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Best Great War Film


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This past week, they had Sgt York and Dawn Patrol back to back on TCM ... didn't get much sleep that night.

Not the faintest connectiion to Reality-TV in that lot!

I overheard someone say that there was a connection between Mell & Erroll. Can't remember what it was, but it wasn't about whose portrayals of WW1 were more believable,

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I can just see it now ... a Mel-Movie about WWI ...

Any one can Andy.

Jist mosey on down to the video or DVD store and ask for "Gallipoli", or take it if that's still the done thing.

Rumour has it that they made a few bucks profit!

I don't know if its Anti-war Pro-war or even a war Movie.

Yep they strut around in Military uniforms, or the Anzac derivation thereof, for a fair part of the movie. The scenes in the trenches at the Nek take a few moments. The 'charge' of the 3rd of 3 lines of 150 men across a paddock the size of a tennis court, Yeah memorable, but it would hardly constitute a WAR epic. It doesn't even mention what happenned to the men in the previous two charges, or what else was going on within the surrounding acre or two.

Still it wasn't Hollingwood.

Then again that's only my opinion.

Have a nice day now.


Damn where'd I put that NEW hat?

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Do you mean that as well as featuring the goddess Ursula (sigh), there were aeroplanes......??

I'd better watch that film again, more carefully.

It`s 2 years today since Racing Teapots first graced the forum. Here`s a little something to remind him of his favourite WW1 film. Phil B

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Here`s a little something to remind him of his favourite WW1 film.    Phil B


Good point, yes where?


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Perhaps Robbie can find a suitable replacement among those WW1 French Postcards he has camoflagued by adding "and German"

Funnything there is a new thread called "Unseen Photo's of Ypres". Seems my offereing has also been designated in the best unseen category.

As I cannot understand why, here is a replacement of my watering hole

OK THe penny has dropped. Ya knotter loud stikkin picktyers of h2o


Edited by bonza
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I agree that ww1 needs the hollywood treatment in the same vein of "Saving Private Ryan." I don't even mind if liberties are taken a little if it helps to boost awareness amongst people.

I have felt ever since I read it that "Birdsong" would make excellent cinema (it would also be great on the small screen as a series perhaps- anyone out there from the beeb?)

How about Colin Firth as Stephen Wraysford , Tim Healey as Jack Firebrace and the French actress out of "Chocolat" as Isabelle. Is it Juliet Binoche?

If done correctly the scenes around the events of July 1st 1916 could really open up peoples eyes.

However, I would be a litttle concerned that the romantic side of the story might lead to a Titanic/ Pearl Harbor type film with the love story taking over.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Len Shurtleff

Someone mentioned "A Very Long Engagement," Cirprien Japriso's prize-winning WWI love story. That has been made into a film, but is not yet available on DVD or videotape. Another recent French novel, "The Officers' Ward" (Chambre des Officiers) about French officers suffering facial wounds (les geules casses), was been released in Europe and No. America in 2002, and is available on DVD from Amazon.


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There was a more recent film called something like 'Deathwatch' which was about some British soldiers caught behind German lines and got stuck in a dug out which was haunted....or something like that, not seen it though.

I think that film is best viewed as a classic british horror flick that just happens to be set in a first world war trench, it should not be seen as a first world war film.

As a horror film it is a corker :)


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To mention some more oblique titles:

Not sure if it counts as a war movie, but "Doctor Zhivago," ranks up there for me. I can also watch this one without getting that evil eye from the missus :D

I also enjoy the French movie, "Capitain Conan," which is available on DVD.

I remember a haunting movie I saw a few years back, also French, about a woman looking for her husband who she thought might still be alive. Finally he was traced to a train accident in a tunnel. Anyone happen to remember the name??


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  • 2 years later...

My Top Ten in order would be:

Gallipoli: love everything about this film

Regeneration: superb dramatisation of Pat Barker's novel

Paths of Glory: what can you say - just brilliant!

All Quiet on the Western Front - the American 'made for TV' colour version isn't half bad either

Lawrence of Arabia: - great film, almost forgot to put it in my list though!

Aces High: like the premise of this film, some great scenes

The Lighthorsemen: saw it years ago, like to see it again

An Awfully Long Engagement: poignant French drama with surprise Jodie Foster cameo!

The Trench: not great but thought bits of it were pretty good

Sergeant York: a bit 'dated' now - time for a remake?

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Well, there is a lot of rubbish out there so maybe the start of another thread, but to list the good ones I would say:

Lawrence of Arabia - 1962 (cinematic brilliance)

Tell England - 1931 (a must for the Gallipoli buff)

All Quiet on the Western Front - 1930 (The original is truly faultless, the colour one is John-boy rubbish)

Gallipoli - 1981 (great cinematography & soundtrack, but sadly the anti-British and factually incorrect pom bashing lets it down a bit, shame on you Mr Weir)

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Another vote for 'A Month in the Country' - good film and excellent short read. Perfect if your short of a novel for the summer.


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Film of 'Regeneration' is better than this thread suggests. Some beautifully shot scenes and a really good attempt at depicting the acts, symptoms and feelings of shell shocked soldiers.


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Intending to finish, then another thought.....last one.

'Her Privates We' is crying out for a film depiction. It would need the Spielburg/Hanks Band of Brothers type touch - true understanding of men fighting together. No need for love interest and big stars, merely a sense of what binds fighting men together.

Not big box office, but with a significant appeal.


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I'm going to stick up for Regneration. I thought it was a great evocation of the time, the over head tracking shot across the battlefields were suitably grim and I thought it raised some really meaty questions about, well, regeneration. I found the whole conundrum the doctor faced of sending men out to fight, patching them back up when they came back damaged and sending them out again like robots a powerful one.

All Quiet On the Western Front is great as well.

Interesting, there are so many good WW2 films but for me very few good WW1 films. I liked Regeneration and it's disappointing that the other two books in the trilogy won't be made.

I waited years to see All quiet on the Western front and I have to say I was disappointed. I have also seen the Trench recently, well when it came out, and although it was a bit cliched but I quite enjoyed it. I enjoyed paths of Glory and think it's much better than All quiet.

One book I would love to see made into a film would be "Birdsong" Without doubt one of the best books i have ever read.

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All Quiet on the Western Front, the 1930's version of course. The scene with the butterfly on the gun barrel was among the most poignant things I have seen.

My favourite play I ever saw was R.C. Sherriff's 'Journey's End'.

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As a newcomer to this forum I'm not sure if anyone has asked this?

But my recommendation would be Stanley Kubricks "Paths of Glory"

Any others?

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defo regeneration, merry xmas mr lawrence, the pianist, killing fields, platoon, great escape, schindlers list, the trench, a long engagement, platoon

birdsong would b amazing and i agree with prev post a journeys end the best play ever.

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WW1 Films only allowed Birdy... :lol:

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