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Where on the Somme


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I have looked at the info on this wonderful site buty have been unable to locate where the following was when he died.

He was in RFA 30th battery, 39th /Brigade.

I think he was part of 1st Div

He was KIA 12/9/16.

Anyone identify where he would have been on that date??


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Hi sorry, his name in not known to me at this time, I promised an old friend that I would check out this site first. I will try and get it.


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30th Battery (Howitzer) was part of 39th Bde under 1st Div. However

The infantry brigades of 1st Division were out of the line between

11th - 16th September.

I suppose its Possible that the Battery remained in action during this period.

I've read other accounts where the gunners remained in action while the

infantry of their division had been relieved.


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British Official History gives a good and probably complete listing of artillery units that supported the Flers-Courcelette attack on 15 September. 1st Divisional artillery is not among them. 1st Division infantry units moved out of the line on 13 September when relieved by NZ Division.

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