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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Capt Anketell Moutray Read VC


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Can anyone fill in the circumstances of this officer's death. He was attached RFC at the time but I can not find any more details.

At the beginning of the Battle of Loos various Contact Patrols were flown by the RFC. I am trying to find out if he was actually in an aircraft or was in the front line as a liason officer. There are a couple of other officers listed as RFC casualties on the ground at the front.

Was the VC for this action or was it earned previous?

Any help appreciated.


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According to The Victoria Cross Reference Site

On 25 September 1915 near Hulloch, France, Captain Read, although partially gassed, went out several times in order to rally parties of different units which were disorganised and retiring. He led them back into the firing line and regardless of danger to himself, moved about under withering fire, encouraging them, but he was mortally wounded while carrying out this gallant work. He had shown conspicuous bravery on other occasions, particularly on the night of 29/30 July when he carried out of action an officer who was mortally wounded, under a hot fire of rifle and grenades.


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Thanks for that. Curious that he is listed as attached RFC at the time.

The only thing I can think of is that he was the designated officer for the Contact Patrol. Strange though, in that the other casualties of CP's at Loos were RFC officers dispatched to the front.

Curiouser and curiouser....


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Read had previously served with the RFC, which is why there is mention of that... he then went back to the infantry where had been before the RFC, and was killed as a Company Commander at Loos. No connection with the RFC with his death, however.

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That would explain a lot. I wonder why he was given an RFC Casualty Card? Perhaps the "paper-work" was still clearing at the time of his death.

Certainly explains why Henshaw couldn't find a combat record for the day.

Thanks, one more little mystery solved


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