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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Medals in a haystack (figuratively speaking)!


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Hello from the US -

First, let me say that this is my first week experiencing this web site and forum and it has been awesome. This is a fantastic resource, so to those involved in creating and maintaining it ... I can tell it is a labor of love - thank you!

I wasn't sure where to post this, so Moderator, please relocate if you can think of a more suitable spot.

I know I am searching for the proverbial needle in a haystack; as a child, I had my Grandfather's medals from the Great War - but no interest in them or in military things in general. Now, I have the interest and collect militaria, but no medals! I think they were given away "to the kid next door" or whomever before my Mom passed away 12 years ago.

I don't remember exactly what he had but I know one was the British Star, another medal that I don't remember, and his Military Medal. They were kept in a purple/velvet presentation box.

His name was Frank Audsley Marsden, and he served in the King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry, being taken prisoner in 1918.

I constantly see named medals for sale on EBay and other sites; does anyone have any experience in hunting for specific named medals and could anyone provide any direction in seeing if these are by any chance "locatable" (is that a real word. Has anyone had any success with a task like this?

Thanks so much in advance for any help you can be.

Kind regards,

Paul Jerram

Sarge53rd@aol.com (screen name has NOTHING to do with my Granddad!)

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That's my Grandpa. I have the letter (and then a handwritten copy he made later) from his Lt. Col. to my Grandmother advising that he was missing and that the chances were not good that he was still alive. He mentioned however that the Germans in that area were known to treat their prisoners well, if he was indeed still alive.

Then a few months later my Grandma got a photo postcard of Frank in his dress uniform, standing in the courtyard of the prisoner of war camp, which is now in modern day Karlsruhe, Austria, I believe.

By the way, what did you use as source material to tell you that he had been missing and then showed up as a POW?

Thanks for the info. Back to hunting that needle in the haystack!

Kind regards,

Paul Jerram

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Guest Ian Bowbrick


As someone involved in the thread listed by Terry, I have to say that what happened was a rare event. However never say never. There is a medal tracker on Medal News - check it out and good luck..........



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As someone involved in the thread listed by Terry, I have to say that what happened was a rare event. However never say never. There is a medal tracker on Medal News - check it out and good luck..........



Thank you for the encouragement Ian. I definitely will not be giving up any time soon, as my Grandfather's history and memory are too important to me for that. I have already signed up for a couple of medal tracker services that have been recommended to me by folks on this Forum (including yourself) and am hoping for the best!

Thank you!

Paul Jerram

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POW info came from Cox and Co's List of British Officers taken as prisoners.

It's available from Naval and Military Press.


Thank you Bob, I really appreciate the info. You can tell I'm a relative newbie, but everyone's advice and suggestions are helping me come up to speed!

Kind regards,

Paul Jerram

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