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The Last Great War Veteran

Guest A Mafia Man

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Guest A Mafia Man

Reading the BBC On-Line pages and saw this item & thought it would be of interest to all Pals, especially as there was a recent thread concerning the numbers of WW1 veterans still alive.

Click the link: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/3245787.stm

I thoroughly enjoyed the read especially as the man served in the Royal Berkshire Regt, the same as my grandfather.



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Well, I was wrong about NZ not celebrating Armistice Day, but we don't do much.

There is a parade on Saturday 8th at a local suburb, and probably in some other places,and a programme on TV3 on the 11th- Bright Williams- Last Man Standing- an interview with Bright Williams the last NZ WW1 soldier, who died earlier this year.

There was going to be the ? ( not "opening" but I can't think of the right word) of the Unknown Warrior's tomb in Wgton, but I don't think the legal situation got resolved, and am not sure what the situation is now

But our memorial day is Anzac Day, 25 April, which is 1/2 a public holiday.-shops are now allowed in the afternoon. All the ceremonies are held in the morning

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Mafia Man's link was indeed interesting but I found it confusing.

Can anyone explain what this passage actually means:

"The lance corporal has been confirmed as the last remaining veteran - out of 27 - who was decorated for bravery with the Military Medal.

The medal was awarded to non-commissioned officers for acts of bravery, with 115,600 awarded between 1914-18."

Is that 27 members of the Royal Berks? 27 Lance Corporals? Or is that a total of 27 veterans still surviving?



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As I understand it, there are 27 veterans of the Great War still alive in the UK. They may well have won medals and honours in WW2 and other conflicts, and let's not forget that all the surviving Allied veterans of the Great War were awarded the Legiond'Honneur by the French Government in 1998. However, James (hope I've got his name right, the paper is downstairs) is the only one of the 27 survivors with a medal that was earned and awarded during WW1.

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After they first thought there were none left who fought in the Belgian Army in WWI, it appears two Belgian veterans are still alive, 103 and 104 years old. One has been found in the US only a few weeks ago... Unfortunately it appears his memory isn't that good any more.

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Guest lemon trench

Are we saying therefore that we know there are only 27 surviving veterans of the First World War left - or are there more - it is confusing !!

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This has been discussed quite a few times on the forum in the past.

I think it's fair to say there are 27 vets known about but feel sure there are others out there who for reasons of their own choice prefer to stay in the background.


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No one knows how many there are in the US. Many never had any dealings with the Veterans Administration which is remarkably incompetent anyway. Accident burned nearly all the records held by National Military Records Center which is incredibly incompetent in 1970. Over 4 million served, there are probably about as many as in the UK. One I know of in Kentucky, for years they would show up in obits that we did not know about but this has not happened in the last 2 or so.

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We don't have a clue, read an estimate yesterday of 200 but that's way too high. Robley Rex of Louisville, Kentucky does volunteer work at a Veteran's Administration hospital and at 102 and good health has a shot of being the last one, can't be any younger than him.

Never say never, just saw one of the UK men is 101.

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US Vets assoc claims that there are 44 still alive and well today, plus 2 mexicans now living in the US.

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