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18th (London) Rifle Brigade TF


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This is a question about a rather obscure unit, in the hope that a Rifle Brigade or TF expert can help me out here.

18th (London) Rifle Brigade TF, according to Brig James, was one of 7 such battalions which were "formed in accordance with an Army Council Instruction on 29 November 1915. They were made up of supernumary TF Companies, formed from National Reservists who were used in guarding vulnerable points in Great Britain".

Now, what were National Reservists? Is this different to Army Reserve or Special Reserve? How did they get into the TF?

Next, according to the same source, in 1916 the 18th was sent for garrison duty in India. But I'm looking at the medal documents of a chap who went to France, in January 1916. On the same page of the medal roll are a number of other men of the battalion, all of whom went to France at this time. So, did the battalion go to India, or France?

Finally, this chap was awarded the British War medal but not the Victory Medal. So by my understanding he "left his native shore" (check: he went to France) but did not "enter a theatre of war". How so? Could he have for example been moved to Marseilles, preparatory to going to India? Would that get a BWM but not VM, in France?

This fellow was evacuated sick a few months later, discharged, issued a Silver War Badge, and died soon afterwards - not recorded by the CWGC or SDGW. Or at least I think not. He was 395 Rifleman Edward Johnson.

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The National Reserve was created prior to 1914 and was, in essence, a register maintained by TF County Associations of all those who had military experience, but had no Reserve obligation. It was divided in three classes – I those under 42 in age, II officers and senior ranks under 55 and junior ranks under 50 for home service only, III those who were not medically fit for Classes I and II. Its strength as at 1 Oct 1913 was 215,000 all ranks.

In Oct 1914 the National Reserve was formed into protection companies, which were attached to existing TF battalions, for the guarding of railways and other vulnerable points in Britain. That November all Class I and II men were ordered to present themselves for enlistment. In March 1915 the protection companies became Supernumerary Companies TF. In July 1915 there was a widescale trawl of these companies to identify men capable of marching 10 miles with a rifle and 150 rounds of ammunition. Those who were medical Cat A went to Service bns, while Cat Cs were posted to Provisional bns. Cat B men were formed into 18th-24th Rifle Brigade TF. These bns were sent to Egypt and India at the end of 1915 to replace TF units committed to the Dardanelles and Mespot. The rump left in Britain eventually formed the 25th Rifle Brigade TF and served as a Garrison Bn at Falmouth.

As for the Supernumerary Companies, they were eventually formed into the Royal Defence Corps.

18 RB certainly served in India and not France. Since his unit was not under the establishment of the BEF in France, but merely passed through it, he would not be entitled to the VM.

Hope this helps

Charles M

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