to check on is becoming incresingly larger and the time available alarmingly less. I do know from SDGW and local Absent Voters lIsts that a large number (100+) of men from Grimsby, SCunthorpe, Gainsborough area (prime 1/5th Lincs recuitment area) served in the 2/5th Duke of Wellingtons. This group though particularly interest me because they are from my local village and surrounding area, and clearlyall knew each other. Sidney and Walter Shearsmith were cousins and neighbours, William Shepherdson was a childhood friend of Walter, and Frank Stamford was 'courting' Walter's sister, Lucy. Luckily many of Walters letters to his family survive so i will check the 1915 letters when i next see his relatives and determine where he was, thus i can maybe determine whether he was with the 2/5th Dukes or the Lincs as you suspect.

Will email you off frum later with more details, when i have them in front of me.



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