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Machine Gun Corps Soldier?


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Tracing my Gt-Uncle's service John Daniel Motteram. Not on the MIC rolls under that name- poss. Mottram/Motterham etc. Wondered about his service until lately when a photo/postcard came to light of him in a group with other men wearing the cap badges of the MGC, outside a wooden hut. Dan as he was known wrote on the back that he was one of 5 men from Barrow in Furness on the photo, the others were from Wales and yorkshire.There are no clues as to where it was taken. The date written on the card to his brother was Thursday 13th June -was that 1918?

Can anyone suggest which unit Dan was attached to from this or has aanyone come across the name on the medal rolls or elsewhere?

Bit of a longshot, I know!

Cheers Anthony :huh:

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That's a possibility Ian. I never thought that he might not have served overseas but at any rate I know there is no entry for him under the name Motteram, whether John or Daniel.



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Guest Ian Bowbrick


Don't give up!

When I started all this research business I looked up my grandfather, easy, then my wife's. Easy again I thought I had seen a picture of him in uniform - MGC uniform wearing a trio medal ribbon. I also knew his name was D G Hall. Could I find him in the medal index cards................NO! Eventually I ploughed through all the MICs for Hall ( :blink: ) and found him under G Hall!! This was confirmed when my mother-in-law turned up his paybook and medals (mixed emotion time :ph34r: ). Sometimes things are not as simple as they appear.

Happy hunting - Ian

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It could be,that he never saw service,if he was called up in June 1918.

Have you tried the MGC Old Comrades Association.

There is a guy called Jim Parker,who has done much research on the MGC.

They maybe worth a try,and i believe there is a link to them through this website.

If not,try Tom Morgans Hellfire Corner Website,as i am sure there is a link from there.

I have to agree with Ian,to keep at it.

The MGC is a very difficult beast to research at the best of times,because of the loss of records,and the fact that later on in the war,it all got a little bit complicated,due to the sheer weight of men going into the Corps.

Do you have anything like a service number at all?

My Great-grandad,was a small village resident,from Berkshire, a father of 4,who ended up serving in a London Terrier Division,surrounded by Eastenders,and people from all over the country.

It is possible,that he may have been a conscript,some one called up to serve rather than volunteering.

This maybe something else to look at,in his local area.

The local record office,in Barrow-in-Furness,may have records of his call up papers.

I hope this is of help,Anthony,and good hunting.

You are in the right place.


Simon Furnell.

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Simon and Ian,

Thanks for the suggestions. I don't have a service number but I won't give up!

I'll let you know how I get on.



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Have you checked the "Absent Voter Lists"? These were compiled, initially, around August 1918 and might give his full details. You need to know his address and the parliamentary constituency that fell into in 1918, as these are never indexed (in my experience).

There are many blank entries on these lists - apart from the name and address - but don't give up! There were similar lists compiled in 1919, 1920 & 1921 (getting smaller all the time!), so a record of the unit he was serving with might be shown in them. Yes, they do cover units in the U.K., so your man doesn't need to be serving abroad.

In Nottinghamshire, the ABVs are kept at the County Archive Office. I presume this would apply to your part of the world too.

Cheers & good luck!


P.S. My grandfather was a member of the 3rd Battalion MGC. A wonderful unit!

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Thanks for your suggestion-again thats another avenue to explore.I hope to soon follow it up with a trip to the record office in Barrow. Dan emigrated in the 20's to America and inevitably family ties gradually became more distant.


Anthony ;)


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I can't believe it! A successful image post! I will take that as a good omen.

Dan is fourth from the right on the front row.

Thanks again,

Anthony :D

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