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At the end of the war when a soldier was demobilized, was it common practice for the man to "retain" his uniform & various accoutrements; I don't suppose he was issued with a demob suit. ( or was he).


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Guest Ian Bowbrick


You will see lists in soldiers records of items of kit returned, however most retained their uniforms, caps and great coats. My uncle has my grandfathers - lucky so & so.


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Soldiers being demobbed had a choice of retaining their uniform or being

issued with a demob suit. I suppose depending on the circumstances that

they were returning to, it seems most opted from the demob suit. Although

I believe they could keep their boots either way, not sure about greatcoat

but possibly the same.


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Demob suits were supplied in one pattern but in a variety of colours: Blue, Dark Grey, Light Grey, Dark Brown and Light Brown. If the seviceman chose to forgo this option they received the sum of fifty-two shillings and sixpence. Those who chose to keep their greatcoats had £1 deducted from their pay. They were also issued with Army Form Z 50 (greatcoat voucher). If, within a specified amount of time they chose to rid themselves of the garment, they could hand it in at their local railway station and, on production of the voucher, would be recompensed.

Terry Reeves

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