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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

10th Battalion Gloucestershire regiment


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My Great Grandfather served from 1915 to 1918 in the 10th Battalion of the gloucestershire regiment as a private 12462 and transferred to the Machine gun Corps private 162768 in april 1918. I have found out the 10th battalions war diaries and also descriptions in books of what they did and given the limited amount of service records I beleive I have found out all I can in regards to action witht the glosters. However I have found out he was in the 18th company MGC but what they did and where they were is limited. Anyone Help?

I am also trying to confirm the identity of a Private later Corporal William Ingles 13488 who served in the 10th battalion Glosters who won the DCM at Loos on the 25th sept 1915 and was killed 3 weeks later. My great Grandfathers Mothers Maiden name was Ingles and william came from the same area and served in the same battalion as my great grandfather. So trying to confirm whether he is a relation.

Thank you and Kind regards David Large

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Hi Dave and welcome to the Forum

I have no knowlegde of 10th GLOSTERS but I am sure that there is a pal who can help - just bide your time


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I used to know a Veteran of 10th Glosters late-15 to the Somme when he was wounded.

BUT as my interesrt was more 4th Bn Gren Gds who he transferred to I didn't ask him about his time in the Glosters much. Sorry!

He was Aleck Jones. (on my signature.)

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Hello David

Sure he was in 18th Company MGC? By April 1918 the MGC had been formed into Battalions - could it have been 18th Battalion?

I am sure you know his transfer was (probably) due to the disbandment of 10th Glos in February 1918.

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You could always give the Regiment of Gloucester museum a ring (they're on the web). I gather that they have some additional archives, although whether 10th Glosters, I know not.


Hey, look - I've just been commissioned! When does my scroll signed by the Queen come through?

Edited by Willywombat
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Sorry yes it was 18th Battalion of the 18th Eastern Division served on the Western front. I have been to the regimental museum several times since I was 15 having been born in Gloucsester I have reason to visit frequently the most recent being summer last year and they have not been able to tell me much due to all the usual reasons and I recently found out most of my info from an historian living in Gloucester who deals with MGC material quite a bit.

I have found out most of the info I can about Pvt Ingles I am trying to find out if he is related to my G/Grandfather.

Thanks everyone on your prompt responses I look forward to plenty more discusssions

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