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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Tommy Agar-Robartes

Guest Holden

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I have just extensively researched the political career of Thomas 'Tommy' Charles Agar-Robartes MP (1881-1915), son and heir of the Viscount Cliden. Tommy was a gifted politician whose career was cut short by his death in Loos in September 1915. At the outbreak of war he was a volunteer in the Devon Yeomanry. Desperate to get to the front he joined the Royal Bucks Hussars, who to his horror were stationed in England. Tommy then joined the Coldstream Guards as an officer and was subsequently posted to France. There area few small pieces of info in the Churchill and Asquith collections but very little about his military career. Tommy lived and entertained his Liberal colleagues at Lanhydrock House in Cornwall, now owned by the National Trust. Indeed his bedroom is open to the public and displays a fine dressing case that returned from Loos in 1915. Can anybody help with any information. I suspect he worked in some diplomatic role, like his best friend Neil Primrose the son of Lord Rosebery (killed in 1917 in Palestine).

Many thanks

Paul Holden

House and Collections Manager Lanhydrock

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Guest Pete Wood

Welcome to the forum, Paul.

I know that all your questions will be amswered. But while we wait to hear from the experts, I would be obliged if you could post a picture of Tommy's valise - and tell the story about it to the forum.

It made the hairs rise on the back of my neck when I first heard about it.

I can tell you that one batman (I believe he had at least three) to Tommy was Pte Harry Bowen.

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Guest Pete Wood


Initials: T C R

Nationality: United Kingdom

Rank: Captain (The Hon.)

Regiment: Coldstream Guards

Unit Text: Commanding No. 2 Coy. 1st Bn.

Age: 35

Date of Death: 30/09/1915

Additional information: Eldest son of Thomas Charles, 6th Viscount Clifden, and Mary, Viscountess Clifden, of Lanhydrock, Bodmin, Cornwall. Educated at Eton and Christ Church, Oxford. Member of Parliament for St. Austell and Mid-Cornwall since 1908.

Casualty Type: Commonwealth War Dead

Grave/Memorial Reference: I. D. 33.


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“Tommy Robartes was a remarkable man…devoid of fear”, according to his brother officer Lt G Barry, who recounts Tommy’s remarkable musical escapade in Chapter 29 of Lyn MacDonald’s 1915 – The Death of Innocence.

Robartes wanted to form a band in his company of Coldstream Guards, and on home leave bought the necessary instruments to do so. The band, a little ensemble of about 10 players, became so good that they were allowed to accompany route marches. However, Tommy had sworn revenge for the loss of two sergeants during an eventful spell in the line, and he decided that the band would be the best means to settle the score (if you’ll forgive the pun).

They advertised a musical entertainment in German, which they stuck above the parapet. The show would start at midnight, which indeed it did, and the Germans were treated to plenty of music to their liking, such as The Watch on the Rhine. However, what they didn’t know was that our front line had been evacuated, and the artillery had been primed to let rip on the opposing trenches three minutes into the concert. To cut several pages of Miss MacDonald’s account short, Tommy exacted his revenge, on 4th August 1915.

Can I use this story as an example of the war's musical connections which I am collecting, and as an opportunity to ask fellow Pals for any similar material, military or civilian, which they may come across.

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Guest Pete Wood

The following are extracts from the London Gazette, to do with Tommy's military career - and his death:

Buckinghamshire (Royal Bucks Hussars); the

date of appointment of Second Lieutenants

William C. Stokes and Thomas C. R. Agar-

Robartes is 5th August, 1914, and not as

stated in the London Gazette of the 22nd

September, 1914.

Buckinghamshire (Royal Bucks Hussars).

Second Lieutenant Thomas C. R. Agar-

Robartes to be Captain. Dated 19th September,



Coldstream Guards, Captain The Honourable

Thomas Charles Reginald Agar-Robartes,

from Buckinghamshire (Royal Bucks

Hussars) Yeomanry, Territorial Force, to be

Lieutenant. Dated 5th January, 1915.




The undermentioned Lieutenants to be

temporary Captains, supernumerary to

establishment: —

Dated 10th June, 1915.

S. G. F. Taylor.

Charles, Viscount Marsham.

The Honourable T. C. R. Agar-Robartes,

Special Reserve.

NOTICE is hereby given, that all creditors and

other persons having any debts, claims or

demands against the estate of Thomas Charles Reginald

Agar-Robartes, late of 1, Great Stanhope-street,

Mayfair, W., a Captain in His Majesty's Coldstream

Guards (who died on the 30th day of September,

1915, and whose will was proved in the Principal

Registry of the Probate Division of His Majesty's

High Court of Justice, on the 17th day of November,

1915, by Francis Gerald Agar-Robartes, one of the

executors therein named), are hereby required to send

particulars, in writing, of their debts, claims or

demands to us, the undersigned, as Solicitors to the

said executor, on or before the 20th day of December,

1915, after which date the said executor will

proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased

amongst the persons entitled thereto, having regard

only to the debts, claims and demands of which he

shall then have had notice; and that he will not be

liable for the assets, or any part thereof, so distributed,

to any person or persons of whose debt, claim

or demand he shall not then have had notice.—Dated

this 20th day of November, 1915.


square, Lincoln's-inn, W.C., Solicitors for the

said Executor.

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Guest Pete Wood

Does anyone have access to the war diary of 1 Bn Coldstream Guards for this day, 30th September 1915??

I'd really like to know if Tommy gets a mention.

Also, if TCR Agar-Robartes was nominated for a VC (but didn't get it), does that mean he would have received another medal - or a Mention in Dispatches (MiD)....?? If so, does anyone have further info??

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  • 1 month later...
Also, if TCR Agar-Robartes was nominated for a VC (but didn't get it), does that mean he would have received another medal - or a Mention in Dispatches (MiD)....?? If so, does anyone have further info??

If he was recommended for a VC, it is unlikely that, his senior officers having decided that a VC wasn't merited, would opt for not giving him any award at all.

I have seen a number of citations where the award recommended has been reduced, DCM to MM, MC to MID, etc., however the circumstances would have been very unusual for the man's immediate senior officer to have believed his actions worthy of the highest honour, only for someone further up the chain of command to deny him even the lowest of honours and rewards.


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