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German POW: help needed.

Guest Albrecht

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Hello everybody,

is there any chance to find out in which German Regiment

a POW served before he became a prisoner? Are there still

any lists existing? Where was the camp mentioned below?

I´m talking about:

Fritz Lorenz, "Prisoner of war nr. 1534,

Baracke 11, Parent Camp Bramley, England"

An older lady in our village is trying to learn a little bit

more about her uncle´s way through ww1. Any help appreciated!

Many thanks in advance, Alex

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From the limited info I have on this subject there might be a way to identify the unit the POW came from but it will be very difficult. You might want to check locally for any details on the camp itself to see if any records exist. Is there any way to determine when the POW arrived in the camp?

I am not aware of any master list of POW's. I do know that the German Verlustlisten show men who were in POW camps but there is no method to find one name among the literally millions published. I hope that another member might have further details that will help you as well as me in any future searches. Sorry I could not be that helpful in your search.


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many thanks for your kind reply! Unfortunately I have no further

information about what happened. Neither I know when the POW

became a prisoner, nor at what time he arrived in this camp. Most

likely he has been a soldier in a regiment of Württemberg. He was

in the rank of a lance corporal and promoted with the EK2. Thats all

I know and I think it will be almost impossible to find out more.

Thanks again and best regards,


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Alex, What information do you have that the soldier was probably from Württemberg? This does help to reduce the search parameters by a large margin. The Verlustlisten (Casualty lists) for Württemberg are considerably smaller than for Prussia or Bavaria.


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I do not know if you know this but Bramley is a suburb of Leeds, West Yorkshire, England.



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Hi Ralph,

I can´t proof that the POW served in a regiment from Württemberg!

But he was born in this former kingdom so it´s quite possible, that he

served in one of "the King´s regiments". Most of the soldiers in my

village served in the regiment "Alt-Württemberg" Nr. 121 or in one of

the Reserve- or Landwehr formations this regiment put up.

Nevertheless the POW could also have been a member of the Guards or of a

regiment from Saxon, Bavaria or Prussia. I´m sure you know that it´s

comperatively easy to get information about a Swabian soldier who died in

ww1 (Staatsarchiv Stuttgart, Archive Karlsruhe/Freiburg, Krankenbuchlager

Berlin, Württ. Verlustlisten, Ehrentafeln, etc.) but it´s very hard to get

information about those who came back, especially if you don´t know the

unit they served in!

Reminding the photo I saw (of course especially the uniform) we are talking

about the period from late 1914 till the end of the war. Even if I would

only focus on the Verlustlisten of Württemberg, it would take me (appart from

the fact that I don´t have them all) weeks or even months to check them, I think.

So I did address the members of this forum to find out, if there is existing

a kind of "universal POW-list", which would have made the whole thing easier!


Thanks a lot for this information!

Best regards,


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I am slowly collecting the Verlustlisten for all areas for my research. I will continue to look for his name among the lists when doing my research. My family on my mothers side came from Marbach am Neckar, north of Stuttgart. I have found quite a few casualties to this village and the other 25 or so from the Marbach district.

If I come across any information I will gladly pass it along.


P.S. What village did he come from? This will help in the search as the village and district are usually both listed in the Verlustlisten.

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Hi Ralph,

that sounds great! All kind of information you can find

in your "Verlustlisten-Collection" about the POW and maybe

about the other men of 14-18 from my hometown will be

greatly appreciated! I´m going to send further details

via e-mail. Thanks in andvance.

May be I can be of any help for your research, too.

After a brief look into my records, I discovered about

30 soldiers, born in Marbach/N., who fell in ww1. Are you

interested in having this short list? If yes, please let me know.

By the way, I was born in Marbach/N., too.

Best regards,


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Alex, I look forward to your e-mail. I would be happy to help with your research on your hometown, just send me the details.


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  • 2 weeks later...

[is there any chance to find out in which German Regiment

a POW served before he became a prisoner? Are there still

any lists existing? Where was the camp mentioned below?

I´m talking about:

Fritz Lorenz, "Prisoner of war nr. 1534,

Baracke 11, Parent Camp Bramley, England"]

Just an update. We were able to locate this man, he served in the 2nd Reserve Pioneer company, 13th Pioneer Battalion. He was attached to the 28th Reserve Division and based upon the dates of the Verlustlisten he was probably captured on or about 1 July 1916 on the Somme.


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Some final notes: Based upon the number of prisoners listed on the Verlustlisten and the accounts from the 13th Pionier Battalion history Friedrich Lorenz was one of 88 enlisted men and 4 officers of the 2nd Reserve Pionier Company captured at Fricourt on 1 July 1916.


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