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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

My Great-Great Uncle


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Hello all!

I've just joined this community so this will be my first post. First of many I hope :)

I have chosen my Great-Great Uncle's name as a screen name. Thomas McIntee was a private of 10th Battalion, Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders. He was killed in his first battle, The Battle of Loos.

I have been researching him for the last two years or so I guess and have managed to find out a few things. Yet, there is much still to learn. I also have the problem that I don't live in England and so have to rely on letters and phonecalls to find out what I want to know.

I know where he enlisted, when (rougly), his Battalion, service number, when he died and by reading about the battle I have some idea about where he was before he died. I also have his date of death. I am desperate to find out what Company he was in though. Is this possible to find out? I wrote to his regiment but they could tell me nothing.

Also, could someone tell me what K1 means? I read on this site that 10th Battalion was formed as part of K1 but I do not know what it means. Also, am I right in thinking that Thomas would be eligable for medals (the 1915 star, 1914-1916 medal and the victory medal) even though he died at Loos?



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K1 was Kitchener's First Army, often known as The First Hundred Thousand (which is also the title of a book by Ian Hay, which could be a useful read as background research).

Kitchener's pointing finger image raised the New Armies (generally from men with little or no military experience) that would be needed to join the Regulars and the Territorials in the line.

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Hello John

Thomas would have been entitled to the 1914-15 Star, the British War Medal and the Victory Medal. They would have been sent to his next of kin after the war, as would a bronze plaque.

Have you tried to find his service papers at the National Archive (Pubic Record Office)? If they have survived they will give you a good deal of information, possibly including his Company.

Also, have you examined the Battalion war diary? It might mention him, although the chances of a ranker being mentioned are slim it's always worth a shot.

Cheers and good luck

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Ah, thank you very much Kate. The K1 thing has been bugging me for a while and I couldn't find an answer to what it meant anywhere. Obvious once you told me though!

Chris, thank you for the pointers. I haven't been to the Public Record Office yet no as I haven't been in England for a while now. They don't do internet inquires as far as I understand (if this is wrong, please point me in the right direction!). I have not examined the Battalion War diary, where would I find it? I did write the regimental historian though but unfortunatly he couldn't tell me much.

Interesting about those medals though. Thomas didn't have children and I have no idea who recived them. Wonder it they are still around somewhere...

I forgot to mention that Thomas had two brothers in the war, but I know very little about them. One was wounded on the road to Cambrai and the other one guarded POWs in the Dardenelles (he was also a veteran of the Boer War).


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Since Norway is a long way from Kew and the NA (The archive formerly known as the PRO) you could consider engaging a researcher to do some look ups for you or to delve in greater detail.

The war diary is probably held at the PRO - take a look at www.pro.gov.uk and use the on line catalogue to search for the unit in the WO95 document series.

There are a number of NA/PRO researchers (try a google search or look on the PRO ewb site which may offer suggestions).

There are also researchers such as Tom Tulloch-Marshall (http://www.btinternet.com/~prosearch/index.html) who is a forum member and this forum's owner Chris Baker (http://www.1914-1918.org/) who offer services. Another researcher (and ex RSM with Argyll & Sutherland Highlanders) trades as "Scottish Ancestors" - try a google search. I cannot speak for any of these as I have not used them personally but they are all reputable. Costs vary according to what you want done - but get an estimate first. Thats all I will say as this is not a commercial forum, I shouldn't be advertising anyone. and other excellent researchers can be found.

For small and quick look-ups you might be able to beg a favour from some of the pals on the forum.

Of course the most enjoyable way is to find the opportunity to do it yourself and you will find people on this forum ready to offer advice and direction to those essaying the NA/PRO for the first time. The only problem is that is easy to get side tracked and totally engrossed with the sheer excitement of handling historic documentation.

Good luck - and don't feel frightened to ask even the simplest of questions - we are a friendly lot here.


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Welcome to the Forum.

A number of Forumites go to the PRO on a regular basis so if you post the details you have for Thomas someone may do an initial look up for you.

If you need something more you may wish to get some research done on a more formal basis. At the very bottom of the links page on the mother site (here) are details of three such individuals.


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Sorry - I wrote my post hours ago but it has only just got posted to the Forum and has obviously been more than superceded by Martin's post. I am not a complete idiot - honest. :huh:

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Thank you all for your suggestions. I have thought about hiring a pro researcher but part of me wants to do this on my own really. Although a little help from friends is always welcome :P

What I'm really trying to do is place him on the battlefield. I know that would be difficult but if I knew his company that would be good enough for me. It would narrow the front down a little. At least that is what I'm thinking. I haven't been to the battlefield yet but am planning a trip next year, after the 60 anniversary of the D-Day landings in Normandy.

What would you need to know if someone was to do a wee lookup at PRO?


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  • 2 months later...

Been away for awhile but have returned with more questions :P

I've found a book on amazon that apparently lists all the war dead of the Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders during the Great War. What would I expect to find listed in this book? Would there be any details apart from name, rank, number?

I've tried to look up the battalion diary on the PRO site but can only find diaries for 10th battalion for the periods between 1916-1917 and 1918-1919...which doesn't really help me at all. Does this mean that there is no diary for 1914-1915 (covering Loos) or can it be located elsewhere?



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Hi John

If it is Soldiers Died in the Great War 1914-19 part 70 Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders , then it will record each battalions casualty alphabetically, it includes rank & Regt. No., where each man was born, enlisted & resided (if known). It records how they lost their life ie -Killed in Action, Died of Wounds, date of death. Place of death ie F & F (France & Flanders).

Do not trust PRO site, when looking for K.S.L.I. diaries it would only could up with 2nd & 8th Battalions but I know for sure it holds the 5th Battalion and most proberly the other battalions of the Regiment.



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PROCAT doesn't seem to be able to cope very well with anything with 'King's' in the title. If you do the search omitting the dreaded word, and just go with 'Shropshire Light Infantry,' the search delivers much more. Likewise with 'King's Royal Rifle Corps' etc. etc.

Regards - Sue

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I've just had a look, and the battalion war diary for the 10th Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders is in WO95/1772 - covering the period from May 1915 to April 1916.

Regards - Sue

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Annette, the book in question is called; Soldiers Died in the Great War: Princess Louise's (Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders). I shall probably try to get it when I can afford it.

Sue, thank you very much for finding it. I'm a total newbie when it comes to PRO and it does seem awfully confusing to find what you want.

Thank you all very much for helping out.


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Hi John

Try looking at www.ray-westlake.com, you can get an hardback copy for £9.95 plus post & package.

Hi Sue - I try three ways, K.S.L.I., King's Shropshire Light Infantry & Shropshire



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