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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

Brothers in the Green Howards


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I have recently found out that my Great Uncle, Luther Paxton and his brother Thomas served in the Green Howards during WW1. Originating from Richmond North Yorks, I know they had at least 4 other brothers (who may well also have served).

All I know so far is that 2917 Sgt. Thomas Paxton has medals in the Regimental museum in Richmond. I will be getting there asap !!

In addition I know that Luther Paxton was wounded and was nursed at Kettering VAD during 1915 I think.

I am lucky enough to posses about 60 photographs taken at Kettering VAD by Luther and his pals, showing soldiers and nurses etc. In addition I have a book of "Efforts" containing drawings, paintings, poems and a couple of pages simply listing the names of soldiers, units and where wounded. I can scan these in if anyone wants to make them available to others on a web site or whatever.

I know little else about the Paxton brothers service and would be very grateful for any further information that anyone can find out.

Many thanks.


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I have a copy of Green Howards in the Great War so if you could come up with battalion numbers I could trace some movements.

Would love to see a scan of your list of soldiers and where wounded etc.

By the way the museum in Richmond is well worth a visit, I think you will be impressed with the medal room.


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Hi Peter.

Any Bedfords on your list of wounded at Kettering?

Best wishes.


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I'm in process of scanning things in. I have attached one of the pages (the one with most names). There are other pages with paintings etc. with the author's single name and details. I've not really attempted to decipher the handwriting yet. I will compile a text list which I'll post here in due course. Give me a week or so.




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  • 10 months later...
Found a Bedford.

Any takers to decipher the name.

Pte ? ????

2nd Battalion Bedfordshire Rg

Wounded at Festubert

9th May 1915

From my limited caligraphy skills I would guess at I Dammer.... its not classic copperplate, but close!

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I work in Richmond and have visited the museum on numerous occasions.

Before you go it may be worth you contacting the museum to give them what information you have and to give them time to do a bit of digging.

They will certainly be interested in your photos and book.

Do you know the names of all the brothers?

If not a look on the 1901 census at PRO Online should give you them.

Also what battalions they served with?

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