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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

12th Suffolk Regiment


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Hi folks,

I wonder if any Suffolk Regiment experts could help me out again? I have a chap who was killed on the above date whilst serving with the 12th Battalion - he has no known grave, and I can only assume he was killed / missing in action during the German Spring offensive. Could anyone tell me what action the battalion was involved with and where they were on this day?

Many thanks


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From 'The History of the Suffolk Regiment 1914-1927'.

Part of 121st Brigade, 40th Division. Went into line at beginning of April 1918 at Fleurbaix. Strong enemy attack on 9th April and 12th Battalion was ordered to retire across the Lys. After a series of attacks and counter attacks the battalion was withdrawn on 13th April to Strazeele.

During the action B and C Companies particularly had heavy casualties and total for battalion was 423 and in May 1918 it was reduced to a training cadre.

PM me your address if you would like photocopies of the relevant pages.

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