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The Great War (1914-1918) Forum

11th Cameronians (Scottish Rifles)


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I am currently looking into the military service of Frank Cooper, who was killed in action in Salonika on 9 May 1917, while serving with 11th Bn, the Scottish Rifles.

His CWGC entry is here.

Unfortunately his service papers have been destroyed.

I am interested in any comments on two things.

1. His regimental number is A/8379. I presume the A prefix was a Company reference, but as I know little about the Scottish Rifles this is only a guess. Can anyone confirm this?

2. There is some ambiguity about his rank. CWGC has Private, as does SDGW. Medal Index Card has Sergeant. Medal Roll (BWM/VM) has both...Pte when becoming 'non effective' and Sgt when entering the theatre of war. This may mean he was an Acting Seergeant and substantive Private, I suppose. If anyone has any Scottish Rifles records that might confirm, that would be just great.

The battalion war diary does not mention Frank, except as a statistic among the 12 killed, 102 missing and 134 wounded on this day. If anyone has other diaries or notes concerning the action on 9 May 1917, I would be most interested.

Thank in advance.

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don't think it is a company number - SDitGW has SR casualties with A/ and B/ number prefixes but not C/ and D/, or any other letter prefix. The numbers are all 4 digit in the series 6xxx, 7xxx and 8xxx - with no obvious relationship between letters and numbers.

All bar one seem to have been killed serving in regular or service battalions - the bulk in regular battalions.

The first A died in Dec 14 and the first B in Mar 15.

Possibly Special Reservists ?????????????????????


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