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various regiments


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I have a lengthy list of Regiments for which I would like to get hold of details of where they were on specific dates and what battle they were involved. Hopefully something a little more than "First Day of Somme". Perhaps 100 -200 words. If necessary I can provide a fax number so that information can be forwarded off forum.

If it's at all possible could someone check that I have the correct nomenclature for these Regiments? It is distinctly possible that this information will form part of a book and I would like it to appear as professional as possible.

I've prepared the list as a word document and I hope my effort to attach it to this message works Garth

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Hi Garth

I can give you info. on 1/4th K.S.L.I. but it may take a week or so. If I have not emailed you within two weeks just email me to remind me as I have memory like a sieve and get side track very easy.


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I should be able to help with the 8/East Lancs and 1/8th West Yorkshires.

I'll email you shortly.


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...oh, yes, I forgot! :blink: I should be able to manage the 1/Borders also.


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Can provide you with the information for the 9th Battalion Royal Irish Fusiliers 16.8.17,Battle of langemarck. Am in Ypres over the weekend visting the area connected with this battle, will email you on my return.


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I'll look at the Buffs for you over the weekend - I've got the war diaries.


As with Annette, if you don't hear from me, please give me a nudge.

Edited by Michael
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I didn't read the list properly last time....12/West Yorks should be OK too.


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4th Yorkshires April 23rd 1917, 2nd battle of the Scarpe.

The high ground to the west of Cherisy was the area in which 4th Yorks would attack.

During the night of 22-23rd April the bn moved into position, W, X & Z Coys in the front line with Y coy behind X & Z.

The barrage opened at 4-45am on the 23rd and the advance was described as slow owing to to a delay in it lifting and the 4th Yorks suffered casualties from both German and British guns.

W coy on the right met with fierce opposition, X coy in the center experienced less opposition and reached their objective early whilst Z coy had less opposition than either W or X.

The Green Howards had sufferred but still managed to hold a continuous line and pushed east into the German support trench at 5-25am.

Machine gun fire was increasing now and the only remaining Yorks officer Capt Hirsch and about 150 men decided to hold and request ammunition and reinforcements, a coy of the 5th DLI duly arrived to assist.

At 7-15am Capt Hirsch already wounded was killed.

By 7-30am the enemy were seen massing for a counter attack, one group from the Cojeul river and another from Vis-en-Artois.

A retirement was initiated back to the German 2nd and 1st lines and eventually back to the British front line, all done under heavy machine gun fire and overseen by a handful of junior NCO's.

By 8-10am all who remained of the 4th Yorks had reoccupied the old British line.

For the rest of the day the battalion under Major Stead who had come up from brigade HQ to take command remained in support to an attack made by others of the division.

At the end of the day they moved back to Wancourt and the following morning to the Citadel at Arras.

Soldiers Died gives 3 officers and 110 men of the 4th Yorks dying that day.

Captain David Phillip Hirsch recieved a postumous VC for his actions that day.

Hope this is of some use to you.


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Here is the Buffs info. I can go more in depth if necessary.

6th Buffs


The 37th Infantry Brigade as an advanced guard, advanced through the line held by the 36th Infantry Brigade and at 4:45 am attacked the enemy position north of the Somme capturing the villages of Carnoy and assisting the 58th Division on the right to take Maricourt and attacking a valuable position held by the enemy north of Hardecourt.

The attack was accompanied by a strong artillery barrage and was a complete success, many of the enemy wounded and a large number of prisoners taken. The disposition of the 37th Infantry Brigade was as follows;

6th Buffs on the right

6th RW Kents on the left

6th Queens in support

The final objective was reached at 8:15am and consolidation commenced but owing to owing to enfilade machine gun fire, the position held was rendered untenable and a well organised withdrawal to trenches 200 yards back was carried out

Casualties Captain LP Figgis Killed

2/lieuts EJ Hobbs, WR Findley, HM Hunt, C Hunt, injured. HM Hunt died the following day

10 other ranks killed

40 other ranks wounded

12 other ranks missing

7th Buffs


The Battalion was in the Carnoy area having taken part in cleaning up operations during the previous day’s attack. They had taken the Carnoy mine craters after 6 hours of heavy fighting.

On the 2nd they were dealing with German reconnaissance parties during the morning and preparing for the rumoured German counter attack on their right. There was intermittent shelling during the day.

If you send me your e-mail address I'll send you Major Mitford Brice's account of the 18th Nov 1916 on the Ancre.


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As it turns out, I can't help you with the 1/Borders on 23.4.17 as they were out of the line near Arras on this date. same with 8/East Lancs. on 16.11.16 ,as they had been relieved to Engelbelmer on the 15th.

However, the following 2 scans are for the 12/West Yorks (PWO) on 27.9.17...


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The next 3 cover the 1/8 west Yorks on 28.7.18, a day in which Montagne de Bligny was captured, earning the battalion a Croix de Guerre...


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...and 3...


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...and finally, this is for the 13/Kings Regiment (Liverpool) on 23.10.18...



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