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Hello Everyone

Please feel free to tell me tp "naff orf" if this is too complicated a request but could someone with access to the SDGW cds please tell me if there are any GLEW/GLUE entries were the place of birth/enlistment or residence is given as Dewsbury. Because of the relative rarity of the name I can't imagine that there will be many but as I said please feel free to tell me if it is too complicated a search.


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I couldn't find a Gloo, but found 4 men named Glue.

Nothing connected with Dewsbury though. All of them are from 'down south' but 2 of them have no residence shown:

Charles Richard Glue, Private G/994, Royal Sussex Regt. born & enlisted Sussex, died 22/3/15

Albert George Glue, A/Bdr. 10885, RHA & RFA, born and enlisted Hants. died 19/9/16

I suppost that one of may have moved to Dewsbury?

Sorry I can't be of more help.

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Cheers Roy

I do have one GLEW born and enlisted in Dewsbury, but I suspect that there are more.

Thanks for your help


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I can find only one "Glew" with a Dewsbury connection. He's probably the one you already have?

11745 Pte George Glew, 6/KOYLI, DOW 19/9/1915.

There are several more that have connections in the rough area (Leeds, Halifax, etc.) but he's the only one directly linked to Dewsbury.


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There is another, though from WW2.

10602186 Tpr. Jack Glew, Recconnaisance Corps, Died 19/4/1945, Italy. He was born in Dewsbury and resided in Leeds.

Another Jack Glew's (died 1944) details just list "Yorkshire".


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I can find only one "Glew" with a Dewsbury connection. He's probably the one you already have?

He certainly is Dave, trouble is he should be called Walter :D

The Jack Glew from WW2 that you have brought my attention to looks like my mothers Uncle John. I've been searching for him for ages as John, I hadn't actually considered Jack as a first name. Thanks for going the extra mile.



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