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Tank Corps/HB MGC Numbering Case Study

Guest Ian Bowbrick

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Guest Ian Bowbrick

Can any pal explain the following!!

In sorting my photo collection, I came across a signed photo of an MGC soldier called Walter Wotherspoon. I decided to check him out at the PRO but could not find an MIC to such a person who served or had served in the MGC. There was however 78618 Pte Walter Wotherspoon Tank Corps <_<

On the slim chance that his record had survived, I looked in WO363 and found it was there (sorry Brian T!). Walter had first served in the ASC then had been compulsorily transferred to the MGC (Heavy Branch) and given the number 78618.

(Interestingly he served as a Gunner in the 9th Bn and it is highly likely that he was at Cambrai - which makes this a really nice find).

Now I would have expected him to be given a new number when MGC HB men were transferred into the Tank Corps?

Of course there is the chance that he was given a new number and that also happened to be the same but this is so slim as to be virtually impossible. In fact his military history sheet makes no reference to the Tank Corps at all!! The only document that does is his MIC (he is also on the TC roll).

Can someone explain.

Many thanks - Ian

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Hi Ian,

I have come across a similar situation. I have a dog tag to a Private William Burrans of the HB MGC and on looking up his MIC he is just shown as having served in the Tank Corps. The Regimental Number is, however, the same as on his dog tag (91350). His War & Victory Medal Roll also only shows him as having served in the Tank Corps. Sadly his records have not survived. He was later killed at Cambrai on 20th November 1917 whist serving with "E" Battalion, 5th Tank Corps.



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Guest Ian Bowbrick

Hey Steve,

Nice to see you on the forum!

Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to look up the roll - have you?

If not all the numbers are sequential perhaps the situation is similar to the MGC where numbers begin at 3000. Perhaps with the Tank Corps their numbers begin at a certain number and the others below it are transfers from the MGC HB?

Needs checking.

Cheers - Ian

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Hi Ian

I would assume that HB MGC numbers were transferred to the Tank Corps in blocks. Most of the various MGC branches were consecutively numbered eg ;- MGC Cav 39725 to 42000, 47001 to 47998, 50502 to 52960, 56771 to 56870, 62501 to 62597 etc etc.



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