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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Albert Barnett


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Hello Everyone

Can anyone on the forum identify the unit or branch of service of this fine looking horseman. I think it maybe Horse Artillery. I don't think the photo is Great War vintage, more like Boer War, but I am trying to track this mans service during the Great War and need a starting point. The 2nd photo is of the same man looking slightly older. Any help will be much appreciated.


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Take a look at this photo. It might give you some clues.

This is my Gt.Grandfather, 3793 Pte. Joseph Lenton Woodward, 10th Hussars. The photo was taken in 1899, just before his departure to South Africa.

There seems a lot of similarities between the uniforms in your photo and mine.



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Hello Dave

Thanks for the photo.

The two uniforms look identical. This has really thrown me because Albert Barnett "supposedly" turned up in the RFA during the Great War. He was batman to Captain Cyril Holland (see my previous thread).

Back to the drawing board.

Thanks again


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